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The, he's finally GONE! Tell us your thoughts Thread


Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?  

370 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?

    • Yes I think he will
    • No I think he will be here

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I'll boycott with you. I am 37 (my regular attendance goes back to Graham Turner days) and this season has been a total rip off for my money in terms of my season ticket purchase. That free pie I nearly choked on against Liverplop.

Anyhow, I had a 'dizzy spell' on 83 minutes against Swansea such was my anger and rage at what I was watching. No fight, no passion, silly subs, silly starting line up (some say) etc. Going to the Villa has gotten me so wound up, making me miserable and feeling as though I am not getting value for money/entertainment, that it is starting to impact on my health and welfare. That in turn has the potential to impact on my family. One of my friends is concerned about depression...

As such, I am away now for the rest of the season and do not expect to be returning. I know that I need to take a chill pill and not take it so seriously... but football gets you, and grabs hold of you and makes you hold on too tight. I'm at the stage where I can't just sit there and watch that week in week out and seeing zero progress. It takes up too much of my hard earned free time that I should really spend with my lovely family.

This isn't the beautiful game any more - it's all lies, overpaid fancy dans, false dawns, false hope, shit refs etc etc. And then there was MON's debacle... and then Gerard's pointless era... and then Eck... I said last summer that I thought it inhumane to appoint somebody that would not benefit from a honeymoon period (I guess the early fixtures were a tad kind to him) and who would be under so much pressure had they lost to Blackburn as the first home match. And so it is panning out. And I really wanted him to do well and prove me wrong. I don't give a toss about his SHA connections.

When it gets you so bad that you feel yourself wanting to lash out and you feel as though you are turning into a thug, outbursting profanity, the like of which you never considered yourself previously capable and making yourself look a fool, and then getting so wound up you think you're going to collapse - it's time to walk away. Time to leave it alone and put your money elsewhere. That's what I'm doing.

Sorry - I can spend 400+ quid on something that is guarenteed to bring enjoyment and last many years. I see all those players (not just at Villa) getting paid all that money to prance around the pitch like billy-big-balls on the pretence that they are professionals. Do you really believe that you get value for money from them? Do you really think footballers deserve all that doe? No... they really don't. When you've got firemen and little kids rattling buckets and begging me for a donation outside the ground - that's perspective for you.

Fickle? Half-arsed supporter? I'll take that on the chin... But I tell you this, my health means more to me and my family than it does to Eck and Lerner.

I'm better off health-wise and financially without the misery of VP 2011-12. Why put myself through it? If you don't enjoy it, and it makes you feel ill - it's time to stop.

I don't mind losing... this isn't about losing football matches. I almost enjoyed the Arsenal game. It's the nature of the defeat, the clueless and powerless performances on the pitch. That rankles - and straight back into the debate about whether you think footballers per se in the Premiership are really worth those wages. If I performed as badly in my job, I'd be down the road. Simple as that.

The club won't miss me, I know that... but I see a brighter future for me and my family than I do for the people that are hell bent on watching that clunge week in and week out for the remainder of the season, or however long the tenure lasts.

(tin hat on... retreat from the firework... fists up...)

Honest and heartfelt post.

Its a shame that so many of us feel this way, or similar. But we do and you can see there issues here......burning issues that a great many care about, but don't get the answers they deserve.

For what its worth, I don't think that Alex McLeish was even given the support and backing he MUST have been promised to some extent. Yes, he is severely lacking as a Premiership manager.....which to me was only confounded by the incredulous subbing of Ireland against Swansea...but no-one in their right mind would willingly accept a job where immediately after their appointment two of your top stars are winging their way out the door. And if he was aware of that fact before he took the job then he's a bigger mug than I took him for!

Alex McLeish is CRAP! But you certainly have to look higher up the ladder for the root of the problem.

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Let's face it; He was dead on arrival. There is definately huge question marks on his ability as a PL manager, but with his history (both in terms of a shabby track-record and in terms of his last job) he never really had any chance no matter what. The really frightening part is that a case can be made that noone else wanted the job - at least the ones being approached. I can understand why; Becoming manager of Villa these days is not a good career move as the risk of failing is enormous. So, the alternative for the board could have been no alternative at all, or taking a chance on a guy from the lower divisions or abroad. I believe the board did a big mistake in requiring "PL experience", and that's their fault. Appointing a man, who I believe is honest and hard working despite of his shortcomings, that never had any chance of succeeding was just plain stupid and clearly also the board's responsibility. Now we have to live with this for a while, and in the meantime the club is fast becoming irrelevant and totally disconencted with the most important thing - its fans.

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I'll boycott with you. I am 37 (my regular attendance goes back to Graham Turner days) and this season has been a total rip off for my money in terms of my season ticket purchase. That free pie I nearly choked on against Liverplop.

Anyhow, I had a 'dizzy spell' on 83 minutes against Swansea such was my anger and rage at what I was watching. No fight, no passion, silly subs, silly starting line up (some say) etc. Going to the Villa has gotten me so wound up, making me miserable and feeling as though I am not getting value for money/entertainment, that it is starting to impact on my health and welfare. That in turn has the potential to impact on my family. One of my friends is concerned about depression...

As such, I am away now for the rest of the season and do not expect to be returning. I know that I need to take a chill pill and not take it so seriously... but football gets you, and grabs hold of you and makes you hold on too tight. I'm at the stage where I can't just sit there and watch that week in week out and seeing zero progress. It takes up too much of my hard earned free time that I should really spend with my lovely family.

This isn't the beautiful game any more - it's all lies, overpaid fancy dans, false dawns, false hope, shit refs etc etc. And then there was MON's debacle... and then Gerard's pointless era... and then Eck... I said last summer that I thought it inhumane to appoint somebody that would not benefit from a honeymoon period (I guess the early fixtures were a tad kind to him) and who would be under so much pressure had they lost to Blackburn as the first home match. And so it is panning out. And I really wanted him to do well and prove me wrong. I don't give a toss about his SHA connections.

When it gets you so bad that you feel yourself wanting to lash out and you feel as though you are turning into a thug, outbursting profanity, the like of which you never considered yourself previously capable and making yourself look a fool, and then getting so wound up you think you're going to collapse - it's time to walk away. Time to leave it alone and put your money elsewhere. That's what I'm doing.

Sorry - I can spend 400+ quid on something that is guarenteed to bring enjoyment and last many years. I see all those players (not just at Villa) getting paid all that money to prance around the pitch like billy-big-balls on the pretence that they are professionals. Do you really believe that you get value for money from them? Do you really think footballers deserve all that doe? No... they really don't. When you've got firemen and little kids rattling buckets and begging me for a donation outside the ground - that's perspective for you.

Fickle? Half-arsed supporter? I'll take that on the chin... But I tell you this, my health means more to me and my family than it does to Eck and Lerner.

I'm better off health-wise and financially without the misery of VP 2011-12. Why put myself through it? If you don't enjoy it, and it makes you feel ill - it's time to stop.

I don't mind losing... this isn't about losing football matches. I almost enjoyed the Arsenal game. It's the nature of the defeat, the clueless and powerless performances on the pitch. That rankles - and straight back into the debate about whether you think footballers per se in the Premiership are really worth those wages. If I performed as badly in my job, I'd be down the road. Simple as that.

The club won't miss me, I know that... but I see a brighter future for me and my family than I do for the people that are hell bent on watching that clunge week in and week out for the remainder of the season, or however long the tenure lasts.

(tin hat on... retreat from the firework... fists up...)


The best, most well constructed post i have read on here for a very long time. I doff my hat to you sir, you have summed up my entire feelings in 1 single post.

Football is a game, a game that alot of people take very very seriously, a game that alot of people are willing to fight over, pour all their money into and become emotionally attached too...but it is, and always will be still a game. I dont enjoy watching cricket or rugby so i dont watch them, as Raver says above, when you get to the stage where you dont enjoy it then you dont feel compelled to watch it.

I would rather spend my Saturday's with my missus and young lad, or playing golf than go and sit in the cold watching something im not enjoying.

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there used to be a time when we could say "no matter how bad it gets, at least we arent small heath"

unfortunately now, were ending up like them

It's sickening. I actually felt ill watching the Swansea game, maybe because I thought we had turned the corner at Chelsea, now I realise we are in a round room.

Same type of football.

Same type of transfers.

Same results.

Same manager ffs.....

Same aspirations, survival.

Same reputation, it's getting there. We are a doormat for the big teams

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thetrees wrote:

macandally wrote:


I want Mark Hughes to manage Villa, I meet Mark Hughes and if we can see a mutual interest and agree terms I offer him the job.

I dont draw up a **** short list and line them up in the sodding waiting room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do you know that the meeting with Mark Hughes didn't take place prior to the short-list being drawn up?

Mmmmmmm, no I dont, but then I was using Mark Hughes as an example, not stating a managerial fact.

I was saying that once you have identified the man you want, you then meet to finalise the proceedings. You dont arrange interviews in my opinion.

You say potato I say...well you get it.

To me that meeting to finalise the details or proceedings would be a bit like an interview.

Also what then happens if you cant finalise proceedings with your one man, say Hughes for example, if he wasn't prepared to sell Young and Downing and only have £10m to spend in the transfer window? Do you not suggest it's prudent to have some alternatives, I dont know say a short list of people you might like to offer the job to?

Imagine if we did as you suggest went all out for Hughes, got turned down and then ended up with no manager, there'd be people on here criticising his lack of business sense in not making contingency plans.

We apparently invited McLaren and Martinez at least for interviews. We didnt have an idea of who we wanted and talk to them in turn, we treated this as some secretarial recruitment!!

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Raver50032 - Top post by the way. I suspect most if not all are with you on that.

My old man got a ticket for Bristol away, he was gutted as my brother got it him. He does not even want to go. He's been going since the later 1950's ffs.

Years ago he would have been over the moon.

So tell me how this fits in to the bright future aspect of it all, make current long term customers hate you and make sure you get no new ones.

I actually hate the board and management now, I feel this is now personal against (me) and all the supporters. I feels like there was a meeting at VP where some said something like "I'll tell you what, I am going to make them **** (us) the most unhappy set of supports in the UK. I will make them all pay. From now on we will do the exact opposite of what is needed. Better players needed, **** em let's get injured shit ones that will **** show em, ex small heath as well. Yeah they will hate that. H ha and they still give us 500.00 quid a year. hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah" we are now living that.

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Raver50032 - Top post by the way. I suspect most if not all are with you on that.

My old man got a ticket for Bristol away, he was gutted as my brother got it him. He does not even want to go. He's been going since the later 1950's ffs.

Years ago he would have been over the moon.

So tell me how this fits in to the bright future aspect of it all, make current long term customers hate you and make sure you get no new ones.

I actually hate the board and management now, I feel this is now personal against (me) and all the supporters. I feels like there was a meeting at VP where some said something like "I'll tell you what, I am going to make them **** (us) the most unhappy set of supports in the UK. I will make them all pay. From now on we will do the exact opposite of what is needed. Better players needed, **** em let's get injured shit ones that will **** show em, ex small heath as well. Yeah they will hate that. H ha and they still give us 500.00 quid a year. hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah" we are now living that.

I said before it is like the script from Trading places where Lerner and Krulak bet each other $1 they can get some idiot in to run the club (aka Faulkner by the way) and see how it goes.

Faulkner then takes it further and gets Mcduff in as manager

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I actually hate the board and management now, I feel this is now personal against (me) and all the supporters. I feels like there was a meeting at VP where some said something like "I'll tell you what, I am going to make them **** (us) the most unhappy set of supports in the UK. I will make them all pay. From now on we will do the exact opposite of what is needed. Better players needed, **** em let's get injured shit ones that will **** show em, ex small heath as well. Yeah they will hate that. H ha and they still give us 500.00 quid a year. hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah" we are now living that.

To be honest with you I doubt whether any time or effort would be spent on trying to make Villa supporters more miserable that they already were. That is something that is surely impossible to improve upon :winkold:

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To be honest with you I doubt whether any time or effort would be spent on trying to make Villa supporters more miserable that they already were. That is something that is surely impossible to improve upon Wink

They are having a good go though. I don't want the world, just a chance to win the games we play and a bit of nice footie to watch. I gave up on winning things a long time ago.

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Well Kids, he will stay until his position becomes untenable, be that through time (years of bad performance) or Attendances falling to unacceptable levels.

Personally i still say a boycott is the way forward and would have carried on my thread if some children hadnt decided to post immature things in there and cause its closure.

To me its either we let them know or we arent really doing our job as fans.

I'll boycott with you. I am 37 (my regular attendance goes back to Graham Turner days) and this season has been a total rip off for my money in terms of my season ticket purchase. That free pie I nearly choked on against Liverplop.

Anyhow, I had a 'dizzy spell' on 83 minutes against Swansea such was my anger and rage at what I was watching. No fight, no passion, silly subs, silly starting line up (some say) etc. Going to the Villa has gotten me so wound up, making me miserable and feeling as though I am not getting value for money/entertainment, that it is starting to impact on my health and welfare. That in turn has the potential to impact on my family. One of my friends is concerned about depression...

As such, I am away now for the rest of the season and do not expect to be returning. I know that I need to take a chill pill and not take it so seriously... but football gets you, and grabs hold of you and makes you hold on too tight. I'm at the stage where I can't just sit there and watch that week in week out and seeing zero progress. It takes up too much of my hard earned free time that I should really spend with my lovely family.

This isn't the beautiful game any more - it's all lies, overpaid fancy dans, false dawns, false hope, shit refs etc etc. And then there was MON's debacle... and then Gerard's pointless era... and then Eck... I said last summer that I thought it inhumane to appoint somebody that would not benefit from a honeymoon period (I guess the early fixtures were a tad kind to him) and who would be under so much pressure had they lost to Blackburn as the first home match. And so it is panning out. And I really wanted him to do well and prove me wrong. I don't give a toss about his SHA connections.

When it gets you so bad that you feel yourself wanting to lash out and you feel as though you are turning into a thug, outbursting profanity, the like of which you never considered yourself previously capable and making yourself look a fool, and then getting so wound up you think you're going to collapse - it's time to walk away. Time to leave it alone and put your money elsewhere. That's what I'm doing.

Sorry - I can spend 400+ quid on something that is guarenteed to bring enjoyment and last many years. I see all those players (not just at Villa) getting paid all that money to prance around the pitch like billy-big-balls on the pretence that they are professionals. Do you really believe that you get value for money from them? Do you really think footballers deserve all that doe? No... they really don't. When you've got firemen and little kids rattling buckets and begging me for a donation outside the ground - that's perspective for you.

Fickle? Half-arsed supporter? I'll take that on the chin... But I tell you this, my health means more to me and my family than it does to Eck and Lerner.

I'm better off health-wise and financially without the misery of VP 2011-12. Why put myself through it? If you don't enjoy it, and it makes you feel ill - it's time to stop.

I don't mind losing... this isn't about losing football matches. I almost enjoyed the Arsenal game. It's the nature of the defeat, the clueless and powerless performances on the pitch. That rankles - and straight back into the debate about whether you think footballers per se in the Premiership are really worth those wages. If I performed as badly in my job, I'd be down the road. Simple as that.

The club won't miss me, I know that... but I see a brighter future for me and my family than I do for the people that are hell bent on watching that clunge week in and week out for the remainder of the season, or however long the tenure lasts.

(tin hat on... retreat from the firework... fists up...)

No arguements from me - fill ya boots (as they say), and good luck with it.

But I think your taking it a little too seriously if Im honest

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I said before it is like the script from Trading places where Lerner and Krulak bet each other $1 they can get some idiot in to run the club (aka Faulkner by the way) and see how it goes.

Faulkner then takes it further and gets Mcduff in as manager

Quality film, Trading places.

I have nothing else positive to add unfortunately.

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My son and I have had season tickets for the last 7 years in the DE stand. Our regular attendance dates back to the dark days of DOL and I still remember a cold winter night when we had just lost 3-2 I think to Middlesborough with Davis getting one back in injury time. My son who would have been about 8 at the time turned to me and "Villa are crap Dad". As I could no positives on what I had just witnessed I was forced to agree.

Rolll forward to 2012 and my son, now a gangly 15 year old, virtually as tall as me, is saying much the same thing again. I'm sure he only goes to the games for three reasons. I go with a mate and his son and they are friends, he likes the chips at half time and I think he does not want to let me down. What is catagorically the case is he does not go for the football.

I only missed one home league game this season so far, against Newcastle when my wife took me to the RSC at Stratford as a birthday surprise. Suffice to say that was far more enjoyable and much more entertaining. I've attended this season's games out of duty and the fact I have paid. A couple of seasons ago I really looked forward to each home game, now I go to Villa Park in the desperate hope that we do not lose.

Frankly I struggle to motivate myself to go to games.

The Chelsea result was great and I fancied our chances against Swansea so for once I was up for a trip to Villa Park. Sadly it took all of 4 minutes for that bubble to be burst. The players see to be struggling to know what to do, the tactics are none existant, the football is turgid and dull and there is no Plan B. All you watch is a lot of passing around the midfield more often than not followed by a speculative hoof up the field.

I could so so easily just stop going and at the moment I just would not miss it. Its not entertainment and its certainly no fun.

Thank you Alex McLeish. :(

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To be honest with you I doubt whether any time or effort would be spent on trying to make Villa supporters more miserable that they already were. That is something that is surely impossible to improve upon :winkold:

Cough Cough.....Robbie Keane....

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Here are some figures for SHA's attendance whilst AM was in charge, he started in 2007, just put 2006 in to show the trend.

2011 25.462

2010 25.246

2009 19.081

2008 26.181

2007 22.274

2006 27.392

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Here are some figures for SHA's attendance whilst AM was in charge, he started in 2007, just put 2006 in to show the trend.

2011 25.462

2010 25.246

2009 19.081

2008 26.181

2007 22.274

2006 27.392

Pretty steady given the recession. Obv the two releagtions played a big part.

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Here are some figures for SHA's attendance whilst AM was in charge, he started in 2007, just put 2006 in to show the trend.

2011 25.462

2010 25.246

2009 19.081

2008 26.181

2007 22.274

2006 27.392

The attendance trend seems to be the same as the Team. Up and down like a yo yo so no shock there.

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