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plans for the weeeeekend


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Currently sat at the bottom of my estate waiting for 3 of the Didcot power station cooling towers to be blown to smithereens.

Also experienced my first 'go around' (aborted landing) on a plane yesterday. Scary stuff.

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i think leemond would get on very well with my best mate, he went out on friday night and got in at one in the morning then continued drinking until he passed out. he then woke up at half seven in the morning and had eight bottles of beer to level him off, then was back in town when the pubs opened to carry on. hes an alcoholic and drinks every day but when hes not at work as soon as he gets up he starts drinking. hes also been known to wake up through the night for a piss and go and grab a can to take back to bed with him. we used to have some right marathon drinking sessions but i dont drink nowhere near as much as i used to, my mate has been to AA meetings but hes drinking heavily again lately to his fiances annoyance .

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See, maybe i'm old but that just sounds awful. I like a beer as much as the next man but boozing from the morning and all day an night is not something that appeals to me. I very rarely drink in the day if i'm going out in the evening. 

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i used to enjoy drinking in the day, then go home freshen up and get back on it. i can drink anytime it dont bother me but now ive got kids its very rare i do all day and night now. before i settled down i was out tuesday or wednesday night for a few then the weekend started on a thursday for me, id get pissed thursday night then drag myself through work on friday then hit the pub straight after work,go home get ready then back out. saturday usually ended up being an all day and night affair, sunday i usually used to recover apart from maybe the odd occasion id end up out. no life really but i wont pretend i didnt enjoy it. 

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Just back from mountain biking at Cannock chase. First time I've been and enjoyed it

thats what they all say. now come on and stop all this tittle tattle, you've been dogging.


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Just back from mountain biking at Cannock chase. First time I've been and enjoyed it

thats what they all say. now come on and stop all this tittle tattle, you've been dogging.


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i think leemond would get on very well with my best mate, he went out on friday night and got in at one in the morning then continued drinking until he passed out. he then woke up at half seven in the morning and had eight bottles of beer to level him off, then was back in town when the pubs opened to carry on. hes an alcoholic and drinks every day but when hes not at work as soon as he gets up he starts drinking. hes also been known to wake up through the night for a piss and go and grab a can to take back to bed with him. we used to have some right marathon drinking sessions but i dont drink nowhere near as much as i used to, my mate has been to AA meetings but hes drinking heavily again lately to his fiances annoyance .


I don't actually drink that much any more I'll often go three or four weeks with barely touching a drop, I never drink during the week and of a weekend most of the time I'll have two or three cans on a Friday night. Sometimes I just go a bit silly and get hammered.

When I was younger I would be in the pub 7 nights a week often getting into double figures with the amount of pints I was drinking. I'll probably not have another drink for a fair few weeks now

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Just back from mountain biking at Cannock chase. First time I've been and enjoyed it

thats what they all say. now come on and stop all this tittle tattle, you've been dogging.
If it meant getting my end away i'd probably say yes as climbing walls at the mo
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Sunday off to silverstone for a car show for the old bugger's 60th. I know squat about cars so he'd better enjoy it!


Was great fun in the end, 1960's Mustangs racing with Mini Coopers in one of the final races was entertaining. Lots of different types of cars from the classic old cars to touring cars and supercars racing around the track. Whilst knowing diddly squat about them it was good fun - noise was deafening at times and the track is huge. 


However for one race we moved from our usual stand to go to the start straight as we wanted to see a race kick off from the grid, which we did, but on this one after 30 seconds we heard the race had been race flagged. Turns out there was an accident infront of where we'd been before, but reading the news, got confirmed the poor chap died :o 


A driver has died after his car clipped another and rolled over at low speed, during a classic car race at Silverstone racetrack.


Denis Welch, 69, from Staffordshire, was driving a 1960 Lotus, in a race for pre-1966 Grand Prix cars at the Northamptonshire circuit on Sunday.

Mr Welch was taken to the circuit's medical centre where he is reported to have died from his injuries.

The Motor Sports Association said it was investigating the accident.

A statement issued by the organisers on the Silverstone Classic website said: "All those involved in the event offer sincere condolences to family and the friends of Denis Welch at this very sad time.

"As with any serious incident in or around UK motor sport, the MSA, the organising club and the circuit operators are now working closely with the police and other agencies to establish precisely what happened."

The police are compiling a report for the coroner.

The MSA, the Historic Sports Car Club and Silverstone said deepest sympathies were extended to the family and friends of Mr Welch, who was a well-known and respected competitor .

A spokeswoman for Yoxall-based Denis Welch Motorsport, the firm Mr Welch ran before his son Jeremy took over, said workers were in shock after hearing of his death.

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