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I typed that on my phone last night and even having slept on it, such a bad end to this has really left me with a bad taste in my mouth. (For some, SPOILERS may lie ahead)

The story is bobbins for the entire game, the plot is so inconsequential that I could type out the entirety (in about 3 sentences even) and it'd ruin nothing for any player. And then it starts to actually start to go somewhere, you do a few missions in the second hub (again, spoiling nothing saying that), the plot actually kicks in a little, the distinct impression is that you're going to go take it, to the man(!). I don't think I'll be alone in thinking that this plot turn was the beginning of the final act of the game. And I guess it was, really. It's just the final act is rather short. 2 missions short. And your 'taking it to the man' has no consequence - you go take it to him, and it ends. Your taking it to him amounts to one of those sequences in Half-Life 2 where you're waiting for an elevator and enemies show up.

It completely feels like they went '...that'll do' and popped in some FMV. Eugh.

I really enjoyed this, for all it's faults, to the end. I could let go it being dumb (hell, I actively enjoyed it's simple gunplay), I could let go the frippery of hub worlds and dumb driving I didn't care much about. I couldn't care less there was no multi. I even didn't care that it recycled some environments by making you return to them a couple of times during it's campaign. But that ending... even though I wasn't invested in the story it feels like they lopped the back quarter of the game off.

From reading that it sounds like they got 75% of the way through their idea for the game and thought "we'd better stop now or else we won't have any DLC to charge people for." I would not be surprised if the main story is continued for £11.99 or something like that. Pretty sure I read that they already planned lots of DLC from the get go.

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Just finished it. The ending was awful and I had expected more (even after all that had been said).

Apart from that I had a fun time playing Rage. I'll be trading it in for Batman but I'm glad that I got it and gave it a go.

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Yep, just finished this myself.

Really, really good game. Such a solid and satisfying combat system and some gorgeous environments.

As for the ending...Well yeah, it was a bit shit wasn't it? The devs clearly thinking 'well, that leaves them enough until the sequel' but after building up so well, it was a bit of a damp squib of an ending.

Still an excellent game though.

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  • 2 months later...

£10 in game and gamestation, really liking it, my only gripe is some of the missions are a bit on the pointless side, almost early RPG like where they are just trying to help you level up but on this you're not you just get a bit of cash

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  • 1 month later...

Completed it last night. Now, luckily I'd read this thread and Chindie et al's laments beforehand so I was quasi-prepared for that ending. Even then, it was still utter BS. That last level, when you know in advance you can use your new Big **** Toy™ without consequence, well you can just steamroller everything in it and be done in about 5-7 minutes tops.

That said, I thought it was brilliant. My only other gripe would have been the Halo 1-esque "let's do the same level, backwards!" mentality, but everything else is just superb; loved the driving bits (put me in mind of Burnout: Takedown, just with big guns), loved all the guns and gadgets, loved the look and feel of the world (despite the texture issues), loved it's RPG-liteness and getting to jump straight into more shooting without dicking about too much (it felt like there was just the right amount of distractions and side-quests), just great fun. Plus it gets bonus points for having Claudia Black do a voice and an Authority soldier in Subway Town tell me to "pick up that can" as I walked past him. More than worth my £12.

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