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Anyone else picked up Rage yet?

Played the first hour last night (PS3) and so far it's quite impressive.

Graphically it's superb, with everything running along at a good speed and some lovely post-apocalyptic settings. The combat so far is very solid too, as you would expect from id.

Looking forward to getting a bit further into it over the weekend.

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Not a lot of games have 'wowed' me this gen but so far this has. The graphics are superb, 60fps really makes the details pop. The shooting is great and the driving is smooth, not got that far into it but i know im going to love it. The only niggle i have is the little bit of texture pop in despite the install to hard drive but considering the scope and size its understandable.

Art design and the characters are great as well. Glad i picked it up.

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Apparently its a problem with the engine. The game only renders textures in the area the player is looking at and it assumes that the player is using a controller. If you are using a mouse and keys then you can turn much more quickly than you can with a controller and the game cant keep up.

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While the graphics are great indeed, the texture pop at times is starting to grate and some (few) of the textures are quite muddy and low res in parts but thankfully its only a miniscule amount as on the whole it looks lovely and as mentioned the art design is so so good and the slight hiccups are only really noticeable if your looking for them.

Got to wellspring now and done a few more side missions and races, strolled around town a bit, it feels like the baby of fallout and borderlands to me. Really am enjoying it so far.

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Has anyone else done Mutant Bash TV yet? How superb is the design of that section? Like a cross between a Simon Bisley drawing and a Rob Zombie movie. Just needed Captain Spaulding as the host and it would have been perfect :)

Only played about 45 minutes of this so far but I am liking it early on.

It gets even better mate ;)

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It really is a great game, more so than some people are making out. Im about 8 hours in now, done a lot of the races and upgraded my rat rod buggy to the full, completed a few of the extra bash tv bits and bobs and am now starting to 'get' the feel and aim of the game as I approach that mid-point 'sweet spot' when it all starts to click.

As I say, the only thing im not enjoying about it is the truly dodgy texturing in parts, but apart from that its superb.

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I got this today (chose it over the suggested stealth games in my previous topic) only played it for about an hour or so but it seems really good so far, graphically it's like a more polished version of fallout

The whole thing (apart from the vehicles) looks like it's taken pretty much the whole game of fallout, made a few tweeks and renamed it, but it works for me.

It's faster paced it's taken away the whole conversation/making choices element that was in fallout, the best thing for me though is that you can get into a fight with some one and not haveto do the whole run backwards while you shoot thing (which really spoilt fallout for me)

I'm going to be kind of switching between rage and metal gear solid for the next few days, MGS when I can be arsed to take time on a mission ad rage when I wanna accept a

Mission and run in all guns blazing

It's getting a thumbs up from me so far any way

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A divisive game.

I love it, but I came in expecting exactly what I got - astoundingly pretty with id trademark simple but meaty shooting. It feels like an old school game, it's a shooter where hip fire is totally fine to use for the entire game, it's a game where enemies will quite happily storm forward at your shotgun barrel. In that way it's exactly what you expect from an id shooter.

The driving I don't care about, the hub world idea is pretty superfluous, the RPG-lite stuff is so streamlined it's kinda wrong to even consider it having an RPG lineage.

But goddamn it's fun. I find myself wandering through a crazily detailed canyon toting a shotgun that's up there with gamings best imo, while maniacs wail at me and come for me with a **** fireaxe and as I aim the boomstick at them they're dodging and weaving and I take the shot and it clips his ducking shoulder and kicks his arm back and knocks him slightly off balance so he wheels just past me and I'm grinning like a mentalist because it's **** fun to turn around and nail the guy before his buddy cracks me with his own axe. And thats without mentioning my spider robot buddy who goes and **** up these guys pretty well on his own.

Sure the story's shit and it's a big dumb shooter and if you look a bit closer a lot of the textures are bobbins but when it's moving it looks **** incredible and it's just fun.

And a lot of other people think its crap.

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I'm around 5-6 hours into this now and have just completed the Dead City mission. I should probably be further with the time played, yet I have been messing around and taking it all in. I spent a while racing, which is also better than I expected.

The game is good fun overall and I am still enjoying it.

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Finished this evening. I'd braced myself for a disappointing finale, but christ id let themselves down with the ending. It comes pretty much without warning, the final mission plays out with the distinct feeling of the opening salvo of the final act of the game... Instead you do the mission and then... It ends. Solving nothing. The plot wasn't great but **** hell they could at least end it, instead you do this pretty dull mission having just been given a new toy which you're afraid to use because you think you'll need it later, and a short cinematic that, if your kind to it, sets up a sequel.

It's let me down a little at the final hurdle, the end of the game feels like they gave up in honesty.

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Finished this evening. I'd braced myself for a disappointing finale, but christ id let themselves down with the ending. It comes pretty much without warning, the final mission plays out with the distinct feeling of the opening salvo of the final act of the game... Instead you do the mission and then... It ends. Solving nothing. The plot wasn't great but **** hell they could at least end it, instead you do this pretty dull mission having just been given a new toy which you're afraid to use because you think you'll need it later, and a short cinematic that, if your kind to it, sets up a sequel.

It's let me down a little at the final hurdle, the end of the game feels like they gave up in honesty.

lol reading this makes me visualize my face at the end of Halo 2

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I typed that on my phone last night and even having slept on it, such a bad end to this has really left me with a bad taste in my mouth. (For some, SPOILERS may lie ahead)

The story is bobbins for the entire game, the plot is so inconsequential that I could type out the entirety (in about 3 sentences even) and it'd ruin nothing for any player. And then it starts to actually start to go somewhere, you do a few missions in the second hub (again, spoiling nothing saying that), the plot actually kicks in a little, the distinct impression is that you're going to go take it, to the man(!). I don't think I'll be alone in thinking that this plot turn was the beginning of the final act of the game. And I guess it was, really. It's just the final act is rather short. 2 missions short. And your 'taking it to the man' has no consequence - you go take it to him, and it ends. Your taking it to him amounts to one of those sequences in Half-Life 2 where you're waiting for an elevator and enemies show up.

It completely feels like they went '...that'll do' and popped in some FMV. Eugh.

I really enjoyed this, for all it's faults, to the end. I could let go it being dumb (hell, I actively enjoyed it's simple gunplay), I could let go the frippery of hub worlds and dumb driving I didn't care much about. I couldn't care less there was no multi. I even didn't care that it recycled some environments by making you return to them a couple of times during it's campaign. But that ending... even though I wasn't invested in the story it feels like they lopped the back quarter of the game off.

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