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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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This latest thing - it seems to be saying in all the media n'that, that in South Yorkshire the authorities utterly failed to do their jobs properly, vulnerable people suffered grievously and the victims were wrongly blamed by the police for their plight. Also that the whole thing was covered up over an extended period - Well this is simply unheard of and unprecedented.

All that's missing is the West Midlands Police being sent in to help cover it all up.

When you consider the "lost" dossiers into alleged child sex abuse by MP's, the apparent complicity of elements in the judiciary, the media (including the BBC) and other actors, it would appear that our country is basically a haven for child abusers, with the organs of the state at all levels complicit in covering it up.

It is beyond horrendous, it's a total breakdown in the trust and legitimacy of those who govern us. What's worse is the certain knowledge that it will be covered up yet again with a few token sacrificial lambs losing their jobs - but not their freedom.

Kill them. Kill them all.

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Of course it'll be covered up further. I can't imagine what the gen-pop will do if it turns out those that rule us have sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to systemic child abuse.

or even been involved in it...

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So…. in over the last couple of years or so we've had accusations (and in many cases evidence) of child abuse by those in government, social services, education and the media and probably other institutions I've missed.


In almost all of these there appears to have been at best a lack of action by the Police and at worst something far far darker.


Given that these sick abusers seem to have been prevalent in so many institutions of state you have to begin to wonder about members of the Police themselves. 


It seems almost inconceivable to me that there weren't also a number of abusers within forces up and down the country and that this is a significant factor in their lack of action in many cases.


I guess any evidence of Police involvement will be long since buried but the biggest shit storm could still be yet to come.

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I think most of the problems in trying to understand the Rotherham case are caused by the fact that a substantial part of the narrative has been redacted for reasons to do with protecting the victims, or at least contemporary concepts of that notion .


So we know the profile of the perpetrators but we are not told the profile of a typical victim, only that they were mainly white.


We are offered the odd euphemism, by way of a clue, that the girls were typically 'disruptive', which presumably means uncontrollable.


The fact that it is the council's children's services which is getting the most stick, suggests these girls were in care.


We are not encouraged to speculate about how the cycle of grooming was sustained and whether one generation of the abused facilitated the grooming of the next.


We are not really trusted enough for a full open discussion - we are encouraged to feel outraged but nothing more.


And we have to realise that there is nothing unique about Rotherham, we have to assume that the same conditions exist in most cities and produce the same results.


Back in 1991 Aston University published a study about the causes which led many girls in social care, into prostitution. 


This was very controversial because it not only exposed the weaknesses in Birmingham's child protection but also revealed the complicity of the girls involved.


If you look on line you will find that there was a FOI request made to Birmingham council (January 2014), for a copy of that study, who revealed that it had been destroyed.

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I guess 2 things struck me listening to the radio debate


1 .. it all seems to be focussed on Shaun Wright / The Police rather than the people who committed the crimes


2 ... How come all these men haven't been named  , if yewtree has taught us anything it's that you have the right to be named and shamed before being found innocent \ guilty

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I guess 2 things struck me listening to the radio debate


1 .. it all seems to be focussed on Shaun Wright / The Police rather than the people who committed the crimes


2 ... How come all these men haven't been named  , if yewtree has taught us anything it's that you have the right to be named and shamed before being found innocent \ guilty


It looks like a position of stalemate as two subjects of political correctness (race relations and gender politics) find themselves in direct conflict.


Finding a scapegoat seems like the best resolution available.

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This was very controversial because it not only exposed the weaknesses in Birmingham's child protection but also revealed the complicity of the girls involved.


That is a very odd & ugly point to make in the middle of this debate.



I merely pointed out why it was considered controversial at the time.


I can't see why pointing that out is either odd or ugly.

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This was very controversial because it ...revealed the complicity of the girls involved....

But it's not complicity (as in totally free willed). It's at best forced involvement, via threat, or via drink or drugs .

Children, whether deemed prostitutes or more simply viewed as victims are not willing participants in the circumstances that lead to their being abused. They're just victims.

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This was very controversial because it ...revealed the complicity of the girls involved....

But it's not complicity (as in totally free willed). It's at best forced involvement, via threat, or via drinm or drugs .

Children, whether deemed prostitutes or more simply viewed as victims are not willing participants in the circumstances that lead to their being abused. They're just victims.


 Maybe that's why the study was deemed controversial.

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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I guess 2 things struck me listening to the radio debate


1 .. it all seems to be focussed on Shaun Wright / The Police rather than the people who committed the crimes


2 ... How come all these men haven't been named  , if yewtree has taught us anything it's that you have the right to be named and shamed before being found innocent \ guilty


A number of those 'responsible' or responsible directly for the abuse at least have already been convicted.

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loved hearing the reason why people did not come out and expose the rotherham cases, we did not want to be branded racist. absolutely great stuff and it sums this country up perfectly. lets not upset the muslim community ay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like they finally managed to pin something on DLT


Originally cleared of 12 charges

Retried on 2 they couldn't reach a verdict on and cleared of those

Tried on another one and found guilty


Call me cynical but it looks as though they kept digging up witnesses until they found one that would stick

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Looks like they finally managed to pin something on DLT


Originally cleared of 12 charges

Retried on 2 they couldn't reach a verdict on and cleared of those

Tried on another one and found guilty


Call me cynical but it looks as though they kept digging up witnesses until they found one that would stick

Nah in this instance it was a case of well known serial groper finally gets done as he usually strikes with no witnesses around.

DLT was notorious, it was that much common knowledge that Liz Kershaw even wrote about it in her autobiography. That was never challenged legally by DLT either and you can be sure as eggs is eggs that he knew about it.

Its just hard to get convictions where theres no actual evidence but at last they found a case that was provable and in this instance the victim is a current tv entertainer and the witness was a BBC producer, neither really had anything to gain by coming forward

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Looks like they finally managed to pin something on DLT

Originally cleared of 12 charges

Retried on 2 they couldn't reach a verdict on and cleared of those

Tried on another one and found guilty

Call me cynical but it looks as though they kept digging up witnesses until they found one that would stick

Nah in this instance it was a case of well known serial groper finally gets done as he usually strikes with no witnesses around.

DLT was notorious, it was that much common knowledge that Liz Kershaw even wrote about it in her autobiography. That was never challenged legally by DLT either and you can be sure as eggs is eggs that he knew about it.

Its just hard to get convictions where theres no actual evidence but at last they found a case that was provable and in this instance the victim is a current tv entertainer and the witness was a BBC producer, neither really had anything to gain by coming forward

I understand the sentiment of his alleged serial groping but ultimately all the other counts have to be discarded don't they when the Judge gives his sentencing

So is DLT really going to get prison time for putting his hand on a ladies breast ?

Edited by tonyh29
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