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plans for the weeeeekend


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Thug I've forgot his my phone works and I think. Y mate is still a wee bit pissed at me ,!i was a massively big racist towards his polish missus, I diditnn mean any harm by it and he should know meby know to expect t it from me

Ah well, what can g do

Oh dear

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It was my birthday on Friday.  I went out on Thurs to Revolution in town and got drunk as a skunk.  Went and visited my brother on Friday (it was his birthday too! Before anyone asks, no, we're not twins.  I was born on his 9th birthday). Went to Ikea and spent a fortune and drove back down here to Portsmouth to do DIY.  My place is awesome again :)

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Currently on my 5 hour train journey to Newquay for a mates stag. Beach football tournament tomorrow (70's/80's legends theme) then two nights of drinking. I think.

Can anyone vouch for Newquay as a fun destination?

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Currently on my 5 hour train journey to Newquay for a mates stag. Beach football tournament tomorrow (70's/80's legends theme) then two nights of drinking. I think.

Can anyone vouch for Newquay as a fun destination?

Loads of bars there.. I've only been during the week, but I hear weekends are rammed Edited by mikeyp102
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a few of us from rugeley are going to the villa newcastle game in a couple of weeks, getting in the pub near the ground for 11 then after the game going into brum for the rest of the day and night. first home game piss up plus wetting the babys head as well, so be warned  :)

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