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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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There's an article by Nick Davies from 1997 which discusses the issue in relation to the North Wales childrens' homes.

The crimes supposedly involved politicians, social workers, police, company directors. The children, apart from being **** against their will, were assaulted, sometimes prosecuted, while the perpetrators went free. Names were suppressed at the time on the instructions of a judge, backed up by the law.

The cover-up went as far as murder.

Sounds rather like the tales of Haut de la Garenne, with the kids being pimped out to wealthy yachtsmen, or the Belgian thing.

Savile almost seems mild in comparison.

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If the rumours that are out there on the net are even half true, then Jimmy Savile is an irrelevance. Both Labour and Tory parties should be made illegal organisations if even half of what is out there is true. If those rumours are true then it wold be the political scandal of the millennium and might even be the death of politics in this country as we know it.

If those rumours are true the scale of the cover up and those involved is mindblowing to be honest. I really hope there's no grain of truth in them at all, for the sake of the country really.

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If the rumours that are out there on the net are even half true, then Jimmy Savile is an irrelevance. Both Labour and Tory parties should be made illegal organisations if even half of what is out there is true. If those rumours are true then it wold be the political scandal of the millennium and might even be the death of politics in this country as we know it.

If those rumours are true the scale of the cover up and those involved is mindblowing to be honest. I really hope there's no grain of truth in them at all, for the sake of the country really.

Very much this, as you say if the rumours are true then the Police, CPS, Local Justices, Social Services, national media, broadcasters and Westminster have engineered a conspiracy over decades that if presented as a work of fiction would be laughed out of the publishers. The question is in this age of public access to information can the establishment still successfully close ranks to suppress it or will people power and truth prevail?

I couldn't agree more that the consequences of full disclosure would be shattering and totally unpredictable, but I pray to God that it happens.

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Interesting that Savile had a close relationship with the Royal Family. Strange they knew nothing of the 'rumours' surrounding him. But then they knew nothing of Diana's car crash either.

Oh and BBC Radio ulsta read out a Savile joke by accident!

Jimmy joke

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Interesting that Savile had a close relationship with the Royal Family. Strange they knew nothing of the 'rumours' surrounding him.

The Police knew what he was doing and didn't act, not sure what the Queen is supposed to do, if she even heard the gossip that he was perv. In the context of the stuff going around at the moment (up to and including a former PM, FFS) the revolting Mr Savile was small time.

Interesting that Newsnight once again pulled back from naming names a few days ago. One wonders if there is a mutual understanding between the BBC and the politicians not to publicly out the other's nonce circles?

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The word on the Newsnight naming thing the other night is that the lawyers got involved sharpish and Newsnight was put in the position where they would be in the shit if they named any names.

The alleged name isn't some new revelation anyway, if 'the rumour mill' is to be believed. It was already one that had come up the rumours, so for anyone invested in the background to all this would probably already know.

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I see Mr Cameron has ordered an inquiry into why these cases weren't investigated properly. How ironic that the media aspects of this may involve Cameron's media adviser Craig Oliver, seen here telling off the Beeb for their handling of the Cameron-Murdoch-Hunt story. Mr Oliver's dad was a chief constable who had to resign after his force (Grampian, also see Donald Trump thread for insights into their more recent performance) were strongly criticised for incompetence in investigating the abduction and murder of a child by a known paedophile. Perhaps Mr Oliver has been able to impress on Mr Cameron the problems that can be caused by weak police action in these cases.

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And Watson's letter to Cameron.

Dear Mr Cameron,

Congratulations on ordering a review of what information government departments may hold about organised child abuse at the heart of government 30 years ago.

In acting swiftly you have sent an important message about how seriously you take this matter. You have done the right thing and I commend you for it.

And the inquiry that you have announced performs a useful function. It is certainly important that government departments trawl their archives to see what documents they hold. But my experience of uncovering massive establishment conspiracies leaves me in no doubt that what you have suggested does not go anything like far enough. Its limited scope may even slow things down, muddy waters, damage trails. What is needed is a much wider, but equally immediate, investigation.

Since sharing my concerns with you at PMQs, a number of people have come forward to say that they raised their suspicions with the police, but investigations were not carried out. One allegation involves alleged child abuse and a former cabinet minister. We both know that many untruths are told about politicians, but this allegation was specific, informed and appeared well corroborated.

Cutting through a concerted establishment cover-up requires meticulous, diligent, fearless commitment to uncover the truth, whomever it unmasks.

My advice to you as Prime Minister – and from one father to another – is that you need to order a special police investigation, outside the affected forces, with proper resources, to review all relevant police files and those of the intelligence services. If they have documents suggesting politicians in the Commons and Lords or others in positions of power were involved in child abuse then they should make them available to a new inquiry team.

The forces so far known of be affected (Met, Surrey, West and South Yorkshire, West Mercia, Dorset, Kent, Essex, North Wales, Suffolk and Sussex) need to have their archives systematically searched for intelligence from witnesses/victims making claims which were not investigated; investigations which were closed down, and so on.

If what you really want – and I believe that it is – is the truth, then you must draw the terms of reference such that the police inquiry has licence to follow any lead it finds in what will be, after all, a serious criminal investigation. There should be no historic sexual abuse of children which is off limits to this investigation. The police should be supported by a dedicated team of child protection specialists, many of whom have been raising their concerns for years. Your advisers will tell you to be wary of “opening the floodgates”. They are wrong. Their decorous caution is the friend of the paedophile. Narrowing the inquiry equals hiding the truth. That is the reality and it is not what you want.

Detailed recommendations about how to organise an investigation is in the possession of the government. The 2002 guidance on Complex Child abuse investigations: Inter agency issues (Home Office and DoH) continues to be relevant and is referenced in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010 Investigating complex (organised or multiple) abuse (p194 6.10-1.6.13).

A dedicated police unit is essential, investigating the organised abuse of children, wherever it happened – from the seediest backstreets even to Downing Street – without fear or favour of exposing the rich and powerful, or those who covered up for them.

And if it opens a floodgate of misery, then so be it. We will all feel dirtied and sickened – as we should. Victims have an absolute right to the whole truth.

I know you want to do this and ask that you give it your urgent attention.

You have no choice.

Yours sincerely

Tom Watson MP

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Watson asks that the investigation looks at instances of police forces failing to address complaints which had been made to them.

It might be worth reviewing what happened at Dunblane, where many complaints had been made about Thomas Hamilton over a long period before he committed the murders, but he was apparently allowed on to school premises, coming and going as he liked.

There is criticism that the police investigated their own alleged failures, and that the evidence seen by the official inquiry is to be kept secret for 100 years.

Evidence of previous police interaction with Hamilton was presented to the Cullen Inquiry but later sealed under a closure order to prevent publication for 100 years.[17] The official reason for sealing the documents was to protect the identities of children, however this led to accusations of a cover-up intended to protect the reputations of officials.[18] Following a review of the closure order by the Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd, edited versions of some of the documents were released to the public in October 2005. Four files containing post mortems, medical records and profiles on the victims remained sealed under the 100 year order to avoid distressing the relatives and survivors.[19]

The released documents revealed that in 1991, following Hamilton's Loch Lomond summer camp, complaints were made to Central Scotland Police and were investigated by the Child Protection Unit. Hamilton was reported to the Procurator Fiscal for consideration of 10 charges, including assault, obstructing police and contravention of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937. No action was taken.[20]

Uttley questions how Thomas Hamilton managed to tyrannize and intimidate so many boys at his clubs and summer camps for years without being stopped, even though many parents complained to the police and councils; and why Central Scotland Police were allowed to carry out the investigation when they were implicated.

The former leader of the masons has said he was told to keep quiet about the cover-up.

More here.

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And more widely there are also connections in all of this to Dunblane, Thomas Hamilton, well known paedophile was granted a gun licence which was meant to be refused after the intervention of one George Robertson, a Labour Defence Secretary and head honcho at NATO (Robertson was the referee on the gun licence application). Hamilton was also meant to be the procurer of young boys for a paedophile ring of elite people. Robertson has threatened to sue a Scottish newspaper of allegations that he was part of said ring. There's also a whiff of Freemasonry involved in this part of the scandal...

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