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There's no way Sony won't have the same plans. This is an industry thing, not a Microsoft thing alone. EA and co are desperate to **** the consumer. So Sony will have to follow suit.

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Daniel, never under estimate what MS will do. It was confirmed by a lot of journalists present at the xbone unveiling that all the cheering and hollering was not coming from them but rather from the ms staff at the back of the room out of view of the cameras. How sad.

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None of this is new. The employed forum poster shills have been about for a good few years, and so have the 'whoopers' at conferences - theres been numerous reports at e3 conferences over the last few years of specific parts of the audience cheering for everything. It's all a bit... dirty somehow. The forum poster stuff is particularly grim, it's an underhand form of viral marketing attempting to control the 'message' outside of the usual market spheres.


I only mentioned it in this case because it appears to have been particularly widespread in the last few days from Microsoft - GAF appears to have had a cull, and Reddit has apparently has been spiked with it particularly too. Microsoft appear to have cottoned onto the fact that word of mouth in the 'community' for their new console is poisonous.

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It isn't even specific to their console division. Microsoft have been well known for 'astroturfing' on tech sites for many years.


I hope the pressure stays on them, but most of their customers probably aren't reading about how anti-consumer this device is, they're people who just happily play CoD and FIFA and don't really pay attention to gaming news sites.


There's no way Sony won't have the same plans. This is an industry thing, not a Microsoft thing alone. EA and co are desperate to **** the consumer. So Sony will have to follow suit.


I wonder if it's too late for them to reconsider. there's no doubt they've seen the backlash Microsoft have faced. If Sony came out with nothing but a direct upgrade to the PS3, they'd absolutely destroy the Xbone. EA and co might not like it, but what are they going to do, refuse to put out games on the console with most of the marketshare? Not bloody likely.

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There's no way Sony won't have the same plans. This is an industry thing, not a Microsoft thing alone. EA and co are desperate to **** the consumer. So Sony will have to follow suit.


I wonder if it's too late for them to reconsider. there's no doubt they've seen the backlash Microsoft have faced. If Sony came out with nothing but a direct upgrade to the PS3, they'd absolutely destroy the Xbone. EA and co might not like it, but what are they going to do, refuse to put out games on the console with most of the marketshare? Not bloody likely.



They'll have done the deals and made the decision and solidified the systems by now - it's too late to u-turn. And I don't think they would anyway - it's not like Sony themselves won't be happy at a similar system either.


I do think EA and co would be able to put enough pressure on Sony to not u-turn if they could consider it, though. These publishers know they can put the console manufacturers into positions that are uncomfortable for them, the relationship/balance of power is a lot more even than ever now, since EA and Activision in particular have come to have such popular franchises that spin so much cash.


But thats by the by. There can be no u-turn, Sony's console will have similar DRM/anti consumer stuff. They make some sops to the consumer by making it slightly less draconian than MS, but it'll be there. And EA and Activision will use it to it's fullest extent.


E3 this week, we'll see quite how the pisstake goes, from all parties.


One thing is certain - Microsoft need just about the best E3 ever to get word of mouth in the gaming community back on side, because at this moment in time the thing is slightly less popular New Coke.

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The whole DRM thing is a pain and I'm sure Sony will do something similar.


However, I'm not convinced they'll enforce the same online features that Microsoft are. I also don't think Sony will try to push the TV aspects as much as Microsoft. I've got Sky and couldn't really care about the streaming services Microsoft offer...


I'm already sold on the PS4. It just seems like the better gaming console and I'm sure it will have the better exclusives, although we'll know more when things start to come in from E3. It's a shame as I splashed out on both consoles this gen. However, I'll be going PS4 and PC (sticking with my current one) for the next gen.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not strictly related to the XONE, but the below is a list of other possible names for the original Xbox, dug up by Edge;


- MAX (Microsoft Action Experience)
- AIO (All In One)
- MIND (Microsoft Interactive Network Device)
- FACE (Full Action Center)
- MITH (Microsoft Interactive Theatre)
- XON (Experience Optimised Network)
- MVPC (Microsoft Virtual Play Center)
- TAC (Total Action Center – discs/games could be called TACs)
- MARC (Microsoft Action Reality Center)
- LEX (Live Entertainment Experience)
- M-PAC (Microsoft Play and Action Center)
- RPM (Real Performance Machine)
- MOX (Microsoft Optimal Experience)
- E2 (Extreme Experience)
- MTG (Microsoft Total Gaming)
- VIP (Virtual Interactive Player)
- PTP or P2P (Powered To Play)
- VIC (Virtual Interactive Center – disks/games could be called VICs)
- MARZ (Microsoft Active Reality Zone)
- TSO (Three, Six, Zero)
- EHQ (Entertainment Headquarters)
- O2 (Optimal Ozone or Optical Odyssey)
- MIC (Microsoft Interactive Center)
- R&R (Reality and Revolution)
- MEA (Microsoft Entertainment Activator)
- AMP (Active Microsoft Player)
- VPS (Virtual Play System)
- MAP (Microsoft Action Play)
- MEGA (Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Attendant or Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Assembly)
- CPG (CyberPlayGround)
- VERV (Virtual Entertainment & Reality Venture)
- OM (Odyssey of the Mind)
- P2 (PowerPlay)
- IS1 (Interactive System In One)
- MET (Microsoft Entertainment Technology or Microsoft Entertainment Theatre)




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  • 2 weeks later...

The latest on Kinect invading privacy in the home; a Microsoft spokesmans has told The Verge -




‘Absent a new law, we don’t believe the government has the legal authority to compel us or any other company that makes products with cameras and microphones to start collecting voice and video data, and we’d aggressively challenge in court any attempts to try and force us to do so’


A couple of weeks ago, though, a relevant issue was raised by The Guardian, were it appears as though MS did hand over Skype conversations to the US Gov'mint, and might even have changed the way it works at the request of the NSA. This is aswell as MS' own Outlook being a part of PRISM.


So, yeah...

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If it's not for nefarious purposes, why is it required to be always on? It might not be so the governments have access, but if not then who? We've got a reasonably high powered device within a consumer property, which will be handicapped if not permanently connected to broadband. Why does that need an always active microphone and camera? And why won't they say what it is for?


Is there a definitive source for the "people in a room counting" on video playback? Obviously that's technically possible (and likely), but has it been officially acknowledged?

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If it's not for nefarious purposes, why is it required to be always on? It might not be so the governments have access, but if not then who? We've got a reasonably high powered device within a consumer property, which will be handicapped if not permanently connected to broadband. Why does that need an always active microphone and camera? And why won't they say what it is for?


Is there a definitive source for the "people in a room counting" on video playback? Obviously that's technically possible (and likely), but has it been officially acknowledged?

I may be a little naive... but I thought the reason why they want the Kinect to always be connected and on is so that people will start actually using it the way MS want them too. Game developers would probably feel more comfortable making games which take advantage of the Kinects features if they know everyone has one, and cant unplug it etc. 


I think a big problem with the Kinext on the current gen consoles is that a lot of people view it as a gimmick, so they don't/didn't bother with it. This prevents developers having any confidence in building games for the Kinect as simply the money isn't there. It's obviously a direction MS want to go, i'd say they want to go in that direction for reasons other than spying on people.


Though, like I said, I might just be naive.

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More stories coming out today - earlier, everything seemed pretty rosy. MS have made another turn around in regard to indie devs self publishing.


However. The Retro City Rampage dev has said the following to Engadget in regard to this lastest turnaround;




This is yet another example of them changing policy, but it sounding better than it is when the whole story is revealed. Make no mistake; while this is a great thing, it’s again not the equivalent to what other platforms offer. On PS4, for example, developers can tap right into the system; use every bit of RAM and all of its power. Indies have access to everything that the AAA studios do, from platform support to development and release.


The indication on Xbox One is that it’s essentially XBLIG 2.0. Instead of XNA, it’s Windows 8. Windows 8, which is already struggling to gain developer interest, will gain a boost from developers wishing to target the console. However, it won’t be as full-fledged as published games on the system.


After my experience working with them to release on Xbox 360, I have no interest in even buying an Xbox One, let alone developing for it. The policy changes are great, but they don’t undo the experience I had. I’m not ready to forget what I went through. Working with Microsoft was the unhappiest point of my career. Policies are one thing, but developer relations are another.


It’s important to me that consumers don’t see things as black and white. There are still strings attached to this policy change.


'Chief Product Officer' for Microsoft Marc Whitten previously said this about the u-turn;




Our vision is that every person can be a creator. That every Xbox One can be used for development. That every game and experience can take advantage of all of the features of Xbox One and Xbox Live. This means self-publishing. This means Kinect, the cloud, achievements. This means great discoverability on Xbox Live. We’ll have more details on the program and the timeline at Gamescom in August.
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Or game designers could put "Please turn on your Kinect" as the game starts up.

They want people to get used to using the Xbox without a remote and being more interactive. You switch it on by voice command which obviously wouldn't work if the mic was off to start with.

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MS have now confirmed the RRP for XONE game will be £49.99 - same as 360 games. So that's nice.



Bloody hell, and people say PC gaming is expensive.

Basically just means the price of games at retail isn't going to change - £40 for a new release that isn't Fifa or COD.

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Why would game developers care about that?

Game developers probably don't but Microsoft want the box to replace your sky box. They are still trying to make it more a part of your everyday living room time rather than something you switch on to play some games.

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