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Looks like the leaked document referred to earlier was indeed real, albeit 2 years old. Microsoft lawyers have started to get the doc dropped by any side hosting it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rumours abound at the moment that the console will be called 'Xbox 8', referrencing both the Windows 8 OS and INFINITY. I don't know if I can do one those. Can you do those? I'll have a look on the character map



Xbox ∞ / 8

There you go

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Looks like the leaked document referred to earlier was indeed real, albeit 2 years old. Microsoft lawyers have started to get the doc dropped by any side hosting it.

just downloaded it before it goes offline ..I'll have a read through it when i get 5 mins

but 4 player concurrent tracking on Kinect 2 sounds interesting

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The Kinect is terrible, and I'd wager the future generation of it isn't much better. It's such a limited idea an it doesn't even work particularly well as it currently stands.

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Kinect is okay IMO. I had family come over for Christmas and someone brought it over and we all had a good time on it. Though, apart from in that situation (with friends/family) it's completely useless. But having 4 people doing it on Christmas day would be fun ;)

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It's too limited. The new Steel Battalion game that came out a couple of weeks ago was heralded as the game to make Kinect relevant to gamers... and it's a broken unplayable hideous mess, often entirely unfunctional. And then you just repeat that for Kinect game after Kinect game. A number of games that Microsoft is marketing as 'Better with Kinect' just use the thing as a glorified voice command tool... perhaps better known as a mic... which you may have had bundled with your Xbox... but that doesn't make Microsoft silly money so they don't implement it.

I've no doubt they can improve it, and they will because they've made Kinect into a 'thing' so well that they're guarenteed to release a new one for the new console, but even that is not going to revolutionise what the Kinect can do. It's the very nature of the technology.

I'm hoping that Microsoft are smart enough to continue to peg it as a 'companion' to proper games and not force it into being a necessity.

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Things like that are easily dealt with though. When the Kinect was still called Project Natal it had its own processor, Microsoft took that out prior to release to bring down the price so that people might actually buy the thing. It relies on the 360 CPU which means it's already somewhat gimped before it can do anything. The new one will probably have its own CPU. It will certainly have a much better digitizer, and even if it doesnt get its own CPU it wont be taking instructions from ten year old architecture.

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Indeed, as I said it'll get better.

But nothing will prevent it not being able to do a great deal of things. The nature of the beast is that it cannot work in a great many game types, and can only 'augment' them, not actually be a sole play device. Any incarnation of the Kinect that sees it be based around a camera with no other input will not allow much beyond minigames.

I don't care about minigames. You're never going to have true 'genres' utilising Kinect hardware alone. The Wii, for all it's flaws, could do that. Even if the Kinect does evolve to use the controller as well as standard, as Steel Battalion suggests it might (and lets for arguments sake assume that that continues into it's future incarnation), the motion aspects are gimmicks and imo are likely always to be.

I'm not a fan of the Kinect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone heard any more news on this? Surely something about it should get released soon....

I see they are making Battlefield 4 now, I hope it's going to be released on next-gen hardware.

Though the fact they have announced the BETA date suggests it wont be.

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Anyone heard any more news on this? Surely something about it should get released soon....

I see they are making Battlefield 4 now, I hope it's going to be released on next-gen hardware.

Though the fact they have announced the BETA date suggests it wont be.

The next Xbox will just be a kickass DirectX 11 machine, wont it? The name Xbox was born out of DirectX box as far as I am aware. The original Xbox was a DX8 machine running on a heavily modified version of Windows. The 360 is a DX9 machine, again running on an OS based on Windows. The next Xbox will be a DX11 machine running on a version of Windows.

It's pretty smart because it means PC conversions are a piece of piss and it capitalises on the fact that most of the game development community grew up working on Windows based PCs. Just see how this generation turned out for Microsoft as opposed to Sony who insisted on releasing a system that nobody know how to code for. The PS3 is more powerful on paper, but 360 versions of multi platform games are often better, they almost always were in the early days of the generation. Even now with six years experience only a handful of studios can make PS3 games that wouldnt possible on 360.

So the next Xbox will basically be a kick ass gaming PC with a custom user interface. DX11 is the big thing, and you can read up the differences between DX11 and DX9 in a ton of places on the net. The main thing really is DX11 is built to work with multithreading so dual core and quad core processors work much better with it.

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Anyone heard any more news on this? Surely something about it should get released soon....

I see they are making Battlefield 4 now, I hope it's going to be released on next-gen hardware.

Though the fact they have announced the BETA date suggests it wont be.

The next Xbox will just be a kickass DirectX 11 machine, wont it? The name Xbox was born out of DirectX box as far as I am aware. The original Xbox was a DX8 machine running on a heavily modified version of Windows. The 360 is a DX9 machine, again running on an OS based on Windows. The next Xbox will be a DX11 machine running on a version of Windows.

It's pretty smart because it means PC conversions are a piece of piss and it capitalises on the fact that most of the game development community grew up working on Windows based PCs. Just see how this generation turned out for Microsoft as opposed to Sony who insisted on releasing a system that nobody know how to code for. The PS3 is more powerful on paper, but 360 versions of multi platform games are often better, they almost always were in the early days of the generation. Even now with six years experience only a handful of studios can make PS3 games that wouldnt possible on 360.

So the next Xbox will basically be a kick ass gaming PC with a custom user interface. DX11 is the big thing, and you can read up the differences between DX11 and DX9 in a ton of places on the net. The main thing really is DX11 is built to work with multithreading so dual core and quad core processors work much better with it.

Cheers for info Rev. As always very knowledgeable. I shall go do some research on the differences between DX11 and DX9. Thanks :thumb:

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next xbox will be out either november 19th or november 26th next year. i'll bet my left bollock on it

Quoted for posterity!

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  • 1 month later...

A new Microsoft patent has been discovered, which is basically a projector to fill entire walls in which ever room youre playing the console in with the game world, as you play. It would use the Kinect 2 to track player movements in 3D, and make use of the 'AR Goggles' to track player head movement.

That would a pretty crazy thing to witness, even if you couldnt set one up in your own home/afford the kit.

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A new Microsoft patent has been discovered, which is basically a projector to fill entire walls in which ever room youre playing the console in with the game world, as you play. It would use the Kinect 2 to track player movements in 3D, and make use of the 'AR Goggles' to track player head movement.

That would a pretty crazy thing to witness, even if you couldnt set one up in your own home/afford the kit.

That does look pretty nuts! Whether it would work or not i'm not sure.

It shows someone playing an FPS. Surely it would only work with an FPS in the same model as Time Crisis where you can't actually freely turn the player yourself? Otherwise the Primary image on the TV screen wouldn't work correctly?

For games like Fifa it could work as you'd have the pitch as the primary image and then environment around you could be the crowd etc... that would be really neat IMO.

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It's an interesting concept, PC's running Xbox games and vice versa.

Graphics development has hit a bit of a ceiling, in part down to the popularity of the underpowered consoles (they are pretty old now), 3D uncertainty and also down to a focus on mobile gaming.

I'm not sure going this direction will improve graphics development but in terms of games the consumer will most certainly win.

I also don't like the idea of buying my games online, Steam gives me enough hassles, but also I like the second hand market...maybe game prices will be reduced.

Perhaps the next real 'war' will be on controllers and online delivery; with Kinect and a widening of Steam etc. delivery methods I can see hardware being relatively underpowered in comparison to gaming rigs...hopefully Sony spots this gap, some of their tech demos definitely show they're paying attention, but there's probably not enough market share to go it alone....ask the WiiU...beep beep (two beeps for yes)

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