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plans for the weeeeekend


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All the best NV - lucky bastard! :lol:



This weekend I shall be mostly eating toast. As I am skint. And still waiting for the jobs I'm told I can apply for to be made public ( and even then it'll take a few weeks I suppose should I be successful :/ ) 


Quiet times then , will catch up on a couple of albums, watch some films, the grand prix, a bit of the cricket, not too bad really. I found a nice cheap CD with 50 live performances of John Lee Hooker on so I think that will be on tomorrow evening. 

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This weekend - starting at 3:30pm today, the office is having a second stab at an i.t. hardware and software change over.


Logistics mean that I shall be phoneless and without laptop access to the office or to business e-mail accounts until next Wednesday.


Today I bid a fond farewell to my trustee plodding blackberry stuff and begin to embrace the the dark side.




So this weekend, 4.5 days of absolutely no contact with the office or anything work related - my longest stretch in over 10 years.

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Going canoeing with my mamma, pappa and brother tomorrow from Bewdley to Bridgnorth or visa versa, whichever is downstream.  Should be good fun.


Wife was gonna join, but she's a big scaredy cat now she's pregnant.  Staying with in-laws tonight and tomorrow too, should be good fun and relaxing :)

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Sunday I fly to Vancouver and start my new job on Monday. Yikes!


All the best for next week mate - i'm sure you'll be a roaring success.  :thumb:



Thanks mate.  I've been off work for 8 weeks now, but have been so busy with wedding planning and then the move that I don't feel as rested and ready as I hoped/expected.


I'm in Vancouver for a week then fly to NYC next Sunday, there to LA on Wednesday night, there to San Francisco on the Sunday night, back to Vancouver on the Tuesday night and then back to Manchester on the Thursday night.


A busy three weeks ahead, and I'm gonna be involuntarily breathing in a lot of other people's farts on all these planes...

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I'm going to reel it in this weekend. I've had four nights in the trot where I've got wrongled and my body cannae take it no more.

I'll just clean my flat up and drink tea. Maybe write a few articles for a website and drink lots of tea.

Saying that, I'll be on it again tonight and writing complete bollocks at 3am, like usually do.

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Ok I've been out for a drink and I've had a good night and my mate has pretty much collapsed on the settee but now I can't stop, I could it I don't wanna, especially cuz of the thunder and lightning outside it's awesome.

I'm just gunna drink on my own for a bit I recon

I have also kind of sent a text to my gaffa's missus, probably shouldn't have done that

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Someone's jaw is gunn get a volleying...probably mine...and I recon I deserve it...but I blame my mate for passing out, he shouldn't leave me with music and a way to communicate...actuAlly I dunno, I think I'll be good...I'll just tell them I'm a wearwolf or sommet, that sort of shit has got me off in the past

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