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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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When Cameron was handed that list of alleged pedos, it seemed to me that it must have contained the names of very prominent and powerful people, all the way up the chain...I think that hush money has been doled out by the millions...

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How come some dont get their names released? Is it true that they are all Masons? The one I know who's name hasn't been released is under suicide watch at moment, he is well in with Royal family too. "Can you see whonitbis yet?"

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Were those quotes from Davidson before he was arrested? If so, really weird things to say. Mostly for drawing attention to yourself but also using words like nonce and pervert. Those quotes suggest he knew it happened, but didn't necessarily get involved.

But I'm not going to make a habit of defending Davidson, the guy is a grade A moron and poor excuse for an entertainer, I just can't work out why he would say something like that to the media if he was in any way involved.

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Well if he knew about the abuse and didn't report it, then he is involved. To say you 'knew' that he was a nonce suggests that you've either witnessed something or have some other strong evidence.

Surely a superinjunction wouldn't prevent information on a crime from being made public? And to release 'names' without any real evidence would be libellous surely?

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I'm sure in a report I read it said the women involved with Davidson were in their 20's when it happened? So not a dirty filthy pedo? Or did I misread it and they're in their 20's now...? Even so.

"It's only a game soooooo

put up a real good fight!

I'm going to be raping you tonight

I'm famed for aim sooooo

you better believe I'm right!

I'm going to be raping you, raping you tonight!




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I'm sure in a report I read it said the women involved with Davidson were in their 20's when it happened? So not a dirty filthy pedo? Or did I misread it and they're in their 20's now...? Even so.

They were in their mid twenties, when it happened 25 years ago.

Now don't get me wrong, rape is rape, and if it can be proven and he can be punished, great.

But there seems to be no reason at all to tie this in with "Operation Yewtree". The remit of this investigation seems to get larger every day. I have to wonder how much they'd have given a **** about the Davidson offenses if they couldn't tack it on t o the back of the Savile stuff and make it look like they're doing something productive.

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He wasn't shagging Elton Welsby when he was that young surely?

Apparently he made a statement *

Cos on Sunday next at ten to four

I’ve got an invitation for

A trip around Katharine Hamnett’s warehouse

Followed by dinner with David Emanuel

Who I can’t wait to tell about my dream

In which the almost illegal Elton Welsby

Is dressed as a French maid on a moonless byway

Licking his lips as he creeps ever closer

Fast falls the eventide...

* no he didn't. HMHB did

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Seemingly anyone can say someone touched them up 20-40 years ago and with no evidence, that person is arrested. Doesn't sound right to me?

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im not sure they'd go around arresting people with little evidence, i'm pretty sure when they come across a name more than a few times, it's worth questioning them.

Interesting Article. I'd heard rumours but still haven't seen any confirmation about some individuals question. Super Injunctioned i imagine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Broadcaster Stuart Hall has been charged with one offence of rape and 14 offences of indecent assault, Lancashire Police have said.

Mr Hall, 83, of Wilmslow, Cheshire, was arrested on Tuesday after attending a police station by appointment.

The rape is alleged to have been committed in 1976 against a 22-year-old woman.

The indecent assaults are alleged to have taken place between 1967 and 1986 on 10 girls aged between nine and 16.

From the Beeb. Liked him :(

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BBC receives 216 complaints for Tweenies Jimmy Savile spoof


Max appeared wearing a wig and costume in the sketch

The BBC has received 216 complaints about an episode of The Tweenies, in which a character appeared dressed as disgraced TV presenter Jimmy Savile. The programme, which was filmed in 2001, was shown on CBeebies before 09:00 GMT on Sunday.

In the scene, the character Max appeared in a blonde wig, wearing Savile's trademark tracksuits and using his accent and catchphrases. Thirty-four people also contacted the BBC to comment on the programme. A spokesperson for the BBC said the majority of the complaints were made immediately after the programme was broadcast.

Police say DJ and presenter Savile sexually abused hundreds of people during 60 years in entertainment.

Apologising for the sketch, the BBC said: "This morning CBeebies broadcast a repeat of an episode of the Tweenies, originally made in 2001, featuring a character dressed as a DJ impersonating Jimmy Savile. This programme will not be repeated and we are very sorry for any offence caused."

Media watchdog Ofcom said it was assessing whether any broadcasting rules have been broken, but was not currently investigating. It is understood that the regulator received "tens, rather than hundreds" of complaints about the episode. The episode featured the character Max presenting a Top Of The Pops-style programme. He was wearing a wig and used Savile's familiar catchphrase: "Now then, guys and gals." The gaffe was picked up by fans on social networking sites such as Twitter.

Glenn Ebrey tweeted: "Dear CBeebies, I'm not sure this was a good choice of DJ to impersonate on The Tweenies today."

Kenny Senior wrote "Are BBC trying to self destruct? Max from Tweenies dressed as Jimmy Savile just now nearly chokes on my cornflakes."

A recent Metropolitan police report into allegations of sexual abuse against Savile, who died in 2011 aged 84, concluded the presenter and DJ was a "prolific, predatory sex offender" who abused more than 200 people over a 60-year period. The Tweenies, which was a co-production between Tell-Tale Productions and the BBC was cancelled in 2003 but episodes have been repeated regularly since then. Episodes mixed stories, song and creative activities aimed at helping children to learn through play.

Whoops. :lol:

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So Stuart Hall has now been charged with 14 indecent assaults and 1 rape.

Going to an interesting trial.

I'm going to assume there is no forensics or DNA so unless there are eye-witnesses with pretty concrete evidence what's to stop Hall saying all the contact (with adults) was consentual and all the contact with kids is total lies?

Given the modern rape conviction rate when you include dna/forensic evidence its hard to see anything but an not guilty verdict here.

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It sits slightly uneasily with me that it takes nothing but a 'she said' story with zero evidence to get someone to court in the first place. I appreciate the difficulty in acquiring evidence in cases of this nature but the fact remains that it is rife for abuse (no pun intended). There is nothing to stop a perfectly innocent person from having their reputation destroyed by someone with a bone (no pun intended) to pick. We can only hope the police know what they're doing :shock:

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Exactly. I'm more sympathetic to Hall because I really like the bloke's persona on the radio, he's hilarious when he does his match reports.

Jim Davidson is a massive word removed who can rot in Belmarsh for all I care but thinking sensibly, I agree totally that all that appears to have happened in these cases is that a few random complainants have made allegations that it is going to be impossible to gather actual evidence about.

A decent defence barrister is going to have a field day with some of these trials.....

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