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The, he's finally GONE! Tell us your thoughts Thread


Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?  

370 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?

    • Yes I think he will
    • No I think he will be here

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So our biggest rivals are in the championship because of our current manager.

And now they're currently enjoying watching their team play decent football and scoring goals for fun because they don't have our current manager.

Its a joke.

Please Randy do us all a favour and **** off as soon as possible. You are an utter failure of an owner in this sport and we're going no where with you making the important decisions.

Our biggest rivals are in the Championship because they are shit and it is where they belong.

Their current manager knows how to get teams promoted, but I disagree that they play "good football" they play "winning football" - I wouldn't confuse the two.

As for your comment about the owner. Grow up you child - you weren't moaning with MON at the helm now were you?

I've seen this Put forward before and it's basically shit.

I didn't moan when MoN was here because at that time things looked good. You can only judge what you see and back then we looked like we were going places and had a plan. Since then it's become clear we were run poorly financially and we've since gone and appointed two shit managers.

Such a weak argument by the randy fans. Yes things looked good in the past but I bet there were elderly women who thought Harold shipman was a good doctor at some point.

So Mcleish was in charge of blues for 3 and a half years and spent money but they're in the championship because they're shit? Nothing to do with the manager then? In the last 6 games they've scored a ridiculous amount of goals, you're going to argue that's not good football?

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So our biggest rivals are in the championship because of our current manager.

And now they're currently enjoying watching their team play decent football and scoring goals for fun because they don't have our current manager.

Its a joke.

Please Randy do us all a favour and **** off as soon as possible. You are an utter failure of an owner in this sport and we're going no where with you making the important decisions.

Our biggest rivals are in the Championship because they are shit and it is where they belong.

Their current manager knows how to get teams promoted, but I disagree that they play "good football" they play "winning football" - I wouldn't confuse the two.

As for your comment about the owner. Grow up you child - you weren't moaning with MON at the helm now were you?

I've seen this Put forward before and it's basically shit.

I didn't moan when MoN was here because at that time things looked good. You can only judge what you see and back then we looked like we were going places and had a plan. Since then it's become clear we were run poorly financially and we've since gone and appointed two shit managers.

Such a weak argument by the randy fans. Yes things looked good in the past but I bet there were elderly women who thought Harold shipman was a good doctor at some point.

So Mcleish was in charge of blues for 3 and a half years and spent money but they're in the championship because they're shit? Nothing to do with the manager then? In the last 6 games they've scored a ridiculous amount of goals, you're going to argue that's not good football?

We had a plan... but St Martin **** it up by paying dross like Beye £40k a week to sit on his arse, sadly, he wasn't the only one.

We have a bigger wage spend than Spurs... on worse players.

Randy, rightly, started to tighten the purse strings, MON bailed.

Anyway ON topic, AM needs time to put HIS stamp on the team, apply HIS methods and buy, finance permitting, HIS players. So far he's only had two windows to do this, and clearly there isn't much investment to be found.

So what the Blues are scoring goals and winning games. Even skint they are one of the richest clubs in the division thanks to the parachute payments. They SHOULD be pissing it. McLeish also dragged that shower of shit to a Carling Cup final and won it. Bad managers don't win trophies.

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give him time before judging him just because he came from SHA dont mean hes useless

i havent seen 1 poster who doesnt want him here say once that that is the reason they dont want him

i have heard all the footballing reasons why people dont want him but have yet to see anyone who doesnt want him here mention his previous club as the sole reason for not wanting him here.

the only people who seem to bring it up time after time are the ones who are supporting him

i support aston villa, i dont have to support the manager if i believe he is not good enough, i dont have to support faulkner if i believe he is one of the main reasons for the decline of our club on the pitch

because if to be an aston villa supporter you must like everything abut it, i can guess 85% of the fans in the 80's and 90's wouldnt then not be classes as aston villa fans as the feelings towards doug ellis was not one of love.

This is spot on. If McLeish had just finished in the top 4 with Blues and we had poached him it would have been a fantastic coup and no-one would have been against this. It is not the club he is coming from it is the fact that he is a poor manager that is the reason why 90% of the anti-McLeish people are so disposed.

To be perfectly honest, the fact that he is also ex-Blues does not help him though. It was always going to be a difficult task, given his track record, to win people over but this "baggage" just makes that task doubly hard, which makes the appointment by RL look even more pathetic and ill-thought.

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So our biggest rivals are in the championship because of our current manager.

And now they're currently enjoying watching their team play decent football and scoring goals for fun because they don't have our current manager.

Its a joke.

Please Randy do us all a favour and **** off as soon as possible. You are an utter failure of an owner in this sport and we're going no where with you making the important decisions.

Our biggest rivals are in the Championship because they are shit and it is where they belong.

Their current manager knows how to get teams promoted, but I disagree that they play "good football" they play "winning football" - I wouldn't confuse the two.

As for your comment about the owner. Grow up you child - you weren't moaning with MON at the helm now were you?

I've seen this Put forward before and it's basically shit.

I didn't moan when MoN was here because at that time things looked good. You can only judge what you see and back then we looked like we were going places and had a plan. Since then it's become clear we were run poorly financially and we've since gone and appointed two shit managers.

Such a weak argument by the randy fans. Yes things looked good in the past but I bet there were elderly women who thought Harold shipman was a good doctor at some point.

So Mcleish was in charge of blues for 3 and a half years and spent money but they're in the championship because they're shit? Nothing to do with the manager then? In the last 6 games they've scored a ridiculous amount of goals, you're going to argue that's not good football?

We had a plan... but St Martin **** it up by paying dross like Beye £40k a week to sit on his arse, sadly, he wasn't the only one.

We have a bigger wage spend than Spurs... on worse players.

Randy, rightly, started to tighten the purse strings, MON bailed.

Anyway ON topic, AM needs time to put HIS stamp on the team, apply HIS methods and buy, finance permitting, HIS players. So far he's only had two windows to do this, and clearly there isn't much investment to be found.

So what the Blues are scoring goals and winning games. Even skint they are one of the richest clubs in the division thanks to the parachute payments. They SHOULD be pissing it. McLeish also dragged that shower of shit to a Carling Cup final and won it. Bad managers don't win trophies.

Eames, fair enough tha's your opinion, what I don't get is you don't seem to respect others.

You say Blues should be pissing that league. Really? With a player turnoer of 40 since last season, and barely any investment in the team. I doubt it.

You say bad managers don't win trophies, but conveniently forget Mcleish also got them relegated twice and managed to get Rangers 3rd in a two horse race. Bad managers don't do this. You call them a shower of shit (I may be inclined to agree), but take a step back and have a look at the team they had last year, they should not have got relegated, and the way they got turned over in the last home game against Fulham was atrocious, so much for man management and motivation.

I think I know what you're trying to say. He needs time, but you have to appreciate some fans are worried (and it could be argued rightly so) because they don't feel h can do a good job, and the club be pissing up more money up the wall whilst he is in charge, such as on Hutton (early days I know, but it ain’t looking good).

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Yeah, my mate who's a SHA supporter said the Fulham game was absoutely disgraceful. McLeish did nothing to get them fired up and they were battered from start to finish against Hughes at home.

Hughes will have McLeish in his pocket again.

Some will probably blame the fans again but you cannot fix a manager like McLeish. It's impossible. SHA fans were supportive of him and they were punished. Twice.

A manager should be professional enough to get the team to bounce back, especially at home. He's paid millions ffs to do that job. Fans shouldn't have to cheer 24/7 (it helps, but the performances we've seen at home are deeper than just neeidng a morale boost). Arsenal fans were aggressive at HT when we played them, but they bounced back anyway and won the match.

We've yet to do at home when fans didn't like they were seeing. They're all paid millions, if they're too scared to make mistakes then the Premier League isn't for them. **** them off to the League 1 and that goes for McLeish as well seeing as he's the source of the problem because he cannot install confidence and belief in them.

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Yeah, my mate who's a SHA supporter said the Fulham game was absoutely disgraceful. McLeish did nothing to get them fired up and they were battered from start to finish against Hughes at home.

Hughes will have McLeish in his pocket again.

Some will probably blame the fans again but you cannot fix a manager like McLeish. It's impossible. SHA fans were supportive of him and they were punished. Twice.

A manager should be professional enough to get the team to bounce back, especially at home. He's paid millions ffs to do that job. Fans shouldn't have to cheer 24/7 (it helps, but the performances we've seen at home are deeper than just neeidng a morale boost). Arsenal fans were aggressive at HT when we played them, but they bounced back anyway and won the match.

We've yet to do at home when fans didn't like they were seeing. They're all paid millions, if they're too scared to make mistakes then the Premier League isn't for them. **** them off to the League 1 and that goes for McLeish as well seeing as he's the source of the problem because he cannot install confidence and belief in them.

arsenal bounced back against us because we have liabilities in defence not because of the support

there is obviously something wonr playing at home because we have only lost 2 away

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I think I know what's wrong at home. It's the way we're set up. At home you have to be the attacking team, but McLeish has no clue on how to do it. The reason why he has a better away record is he sets us up more defensively to soak up the pressure and hit them on the break. MON did that as well, but again was hopeless at home for the most. But not on the scale of McLeish. MON didn't have a Plan B. McLeish doesn't have a Plan A. What on earth were we doing against teams like Man Utd, Liverpool, Swansea and Everton I have no idea, but it wasn't working. Yet we kept playing clueless football where we couldn't break their defence or even get in the box properly. If we did, it was extremely rare.

The Arsenal game was a strange one though. From the off we actually looked like the attacking team with a plan. Fans responded in that game because we actually knew what we was doing for once at home. Where's that gone all of a sudden? You cannot blame the fans because we expected to see the same against Swansea, but there was nothing. Then he takes off Ireland like the out of depth manager he is.

Houllier had a better home record but his away record was poor. Was that the away fans fault? Nah, It's because Houllier was the opposite where he was not more defensive/counter attack minded in away matches as opposed to MON/McLeish.

I've noticed lately that fans are blaming their own fellow fans, but what I've just written is what I think. It's not the fans fault, it's just McLeish is hopeless at getting the players to attack in a consistent manner. It's a proven fact from this club and other clubs he cannot do that.

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I think I know what's wrong at home. It's the way we're set up.

Stopped reading there.

Oh so it's the fans fault then? So explain how Houllier had a better home record than away record? Actually, stratch that.

Explain how MON's away record was much better than it was at home despite the fact Villa fans were very supportive at home during his era.

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I dont even think Mourinho could get a good balanced team out of this lot. Theres a couple of exceptions but the majority need shipping out and replacing. That probably does include the manager as well but i tell you what, theres a good 7 or 8 players that I would rather see go before Mcleish does.

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Aston Villa: The only PL team yet to have scored from a corner this season. They have also let in the most from corners, conceding 10 goals

THAT is our issue, nothing else.

We need to find someone with presence to head in a goal.

Our midfield is quite small, nzog, bannan, albrighton, petrov, Ireland, how many of them can get on a cross?

Collins and Dunne are the only ones beef enough, add to that bent you have 3 people who can head the ball. Two of which are defenders, a position not known for smashing goals in.

Someone get some stats up on the top midfield players who score headers.

or even a striker.

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Theres undenibaly a few players who need replacing and the squad is pretty unbalanced but a decent manager would have managed more than 6 wins in 22 games with this squad.

A decent manager would get far more out of this squad than McLeish has managed.

houlier had basically the same team and big eck has more points now than houlier had last season

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Theres undenibaly a few players who need replacing and the squad is pretty unbalanced but a decent manager would have managed more than 6 wins in 22 games with this squad.

A decent manager would get far more out of this squad than McLeish has managed.

houlier had basically the same team and big eck has more points now than houlier had last season

Wasn't a Houllier fan but Mcleish hasn't had anywhere near the amount of injuries.

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Far be it for me to support Houllier BUT, last season we had a huge injury list, the club had gone through a major upheavel in the summer, lost out manager and best player, the team had not had a pre season to talk of, we had two manager's before the season started, a search for another manager, a protracted appoitnment process and a delay in Houllier starting.

Just because we may have more points does not stop that being true

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Theres undenibaly a few players who need replacing and the squad is pretty unbalanced but a decent manager would have managed more than 6 wins in 22 games with this squad.

A decent manager would get far more out of this squad than McLeish has managed.

houlier had basically the same team and big eck has more points now than houlier had last season

GH had no pre season and didn't take charge of his first game until the league cup game against Blackburn on 22nd September so isn't really a fair comparison.

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