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The, he's finally GONE! Tell us your thoughts Thread


Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?  

370 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?

    • Yes I think he will
    • No I think he will be here

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I replied to the famous email from McLeish.

I asked him to prove to me he is worthy of my support as manager of the football club I love. I told him that I am Villa born and bred, as I am from Church Road in Aston originally. I said that I wasn't one of these people who only support the club when they are winning something but someone who will stick by the club through thick and thin, depending on my financial circumstances. I said that I wasn't expectant of winning things, how could I be when it is 16 years since we won something of any note?

I told him that all I wanted was to see my team take to the field with a line-up and formation that gave them the best opportunity possible of giving the opposition a run for their money, and that I didn't think he had done that often enough this season. I said that I wasn't happy with his appointment and that it was purely based on his previous performances at other clubs and the style of football they produced - not his association with our local rivals. I did say that it would only be fair to really judge him when he signs his own players but even that concerned me based on the players he has signed for his previous clubs and at Villa so far, although I did say that I thought N'Zogbia would be a better player given more time.

I finished by saying that, in today's financial climate, it is very important to get value for the money we spend, and that I wasn't happy with my value for money so far this season. I said that it would be up to him and the players to prove to me that my money would be well spent if I renew my season ticket next season, by putting in good performances between now and then. I also said that I hoped he could prove my concerns to be all for nothing by doing a good job for the club I love and that I had no problem with him winning me over because that will have meant he's doing a good job for the club, and that is all we all want as fans (surely?).

I have had no reply and didn't expect one. It was just nice to voice my concerns and my opinions of what is going on at our club.

I just hope that he does manage to turn things around because I believe it will have to get really bad for Randy to axe him and my concern is just how bad it can become before anything would happen? I think it will be fairer for us all to judge him when he has had chance to re-build certain parts of the team. Hopefully, he makes the defence his main priority and sees that we need at least 3 new players at the back, before going on to look at the midfield! Then, I hope we would be more capable of playing some decent, attractive football.

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Man Yoo I agree, but Liverplop? Seriously?

We spent money, we just wasted it. Now we have to do things the hard way and build for the future. Money does not gaurantee success!

liverpool might not be one of the biggest clubs now but when the majority of top european players were born in the early 80s liverpool where a big club for them growing up and they will want to play for them.

we dont have the money to compete with these sorts of clubs, we need more youth players along with a better scouting network.

mcliesh got zarate and benitez to blues

if we sign players like this and tell them they can get a move to a really big club it is the only way that we can challenge

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Brummy.. are you just on the wind up or something?

There are people who are still willing to give McLeish a chance but that is a very long way away from them liking him and thinking he's doing a good job. There is no feasible way that you can't know this, what's wrong with you?

nothing is wrong with me and im not on the wind up, i suspect the ones who blindy defend GC and give no reasons for their views are on the wind up. i already posted what would make me change my opinion of him as a football manager of aston villa, perfectly reasonably and logical things which would have to change in order for my views and opinions on his suitability to manage aston villa in a fit and proper manner, yet oddly not one of these 'supporters of him' have offered any kind of answer as to what would make them change their view, even when put in REALLY simple terms.

a perfectly reasonable and balanced question which included that i was not some wind up merchant that will never change my mind, however i notice that the loudest ones who wont hear a bad word said against GC oddly enough cant give any answer

and then try and make excuses for not being able to give an answer.

it is not a difficult or trick question, it is one i would expect a normal 8 year old to be able to answer.

i may not agree with the answer but thats life, not answering it and avoiding it at all costs, making weak excuses as to why they wont answer it, well that makes them look like the wind up merchants.

i suspect most of them will 'keep right on till the end of the road', with their support of him no matter what happens, making weak excuse after weak excuse.

relegation? well it was down to the shape of the football

club losing more money than forcast - well its a down turn in the economy

fans staying away - well it was raining

football pundits on televised games saying " the worst dullest performance i have ever witnessed in the premier league" - well it was a tricky game

the excuses will keep coming.

and when they do, which some posters have been doing no matter how bad and boring we have been, it is nothing to do with the manager

the only reason we wont go down this year is not due to the manager, it is down to other teams being even more shit, this season is a weak premier league, with little tactical nous we should be looking at top 10 with no problems what so ever.

with a half decent manager 7th or 8th should be the least target

do you think we will get 7th or 8th?

getting behind the team is one thing, getting behind a clueless out of his depth one dimentional manager is another

if we have done something well i say it, if we do shit then i say it.

he has been piss poor, as have a few of the players.

i notice people supporting GC are quick to say a player is playing poor but then oddly it is nothing to do with the manager? really? REALLY?

Sorry.... who is GC? :?

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Ah... well thats nice and productive.

I wonder brummybloke will lobby Uefa into considering hair colour when issuing Pro coaching licences in future.... I mean, of the the criticisms of AMC, his hair colour really is the most problematic thing isn't it?


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Ah... well thats nice and productive.

I wonder brummybloke will lobby Uefa into considering hair colour when issuing Pro coaching licences in future.... I mean, of the the criticisms of AMC, his hair colour really is the most problematic thing isn't it?


i never said it was


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Ah... well thats nice and productive.

I wonder brummybloke will lobby Uefa into considering hair colour when issuing Pro coaching licences in future.... I mean, of the the criticisms of AMC, his hair colour really is the most problematic thing isn't it?


i never said it was


and yet you constantly refer to it....... its not even like GC is shorter than AM now is it?

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Ah... well thats nice and productive.

I wonder brummybloke will lobby Uefa into considering hair colour when issuing Pro coaching licences in future.... I mean, of the the criticisms of AMC, his hair colour really is the most problematic thing isn't it?


i never said it was


So why are you calling him a ginger word removed then? Is the name calling all a little immature?

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Ah... well thats nice and productive.

I wonder brummybloke will lobby Uefa into considering hair colour when issuing Pro coaching licences in future.... I mean, of the the criticisms of AMC, his hair colour really is the most problematic thing isn't it?


i never said it was


So why are you calling him a ginger word removed then? Is the name calling all a little immature?


so you have never typed anything which someone else may considered a little immature?

i would say the reactions are equally as immature

it also doesnt stand for c u next tuesday

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I'll answer happily.

I think the abuse AM has recieved is pathetic. I think that the attitude of some fans on here is pathetic. The real reason people have a problem with AM is that he used to manage the Blues. His style of football is workmanlike but do you know what.... I'm not sure how else we are supposed to play having sold Downing and Young over the summer.

I think AM needs to be given time to put HIS mark on the team and that will take 2 years, especially with the spending restrictions he is subject to.

I think that posters who resort to "what a clearing in the woods" "Ginger word removed" and other arguements devoid of reasoning or sense need to have a word with themselves.

I appreciate I am in the minority but do you know what, I like the guy... and I really hope he succeeds.

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Brummy.. are you just on the wind up or something?

There are people who are still willing to give McLeish a chance but that is a very long way away from them liking him and thinking he's doing a good job. There is no feasible way that you can't know this, what's wrong with you?

nothing is wrong with me and im not on the wind up, i suspect the ones who blindy defend GC and give no reasons for their views are on the wind up. i already posted what would make me change my opinion of him as a football manager of aston villa, perfectly reasonably and logical things which would have to change in order for my views and opinions on his suitability to manage aston villa in a fit and proper manner, yet oddly not one of these 'supporters of him' have offered any kind of answer as to what would make them change their view, even when put in REALLY simple terms.

a perfectly reasonable and balanced question which included that i was not some wind up merchant that will never change my mind, however i notice that the loudest ones who wont hear a bad word said against GC oddly enough cant give any answer

and then try and make excuses for not being able to give an answer.

it is not a difficult or trick question, it is one i would expect a normal 8 year old to be able to answer.

i may not agree with the answer but thats life, not answering it and avoiding it at all costs, making weak excuses as to why they wont answer it, well that makes them look like the wind up merchants.

i suspect most of them will 'keep right on till the end of the road', with their support of him no matter what happens, making weak excuse after weak excuse.

relegation? well it was down to the shape of the football

club losing more money than forcast - well its a down turn in the economy

fans staying away - well it was raining

football pundits on televised games saying " the worst dullest performance i have ever witnessed in the premier league" - well it was a tricky game

the excuses will keep coming.

and when they do, which some posters have been doing no matter how bad and boring we have been, it is nothing to do with the manager

the only reason we wont go down this year is not due to the manager, it is down to other teams being even more shit, this season is a weak premier league, with little tactical nous we should be looking at top 10 with no problems what so ever.

with a half decent manager 7th or 8th should be the least target

do you think we will get 7th or 8th?

getting behind the team is one thing, getting behind a clueless out of his depth one dimentional manager is another

if we have done something well i say it, if we do shit then i say it.

he has been piss poor, as have a few of the players.

i notice people supporting GC are quick to say a player is playing poor but then oddly it is nothing to do with the manager? really? REALLY?

cant blame him for everything going wrong at the club.

the fans who stay away because of him are just using this as an excuse

he hasnt actualy been that bad, a manager is only as good as his players and a lot of them are shite.

his biggest mistake so far was buying hutton, jenas looked good when we was fit just a shame it didnt last very long. and he saw we missed a link between attack and midfield so he brought keane in.

there is nothing to judge him on until the end of next season at the earliest. he needs to be judged on his own team remember this is mostly MON's team plus bent hutton & given.

IMO we will finish around 8th mostly because of our away record, at home players are scared to make mistakes

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I'll answer happily.

I think the abuse AM has recieved is pathetic. I think that the attitude of some fans on here is pathetic. The real reason people have a problem with AM is that he used to manage the Blues. His style of football is workmanlike but do you know what.... I'm not sure how else we are supposed to play having sold Downing and Young over the summer.

I think AM needs to be given time to put HIS mark on the team and that will take 2 years, especially with the spending restrictions he is subject to.

I think that posters who resort to "what a clearing in the woods" "Ginger word removed" and other arguements devoid of reasoning or sense need to have a word with themselves.

couldnt agree more

I appreciate I am in the minority but do you know what, I like the guy... and I really hope he succeeds.

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Brummy.. are you just on the wind up or something?

There are people who are still willing to give McLeish a chance but that is a very long way away from them liking him and thinking he's doing a good job. There is no feasible way that you can't know this, what's wrong with you?

nothing is wrong with me and im not on the wind up, i suspect the ones who blindy defend GC and give no reasons for their views are on the wind up. i already posted what would make me change my opinion of him as a football manager of aston villa, perfectly reasonably and logical things which would have to change in order for my views and opinions on his suitability to manage aston villa in a fit and proper manner, yet oddly not one of these 'supporters of him' have offered any kind of answer as to what would make them change their view, even when put in REALLY simple terms.

a perfectly reasonable and balanced question which included that i was not some wind up merchant that will never change my mind, however i notice that the loudest ones who wont hear a bad word said against GC oddly enough cant give any answer

and then try and make excuses for not being able to give an answer.

it is not a difficult or trick question, it is one i would expect a normal 8 year old to be able to answer.

i may not agree with the answer but thats life, not answering it and avoiding it at all costs, making weak excuses as to why they wont answer it, well that makes them look like the wind up merchants.

i suspect most of them will 'keep right on till the end of the road', with their support of him no matter what happens, making weak excuse after weak excuse.

relegation? well it was down to the shape of the football

club losing more money than forcast - well its a down turn in the economy

fans staying away - well it was raining

football pundits on televised games saying " the worst dullest performance i have ever witnessed in the premier league" - well it was a tricky game

the excuses will keep coming.

and when they do, which some posters have been doing no matter how bad and boring we have been, it is nothing to do with the manager

the only reason we wont go down this year is not due to the manager, it is down to other teams being even more shit, this season is a weak premier league, with little tactical nous we should be looking at top 10 with no problems what so ever.

with a half decent manager 7th or 8th should be the least target

do you think we will get 7th or 8th?

getting behind the team is one thing, getting behind a clueless out of his depth one dimentional manager is another

if we have done something well i say it, if we do shit then i say it.

he has been piss poor, as have a few of the players.

i notice people supporting GC are quick to say a player is playing poor but then oddly it is nothing to do with the manager? really? REALLY?

cant blame him for everything going wrong at the club.

the fans who stay away because of him are just using this as an excuse

he hasnt actualy been that bad, a manager is only as good as his players and a lot of them are shite.

his biggest mistake so far was buying hutton, jenas looked good when we was fit just a shame it didnt last very long. and he saw we missed a link between attack and midfield so he brought keane in.

there is nothing to judge him on until the end of next season at the earliest. he needs to be judged on his own team remember this is mostly MON's team plus bent hutton & given.

IMO we will finish around 8th mostly because of our away record, at home players are scared to make mistakes

If ever there was a need for a "round of applause" emoticon.... it is now.


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So the comments following brummyblokes message are not replying or debating his points but focusing on the acronyms of GC......just as brummyblokes says, you avoid answering....

I dont avoid answering...i just cant be arsed. I dont honestly give a flying **** what names or acronyms people give him. I just personally think the whole "ginger bollocks"..."McShit" etc etc. stuff is pathetic.

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