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How come you never posted in our WoW thread about this?

Meh. He probably had less /played than us those first two years, AND I bet he never got a lady pregnant! :winkold:

I didn't get a lady pregnant, in fact it cost me the opportunity to do that (one of the reasons I quit, nihilum destroys relationships) but:


That's dated 31/01/06, so less than a year after launch, works out at like 8 hours a day. I can go head to head with anyone's hopeless wow addiction :P

I had more than 120 days /played on Nayson before TBC launched, and yes, I managed to sire a child during that time. In fact, both my kids were conceived during WoW playing days. I hope they are mine! :shock:

An interesting aside, 19 days /played to ding 60. It took more than 30 for Nayson (the delights of a PvP server during vanilla :hooray:) and I think you an do 1-85 in 3 or 4 days now. How things change!

That's over a year before TBC though. If I hadn't of quit when I did I think I'd have completely ruined my life with that game. I have next to zero self control when it comes to MMO's "I'll just log on to check my auctions" leads to 6hr+ play sessions.

Were you horde side as well? It seemed like every PVP server was heavily stacked into alliance favour :( It was all fine until you left the barrens for ashara and then just constant corpse runs. I was lucky in that I levelled in a group, that /played to 60 would have been a lot lower if we didn't keep ganking the alliance as revenge. We spent many a night laying siege to Darkshore getting our revenge on lowbies.

You used to have to hit pretty much every zone to hit 60, I levelled an alt after going back for Cataclysm, and the amount of zones you can skip to level now is just crazy. You get mounts ridiculously early too which really speeds things up. The travelling was half the issue with levelling back then. Not having to actually read the quests as well now as the maps just tell you where to go helps a lot too. No more "where's Mankrik's wife".

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Yeah, we were Horde on Deathwing PvP, a launch server. We took migration to Tarren Mill when Deathwing became Deathping. Tarren Mill was only for players from launch servers Deathwing and Dunemaul though. It was heavily populated in favour of the Alliance because Lord of the Rings was huge at the time and Alliance had Humans and Elves.

Levelling up was a blast though, it seemed like half of VillaTalk were levelling up at the time. Every time I logged in there were half a dozen of us about. I'd almost forgotten that even Bickster took a Hunter to the level cap. Obviously there were no go areas due to the population imbalance (most of the Eastern Kingdoms) but we held our own as we always rolled in a group and had the advantage in skirmishes. Pretty much all my favourite things about the game are long gone though. Same server battlegrounds were the best, you got to know the other side quite well and could have some really good banter on the forums. No flying mounts meant you couldnt avoid World PvP and defending the Crossroads or attacking Chillwind Camp in WPL were some of the best fun I ever had in a game. Never really did care for Tarren Mill vs Southshore though as that was just a ****.

Tarren Mill has been the home of Ensidia for a couple of years, a guild who I am sure you are aware are a merger between Nihilum and Curse.

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Yeah, we were Horde on Deathwing PvP, a launch server. We took migration to Tarren Mill when Deathwing became Deathping. Tarren Mill was only for players from launch servers Deathwing and Dunemaul though. It was heavily populated in favour of the Alliance because Lord of the Rings was huge at the time and Alliance had Humans and Elves.

Tarren Mill has been the home of Ensidia for a couple of years, a guild who I am sure you are aware are a merger between Nihilum and Curse.

The whole Ensidia thing caused some pretty major drama at the time.

For a while before Ensidia came to be a fair amount of characters got sold for crazy amounts of money, way more than they were actually worth. For a while Nihilum were giving up raid spots to pimp out characters to sell on.

Not just in Nihilum either, there were characters from Method, For The Horde, and just about every other top raiding guild being sold, and all going to Dubai.

Then comes the news of the merger, and the announcement that it has a Dubai based backer, and a lot of people got left behind whilst these sold characters got raid spots.

Essentially some rich **** bought their way into the guild, and left a lot of unhappy people behind.

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1000G'ing Guitar Hero 2, including Jordan on Expert.

1000G'ing Call of Duty 4, including the harsh Mile High level

Taking Kidderminster Harriers to the Premiership with a title win and Champions League win in 9 seasons on Football Manager 2011.

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Taking Oxford united through to be Champions League winners in FIFA 11 at Legendary level. Not long after my virtual pro retired leaving me as just manager rather than player manager. Lost interest then, but still proud. I recently dug up my first diamond at minecraft. I was happy way beyond the scale of the achievment.

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Mines shit but pinging a corner out to the edge of the area on FIFA and smashing it, on the volley, into the top corner.

Mario Kart on the SNES. 150cc Special Cup Winner with that **** annoying Rainbow Road.

Done this aswell although on the Game Boy Advance.

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Has anyone managed to beat the Weapons on Final Fantasy 7? Still trying now 14 years later.

Yeah man.

I solo'd it with Cloud back in the day. Including the bitch that is Ruby Weapon. Took a while.

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Has anyone managed to beat the Weapons on Final Fantasy 7? Still trying now 14 years later.

I did it a few years ago. It was actually rather easy in the end. I used that item that lets you make a save point in the Northern Crater and put it near that bit that has the 'Magic Pots' in. They say GIMME ELIXIR, so naturally you GIVIT ELIXIR. And they give you a massive amount of EXP, as long as you have enough Elxirs. I did. So i levelled everyone to 99 and mastered every materia without having to climb up and down and in and out of the Norther Crater all the time.

That done, I went to face Ruby. Did not enter the battle with anyone dead either. My set up was practically perfect in everyway. It went swimmingly. wSummon KOTR, mimic, mimic, mimic...until dead. Something like that anyway. I will have to dig up the save sometime and check my exact setup. Regretably, I saved over the file AFTER beating Ruby, so I couldnt fight him again after that :cry:

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Yeah, I took down the Weapons in FF7 using the tactics hogso mentioned, although I think I also used Hades against Ruby because he's vulnerable to 'stop' magic for some reason. Incidentally, I saved the most fantastic html walkthrough of FF7 back in the day - easily the best fan made guide I've seen for a game - so if anyone's going to revisit FF7 you can pm me for it if you want.

Anyway, if you thought the Weapons in FF7 were hard, try the Dark Aeons and Penance from FF10. My friend and I sank over 100 hours into knobbling them. It was a massive amount of work but I didn't list it among my proudest achievements because I'm not so proud of having racked up so many hours on that game :lol: We pissed ourselves laughing at the way we ended up taking down Penance: normal tactics all failed because he was so tough, so we summoned Yojimbo and gave him every single penny from our (by then gigantic) wallet. Yojimbo turned round and one-shotted the bastard.

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I think I beat one Dark Aeon and didn't go anywhere near the rest of them, or Penance in FFX. In fact, Emerald and Ruby are the only double hard bastard boss enemies I've beaten in any FF game. Although I am pretty close in FFXIII to being about to do in the Long Gui's, done a second playthrough as I didn't touch any of the mark missions the first time around, so kind of felt like I was missing out. Only have the last one to do now

And as mentioned, I have had a look and here is my final save loaded on an emu :D


Clouds materia from left to right;

Ultima Weapon - W-magic, W-summon*, W-item, Speed Plus*, Magic Plus*, Master command, Master summon, Master magic

Mystile - Final Attack*, Pheonix*, Counter Attack* Long Range*, HP Plus*, Double Cut*


Final Attack*+Phoenix* = invincibility as Pheonix will cast Life3 All when summoned

98 1/2 hours!! **** hell 8)

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I don't really have much to compare.

I love video games, but I'm not very good at them. Amongst my friends I'm probably up there with the best, but that doesn't compare as soon as you step online.

So here's mine. I don't even know if it counts.

At uni, during exam period (obviously) I once completed a game of WIndows SOlitaire (standard Windows XP) in 30 seconds flat, which would put me at about the 70th quickest time of all time (according to the INternational Solitaire Rankings).

A lot of the times above me cheat though (the quickest is 7 seconds which is impossible) and use one card draw. I used 3 like a real man!

It's pretty much the reason I got a 2:2

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