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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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I for one won't sleep tonight, I read the NME article, I wish I hadn't.

With regard to justice, we have a system - for better or worse it's the only one we have ....BUT - if I was in close proximity of him, I doubt I could keep my hands in my pockets, and i don't think I would be focused on the consequences.

does that make me a keyboard warrior ?

I took the original poster to be advocating vigilantly style justice ... Your post seems more about a rational type thought that many people would have... But I suspect ultimately wouldn't go through with

OT ... But it's what made Prisoners such a great film , it kinda places the Hugh Jackman character in just such a dilemma

And I suspect you may be wrong

Edited by DeHavilland
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Taken on board Snowy, but at what point do we start slagging people off for loosing there rag over such an emotive subject -don't get me wrong, I really do get your point about blood money etc. A deplorable and flawed strategy. BUT name calling for such emotions - just saying


Sorry. You've rather lost me there. What are you on about?

Slagging who off for losing their rag? Name calling where? When I said 'responding to the codswallop that is the rest of your post or the subsequent one'?

Edited by snowychap
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Thank goodness he put in a guilty pleasure, meaning the jury didn't have to watch the baby abuse video.

This story broke initially via 'social media' I believe. There's a site out there about chasing celebs, basically. On his page, there were allegations of this sort of thing, and the animal bit too, going back a long long time. I guess the crazed fan women spoke, maybe even boasted and/or voiced their concerns, about their involvement with him and that's how the rumours spread.

There was a comments page, with a lot of talk about it. You could trace back the allegations to where they started from, and the same person kept going back to comment on it. I believe one of the 2 women used the site as well, and were involved with fan club/forums and that. Most of it was just your average fan refuting the claims ofc.

Can't remember the name of the site, though. I dare say it's all been removed now anyways.

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My daughter during the time from fake sound of progress up until the last album was a fan of the band and she was well aware, not through personal experience I hasten to add, that Ian Watkins slept with very young fans. Could never imagine this though.

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Yeah I remember the "news" spreading some time ago. I kinda liked this band when I was younger, they had some catchy songs. Never liked their new stuff, but I can`t listen to it ever again. What a pos.

People like him should really just be put down, I really see no point. A **** baby? What the **** is wrong with you

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We'll have to wait and see what the sentencing is for Watkins, but how bad a time he has relatively will depend on what prison he ends up in.

Doubtless he will be classed as a VP, a vulnerable prisoner, that goes with the territory of what he's done. But this might mean a dedicated and separate prison somewhere calm where he can get some form of analysis or treatment so he begins to understand what he's done. If he does ever get to the point where he's lucid enough to genuinely understand what he's done, that should be 'punishment' enough.


On the other hand, if he's in some victorian pile where they have a VP wing and a regime that tries to keep VP's separate from other non-VP prisoners then I'd expect most hours of most days he will be locked away and when he isn't locked in his box he will need to be on his guard for all the local hero's looking for fame.


Either way, whilst the sentence may not fully match the crime, he won't be having the x-box holiday red top papers would have you believe in. That's not to say that for some, the homeless, ex servicemen with problems, those with mental conditions or those from gang run sink estates, they can find prison almost a haven and do well in prison. But for this guy with this crime, this will not be a good time.

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How do you know it'll be 'an easy few years'?

How do you know that he'll have the freedom to leave, get a new identity and bugger off with his millions?

How do you know all this?

It seems to me that many in this thread don't give two damns about justice and are running with their (understandably) high emotions rather than using their heads.

Yes in comparison to his crimes it will be easy. I have a friend who is a prison guard at Winson green, home to nonces, rapists, etc and he confirmed all our suspicions about it being about playstations, tv, fags, etc and due to the high profile of this guy he will be well guarded from being in any danger from fellow prisoners.

Of course after he is out in a few years he is free to start a new life. He is a millionaire for crikes sake. He could move unnoticed anywhere else in Europe or asia, start a new life and with his money live like a king.

He will be out in a few years. Now tell me villa talk lefties where is the justice in all this???? I'm not seeing it. Don't even think he will rehabilitate. Statistics prove that in most cases offenders like this don't.

The human rights brigade make me sick. We are not talking about some mass genocide...we are talking about nonces and rapists. What rights did the victims have??

I remember after the 7/7 bombings on question time that beast cherie blair was on defending the human rights of the bombers?!?! We live in a messed up world.

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I remember after the 7/7 bombings on question time that beast cherie blair was on defending the human rights of the bombers?!?! We live in a messed up world.


No we don't. Everyone has the right to a fair trial and everyone has the right to effective legal representation regardless of what they have/haven't done. You can't fight the devil with the devil's weapons.  


You may have been confusing Cherie Blair the Prime Minister's Wife with Cherie Blair  the QC. Same person different hats.   

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Sadly those children will live in another, arguably worse sort of prison for the rest of their lives.


I haven't read much about the case as it's so appalling. I did hear on the radio that some of the victims (possibly the prosecuted women's children) are too young to have any memory of the event. I don't know what happens in these cases but maybe they will never be told.

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What a nasty, power-mad, horrible, spiteful human - Given his position, I think it makes him worse than the paedos that have suffered through life, been socially ignored or bullied for years on years.  This "man" had everything - money, women (prepared to do some heinous things evidently), fame and fortune, and he still didn't have enough power in his life, so he's taken it out on literally the most vulnerable and defenceless things to exist on earth.


As said, at least he has pleaded guilty.


I feel for his band mates and family, who this will have come as a huge shock I'm sure, and the stigma he's probably left them.  It goes without saying his victims.. :(

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I remember after the 7/7 bombings on question time that beast cherie blair was on defending the human rights of the bombers?!?! We live in a messed up world.


Much as I despise the wide mouthed frog (and really don't blame her war crim' hubby for slipping it to Murdoch's ex on the sly), how could she defend a cloud of pink mist?

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What I don't get is what it is about paedos that makes people queue up to express their disgust. I mean I can think of a few things that are just as bad, even arguably worse, that go on all the time that nobody really comments on.


People stoning adulterers to death in the Middle East?

Serial killers?

Mass enslavement in, e.g. Qatar?

Insidious, amoral and cynical predatory capitalism destroying the environment?

Orwellian surveillance of every single person on the planet?

Tony Blair?


(*sits back and waits to be called a paedo*)

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What I don't get is what it is about paedos that makes people queue up to express their disgust. I mean I can think of a few things that are just as bad, even arguably worse, that go on all the time that nobody really comments on.

People stoning adulterers to death in the Middle East?

Serial killers?

Mass enslavement in, e.g. Qatar?

Insidious, amoral and cynical predatory capitalism destroying the environment?

Orwellian surveillance of every single person on the planet?

Tony Blair?

(*sits back and waits to be called a paedo*)

Because those crimes are, in the main, crimes committed against adults. Adults that have the ability to rise up and defend themselves against enslavement, capitalism and the NSA. Children are venerable, we should be protecting and nurturing them rather than raping them. That should be instinctual and is in the vast majority of human beings, hence it's as emotive a subject as it is.

I think that's a good thing personally, but each to their own eh.

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