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plans for the weeeeekend


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According to Google; Rugeley is 302 miles away! :o  That's a 5 hour drive in current conditions.


Pick me up on the way? I'll meet you at the wall. 



Bring snacks.



SCOTCH eggs?  ;)

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According to Google; Rugeley is 302 miles away! :o  That's a 5 hour drive in current conditions.

Saith Google

We could not calculate directions between Greenfield, MA and Rugeley, Staffordshire, UK

As for me, I'll be up at my new second summer house in Brooklin, Maine.

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My mate, my best mate is the stafford version of Rugeley and he is pretty much the opposite to me, but great fun and always armed with a tale. Last weekend he told me that he had to put to bed one of his girlfriends lesbian mates that was hammered, he was contemplating trying to turn her, then he remembered when he suggested a threesome with said lesbian mate and girlfriend, girlfriend punched him.

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