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RIP Steve Jobs


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Nothing against the bloke personally, but (as per the "Cool brands" thread), Apple is a company whose products I avoid like the plague - purely because I got so sick of their fanboys going on and on about how great they are.

In my experience, the anti Apple Fanboys are far more vocal than the apple fanboys.

I'd like to think I fit into neither camp (I own an iPhone, but not any other Apple product, and never have)

You only have to look at this thread to see people saying "**** his company. Never owned an apple product, never will"

Why? What's wrong with owning one of their products?

Anyway, RIP to Jobs. Even if you hate his company, you can't ignore the contribution he's made to the technological world.

I'm currently sat in a room with 8 other people. I have no idea what brand of mobile phone 5 of them have. I'm sure it's a combination of htc's and samsungs and the like. In fact, looking around I can see 2 blackberry users so that's three of us in total.

I know for a fact there are 3 iphone users, because they constantly mention the fact. I have no interest or bias. Mine is a company phone, it's what gets delivered March every year.

But I've definitely noticed that people with apple products love that they are apple.

There was a joke some time ago:

'how can you tell if someone has an iphone?

oh don't worry, they'll tell you.'

it was funny because it was true.

The guy was a marketing genius.

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For a start it's complete bollocks.

Apple have looked at the chart, and ignored that it's in thousands, as in it's 250,000,000 not 250,000. I think the walkman selling 250million in 30 years (actually in just 20 years, Apple extended the sales timeline by 10 years to further skew the figures) is a far bigger achievement than the ipod selling 300million in 10, due to the vastly different market conditions of the time.

Ofc no one in the press actually bothers to fact check, so instead of picking Apple up on this they've just ran the same line despite it being complete and utter bollocks and proof of everything that is wrong with Apple. Zero focus on fact checking, 100% focus on headline grabbing tag lines.

I do agree that it is the most poignant stat though, a bullshit stat used for marketing hype with no regard for even basic fact checking does epitomise everything Apple under Jobs has stood for. The guy was a world class marketer, probably the best. What he wasn't was a technological genius. His legacy is that he could sell ice to the Eskimos.

THIS THIS and then some more of THIS.

Articulated far better than I ever could. :clap:

I work in the mobile industry and I have used loads of different mobiles and ipads/tablets etc through work. The actual devices compared to others on the market are not up to standard but the genius of Apple is they targeted a small segment that don't care if what they use is sub standard and overpriced and also locks them into things. Everyone has a choice to fall for marketing or not.

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I told my father a few hours ago - forget Michael Jackson, bin Laden and the like, I genuinely felt, in an entirely visceral sense, that the world had fundamentally changed spiritually (if you believe that sort of thing) after Jobs' death. I don't think a public figure's death has ever felt more momentous to me.

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I told my father a few hours ago - forget Michael Jackson, bin Laden and the like, I genuinely felt, in an entirely visceral sense, that the world had fundamentally changed spiritually (if you believe that sort of thing) after Jobs' death. I don't think a public figure's death has ever felt more momentous to me.
:shock: You need to get out more.
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I told my father a few hours ago - forget Michael Jackson, bin Laden and the like, I genuinely felt, in an entirely visceral sense, that the world had fundamentally changed spiritually (if you believe that sort of thing) after Jobs' death. I don't think a public figure's death has ever felt more momentous to me.
:shock: You need to get out more.

Why? :? it has nothing to do with how often I step out of the house.

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I told my father a few hours ago - forget Michael Jackson, bin Laden and the like, I genuinely felt, in an entirely visceral sense, that the world had fundamentally changed spiritually (if you believe that sort of thing) after Jobs' death. I don't think a public figure's death has ever felt more momentous to me.

Don't worry Legov. Give it 6 months and Apple will reveal the "Steve Jobs S" who will work slightly faster.....

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I told my father a few hours ago - forget Michael Jackson, bin Laden and the like, I genuinely felt, in an entirely visceral sense, that the world had fundamentally changed spiritually (if you believe that sort of thing) after Jobs' death. I don't think a public figure's death has ever felt more momentous to me.

Don't worry Legov. Give it 6 months and Apple will reveal the "Steve Jobs S" who will work slightly faster.....

I'm not a particularly big Apple fan actually, it's just that we've (we being youths) been kind of taught to revere him as an almost godlike visionary. I've practically been bombarded with Apple advertising and iConsumerism for the last 8 or 9 years (almost half the length my life so far) so sometimes it's hard for me to shake off the idea of Jobs being a once-in-a-century creative genius.

Whether his reputation is entirely warranted though......no, it's not ;) As I said, it's an entirely visceral reaction, not one particularly founded in reason.

Have to give him some credit though because he and his team were BLOODY good marketers.

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Nothing against the bloke personally, but (as per the "Cool brands" thread), Apple is a company whose products I avoid like the plague - purely because I got so sick of their fanboys going on and on about how great they are.

In my experience, the anti Apple Fanboys are far more vocal than the apple fanboys.

I'd like to think I fit into neither camp (I own an iPhone, but not any other Apple product, and never have)

You only have to look at this thread to see people saying "**** his company. Never owned an apple product, never will"

Why? What's wrong with owning one of their products?

Anyway, RIP to Jobs. Even if you hate his company, you can't ignore the contribution he's made to the technological world.

I'm currently sat in a room with 8 other people. I have no idea what brand of mobile phone 5 of them have. I'm sure it's a combination of htc's and samsungs and the like. In fact, looking around I can see 2 blackberry users so that's three of us in total.

I know for a fact there are 3 iphone users, because they constantly mention the fact. I have no interest or bias. Mine is a company phone, it's what gets delivered March every year.

But I've definitely noticed that people with apple products love that they are apple.

There was a joke some time ago:

'how can you tell if someone has an iphone?

oh don't worry, they'll tell you.'

it was funny because it was true.

The guy was a marketing genius.

Doesn't really answer my question.

Just highlights that you know 3 dickheads.

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“No one wants to die, even people who want to go to Heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It’s life’s change agent; it clears out the old to make way for the new … Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” -Steve Jobs

rip man

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