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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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Seems like there is something bigger going on to the point we will never know.

I just read an article where former radio one DJ Liz Kershaw claims she was groped etc and that it was well known what was going on. Trust me on this that although maybe true, she is all of a sudden coming out with this for reason.

There was a culture in this country where this was routine, unremarkable, and not something where a complaint would be taken seriously. It was not in any respect the sole preserve of the BBC or the world of music presenters.

There was a long campaign fought for many years to change this, involving things like objecting to pages from soft porn mags being displayed on office walls, which, strange as it may now seem, was an everyday occurrence.

The women who led this campaign were treated to the full works of the gutter press, who portrayed them as overall-wearing lesbians who sought to clamp down on the right to have "a bit of fun".

Some of the comments now being made about previous harassment seem to me to have the air of people saying "Can you believe what used to happen?", rather than intended as disclosures of something thought to be on the same scale as the Savile stuff.

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Isn't it strange?

Social Services decide, taking into account legal advice and the findings of a previous court case, to terminate a temporary foster placement a few weeks early: condemnation all round, immediate inquiry, heads must roll, sonorous pronouncements from everyone.

Kids subjected to routine physical and sexual abuse, mistreated and pimped out, threatened, assaulted and in some cases even killed for speaking out: 30 years of cover-ups, reports withheld, evidence goes missing, injunctions, trivial compensation payments, libel threats against people commenting.

We seem to be better at adult protection than child protection.

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Stuart Hall has just been arrested and questioned over allegations of rape. Bloody hell.

Hmmm I'm rather sceptical about that one tbh, he was a regular at a gay night in Liverpool a few decades ago and he never struck me as the non consensual type. His pick ups were usually in the 25 - 30 year old bracket and obviously gay and up for it. It really was a NW scene thing, gay men used to travel from all over the NW for that night as it was one of the very few openly gay nights in the region, going there mostly with the specific intent of picking someone up for the night. There were people in there that got off on trying to "turn" younger straight lads (not at that night obviously), the club owner himself for one but Stuart Hall never seemed to be a part of that particular scene. I wouldn't be shocked if no charges were made on this one tbh. Hope so anyway as he always struck me as a fun bloke

EDIT: even more sceptical now I've discovered he's accused of indecent acts with young girls

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Hmmm I'm rather sceptical about that one tbh, he was a regular at a gay night in Liverpool a few decades ago and he never struck me as the non consensual type. His pick ups were usually in the 25 - 30 year old bracket and obviously gay and up for it. It really was a NW scene thing, gay men used to travel from all over the NW for that night as it was one of the very few openly gay nights in the region, going there mostly with the specific intent of picking someone up for the night. There were people in there that got off on trying to "turn" younger straight lads (not at that night obviously), the club owner himself for one but Stuart Hall never seemed to be a part of that particular scene. I wouldn't be shocked if no charges were made on this one tbh. Hope so anyway as he always struck me as a fun bloke

EDIT: even more sceptical now I've discovered he's accused of indecent acts with young girls

That struck me as a bit strange, because I remember ages ago hearing from a journo mate who worked in the same newsroom, but not closely with him, how he had come in one day and was giving it out about all the things he'd been doing with a wpc the night before. Nothing remotely illegal, just a lot of "look at me" chauvinist shite. Though I suppose there are plenty of people who might want a laddish persona at work even if their own sexuality is a little more complex, and make things up to fit the character they are trying to impersonate.

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Interesting. Given that Clifford has recently been saying that several of his clients were shitting themsleves about Operation Yewtree, I initially assumed that he was arrested for what he knew and withheld, rather than for what he may have actually done. But it seems otherwise.

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Clifford heh?! The man Simon Cowell (who paid £50k of Jonathan Kings bail... hmmm) pays £250k per year to keep stuff OUT of the press. Methinks if they've got enough on him that he'll turn Queens. Twitchy arse time for the whole UK celepede community methinks.

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Interesting. Given that Clifford has recently been saying that several of his clients were shitting themsleves about Operation Yewtree, I initially assumed that he was arrested for what he knew and withheld, rather than for what he may have actually done. But it seems otherwise.

The Guardian headline says arrested on suspicion of sexual offences (which you would naturally read as suspicion of committing, rather than suspicion of concealing, aiding and abetting or anything else). But the story doesn't actually say anything to support that headline. Odd.

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Well with it being Max Clifford the papers better be extremely careful what headlines they write, if they aren't sure of their facts and they get it wrong it will cost them.

That said I'd imagine there are a lot of people out there, in the press and otherwise who have been waiting many years to get their knives into Clifford. You can almost hear them being sharpened.

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