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Gears Of War 4, Fable IV, and Forza 5 underway for Xbox 720?

Forza Motorsport 5, Fable IV, and a 'mature title' from Rare are all claimed to be currently under development, as fresh new rumours suggest Gears Of War 4 could be a Xbox 720 game.

The claims that three of Microsoft's biggest internal studios are already working on the new console come from magazine Xbox World, via website sillegamer, and once again suggest that a new Xbox is probably just months away from being unveiled.

The whole games industry seems to be in agreement that Microsoft will make some sort of announcement about the next generation Xbox (for now nicknamed the Xbox 720) at E3 in June next year. Depending on exactly how much of it is revealed that should ensure it'll be out by the end of 2013.

These specific new rumours suggest that Turn 10 are working on Forza Motorsport 5, which isn't much of a stretch considering that's the only franchise they've ever worked on. Forza Motorsport 4 is out this month, so another sequel in around two years sounds about right.

The next Fable game is Kinect spin-off The Journey, but Peter Molyneux has also hinted that another mainline sequel is also being considered. After the poor response to Fable III a complete rethink on a new console is probably exactly what the series needs.

As for the 'mature' title from Rare, that could mean just about anything. The creators of Banjo-Kazooie and Viva Piñata have been stuck making Kinect games and creating the Xbox Avatars for years and their last mature-rated game was disappointing Xbox 360 launch title Perfect Dark Zero.

Epic Games has already hinted they want to continue Gears Of War in a new direction, with a new cast of characters and a more serious tone. The big question with any potential Gears Of War 4 though is whether it would stay a Microsoft exclusive or go multiformat.

We probably won't find out if there's any substance to any of this for several months, but the imminent announcement of a new console does seem a foregone conclusion. Especially after Xbox Euro boss Chris Lewis admitted to us that the Xbox 360's supposed 10 year lifespan may well overlap with another new console.

what the series needs.

As for the 'mature' title from Rare, that could mean just about anything. The creators of Banjo-Kazooie and Viva Piñata have been

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Saints Row 4, Alan Wake 2, and a new COD game are also apparently already under development for Microsofts next Xbox.

I guess it will be pretty much be a given that many here will buy it on release, and as much as I don't think I'll get one anywhere near it's release date (I have always been late to the party with Microsofts consoles I guess - didn't own an Xbox and only bought an old 2nd hand 360 on the cheap a good few years after release), I am really curious to see exactly what this will have under it's hood.

The recent BF3 Beta has demonstrated very well that the latest in PC graphics can do considerably more than the latest home consoles, as the tech in those is getting on a bit now, after all.

What features do you think we can expect? Blu-Ray drive? Built-in 1tb+ harddrive? Built-in motion control? MIND CONTROL?? 4D aka. SMELL-O-VISION???

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Doesn't make sense to me. GPU and CPU of 360 haven't been completely bollocksed by a game yet. Crysis 2 has already passed the ridiculous graphics test, and Skyrim is the only thing coming out that will test it to the limit.

Plus I won't be able to sodding afford one.

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So now they have finally managed to make the 360 work without practically setting it's insides on fire it's on to the next one. I wonder how they will dick over early adopters this time? They'll probably have it explode or something 5mins after the warranty expires.

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2 years, so £10 a month for 24 months will buy me the lead in model at a guess. best start saving...

ooooo I don't know...might have to make it at least £15 p/m ;)

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2 years, so £10 a month for 24 months will buy me the lead in model at a guess. best start saving...

ooooo I don't know...might have to make it at least £15 p/m ;)



yeah reckon I might be able to buy a charge n play kit as well with that extra £120

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ive never had an x-box but my mate wa ssaying something about a red rimng of detah or something? make syour x-box useless?

whats that about?

anyone seen that guy with the red and white kit with a long throw? drives me mad!

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Doesn't make sense to me. GPU and CPU of 360 haven't been completely bollocksed by a game yet. Crysis 2 has already passed the ridiculous graphics test, and Skyrim is the only thing coming out that will test it to the limit.

Plus I won't be able to sodding afford one.

That's only because the games get trimmed down to cater for consoles. The hardware is very very old, the only reason it gets a respectable FPS is because games are designed with the limited resources in mind. It's about time for an upgrade.

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Doesn't make sense to me. GPU and CPU of 360 haven't been completely bollocksed by a game yet. Crysis 2 has already passed the ridiculous graphics test, and Skyrim is the only thing coming out that will test it to the limit.

Plus I won't be able to sodding afford one.

Crysis 2 looks worse than Crysis. It looks worse than Crysis because it had to be scaled back to run on consoles that are 2 generations behind current PC tech.

If you install the DX 11 and high res texture pack on Crysis 2 on the pc, it looks amazing.

You're also judging it on games now, when any new console is likely 2 years+ away. Do you think that just because the 360 stands up now it still will in 2 years time? By then it'll be another generation behind PC graphics, maybe even 2.

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Doesn't make sense to me. GPU and CPU of 360 haven't been completely bollocksed by a game yet. Crysis 2 has already passed the ridiculous graphics test, and Skyrim is the only thing coming out that will test it to the limit.

Plus I won't be able to sodding afford one.

Crysis 2 looks worse than Crysis. It looks worse than Crysis because it had to be scaled back to run on consoles that are 2 generations behind current PC tech.

If you install the DX 11 and high res texture pack on Crysis 2 on the pc, it looks amazing.

You're also judging it on games now, when any new console is likely 2 years+ away. Do you think that just because the 360 stands up now it still will in 2 years time? By then it'll be another generation behind PC graphics, maybe even 2.

Then I'll just settle for the "I won't be able to afford one" argument then.

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with the AMD Fm1 and the Pentium 1155 cpus with built in good GPU`s it should be pritty easy for microsoft to make a up to date console that will run much cooler than the 360.

2 years to make a powerful option of the above will be a breeze

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  • 8 months later...
A 56-page leaked document seems to confirm a 2013 launch for the next gen Xbox, with a console featuring six times the power, a Blu-ray drive, Kinect 2, and Project Glass style AR glasses.

Microsoft has suffered what is either one of the most elaborate hoaxes of all time or one of the most damaging leaks, with the appearance online of a 56-page document that describes in detail both the technical and marketing direction for the next generation Xbox.

The document appears to have materialised some point over the weekend on document sharing website Scribd, and we should point out before we start that it could be a complete fake. Especially as versions of the document were apparently doing the rounds last month too.

It does seem legit though, with Microsoft's lawyers already forcing Scribd to remove the file - although at time of writing you can still download it from Game Informer.

The lengthy document repeatedly refers to the next generation console as the Xbox 720, although this may be just a codeword, and insists that it will be released in 2013.

The really juicy stuff though is apparent confirmation that the Xbox 360 will include a Blu-ray drive, built-in DVR features ( as rumoured some months back), an upgraded Kinect V2 that can detect four people at a time, and HD video capture.

The Xbox 720 is described as four to six times more powerful than the existing Xbox 360. The technical specifications talk about a six or eight core x86 or ARM-based CPU, 4GBs of RAM, a second ARM-based, dual core CPU for 'low power media', and the original PowerPC CPU from the Xbox 360 for backwards compatibility.

And if you're thinking this all sounds monstrously expensive the document claims that it'll be sold at a fairly standard - at least for a new console - price of $299 (which will probably translate to more or less exactly £299).

There's also talk of an Xbox 361, a low cost version of the Xbox 360 meant to compete with Nintendo and set-up boxes. Rumours of just such a new model, thought to be codenamed 'Loop' were rampant a few months ago, but although an E3 announcement was expected none was forthcoming.

However, it's not clear when the document was written as it refers to the 'Wii2' as only being 'heavily rumoured/blogged' (in a list of competitors, which also implies the PlayStation 4 as coming out in 2013). The file itself is named as '720 9/24', i.e. September 24, so we're talking at least nine months ago - and given the comments about the Wii2 probably 21 months.

Whenever it was written though the document is more than happy to speculate at future tech beyond that available in the initial launch model, with specific references to cloud gaming (including potential rival services such as OnLive) and a concept based around AR goggles that sounds suspiciously similar to Goggle's Project Glass.

The Microsoft glasses are codenamed Fortaleza (a city in Brazil, Kinect was previously codenamed after fellow Brazilian city Natal) but aren't expected to be launched until 2014, i.e. at least a year after the console itself.

Xbox SmartGlass is not mentioned by name, presumably because it didn't have one at the time, but what is clearly the same concept - of allowing you to control the console and access features directly from a tablet or smartphone - is described in some detail.

The most convincing argument that the document is a fake is just how shoddily put together it seems to be, but if it was only meant to be seen by Microsoft and their close partners then it looks perfectly in line with other PowerPoint style documents we've seen.

Or maybe we just don't want to think about the mental stability of someone that'd take the time to sit down and make all this stuff up. Either way, we won't know for sure until Microsoft announces something official - which isn't likely to be this year.


BluRay drive in an Xbox? Hmmm. Whether any of the above is true or not, it makes for interesting reading.

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I've been very cynical about that leak since it first emerged. IIRC it was initially at least being spoken about as being as much as 2 years old.

I will tell you now that the price is bullshit if any of that is accurate at all. A $299 launch price is not far off what Microsoft currently sells a 6 year old console with Kinect at now. Ain't happening.

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Doesn't make sense to me. GPU and CPU of 360 haven't been completely bollocksed by a game yet. Crysis 2 has already passed the ridiculous graphics test, and Skyrim is the only thing coming out that will test it to the limit.

Plus I won't be able to sodding afford one.

Crysis 2 looks worse than Crysis. It looks worse than Crysis because it had to be scaled back to run on consoles that are 2 generations behind current PC tech.

If you install the DX 11 and high res texture pack on Crysis 2 on the pc, it looks amazing.

You're also judging it on games now, when any new console is likely 2 years+ away. Do you think that just because the 360 stands up now it still will in 2 years time? By then it'll be another generation behind PC graphics, maybe even 2.

I thought 2 looked better on console, its a struggle at times, things slow down and blur a bit, but better looking of the two.

One game i would like to play on PC though, is Battlefield 3, looks the bollocks, although i think i'd struggle with mouse and keys.

I'd like to see next gen consoles soon, hopefully they'll move away from all this motion control bullshit, leave that to Nintendo, they do it better.

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Sony might leave motion controls alone as the Move hasn't set the world on fire, but theres absolutely no chance Microsoft will. The next Xbox will have a new generation of Kinect either with it or available for it. The Kinect has made Microsoft too much money and they've invested too much in it to right it off (despite the fact it's bollocks, and I'd wager, will be for the foreseeable future...).

And if it is bundled with it, all your favourite series will get motion features tacked on even more obviously.

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Kinect is being rolled out in hospitals to assist with surgery as the doctors don't have to get their gloves dirty touching anything to manipulate a camera or other equipment.

Looks like Microsoft are onto a winner with it.

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Doesn't make sense to me. GPU and CPU of 360 haven't been completely bollocksed by a game yet. Crysis 2 has already passed the ridiculous graphics test, and Skyrim is the only thing coming out that will test it to the limit.

Plus I won't be able to sodding afford one.

Crysis 2 looks worse than Crysis. It looks worse than Crysis because it had to be scaled back to run on consoles that are 2 generations behind current PC tech.

If you install the DX 11 and high res texture pack on Crysis 2 on the pc, it looks amazing.

You're also judging it on games now, when any new console is likely 2 years+ away. Do you think that just because the 360 stands up now it still will in 2 years time? By then it'll be another generation behind PC graphics, maybe even 2.

I thought 2 looked better on console, its a struggle at times, things slow down and blur a bit, but better looking of the two.

One game i would like to play on PC though, is Battlefield 3, looks the bollocks, although i think i'd struggle with mouse and keys.

I'd like to see next gen consoles soon, hopefully they'll move away from all this motion control bullshit, leave that to Nintendo, they do it better.

This is why I am glad the generation has gone long. If the traditional five or six year console cycle had have happened then we would have got machines designed and developed in 2010 and released in 2011 when everybody thought motion controls were going to be all the rage and we would have been lumped with that until 2016-2017. Now Wii sales have fallen off a cliff and nobody seems interested in the Wii U, motion controls are starting to look like a fad. While I am sure they will be incorporated on some level I dont think they will be anywhere near as important as they might have been.

Smart Glass is interesting too. It will probably grow to be really important as time goes by.

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