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Prometheus - Alien prequel..or is it..


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Empire don't sound too enthused with Rapace or her character.

Which interests me as I'm convinced, based purely on the Millenium/Dragon Tattoo series, that she's really not all that as an actress.


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Peter Bradshaw of the Graun gave it 3/5 with a scene-stealing performance from Fassbender. Haven't read the review as he's famous for spoilers.

I did read his review. He didn't give away anything you don't already see in the trailor really.

He sounded similar to Gareth, that it was all a bit "meh". Not bad but nothing really new or great.

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I thought it was excellent. Can't understand the sniffy reviews. I guess it depends on what you're expecting. Have to go to IMDb to see if any questions are answered.

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Kermode gave it 7.5/10.

Made specific reference to other reviews slamming it a little more than he felt it deserved. Basically called it flawed but interesting. And interestingly suggested Noomi Rapace was great... but he thinks she's great anyway so little can be drawn from that.

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A lot of the more fanboy-ish reviews have read like they went in expecting a film that was clearly an Alien film in nature, or that they expected a film that, without question, explained everything that lead to Alien. That was what this film was going to be, but Ridley decided he had another story he wanted to tell. A few seemed to go in expecting something that will revoltionise sci-fi cinema, or put a new high watermark stamp on it like Alien did (a film that is more or less unmistakable, now, so strong are it's themes, style, atmosphere and 'look'), and they haven't got it.

If, when I leave the cinema, it's a 7/10 film with a strong asthetic, well made, and has some cool ideas and answers a few things about the world Alien arose into, and at some point has a xenomorph(;)) even it's just a cameo or a nod, I'll be happy.

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Just seen it

I must say im not impressed Ridley what were you thinking if i could id blast you out the **** airlock

I would give it 7/10 but no Cameo appearances from Hicks, Hudson or Vasquez and i couldn't see Apone either WHERES APONE

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Just got out of seeing this and I feel disappointed to be honest. It's worth seeing as it all looks rather nice. Plus parts of it are interesting. Fassbender is good in it and the effects are very nice.

However, I just didn't feel any connection to the characters at all. The music in it was poor and far too much was shafted into the last part of the film. It was as if they were trying to appease fanboys at the end and it just failed I'm afraid...

I'm not going to totally slate it as there were positives, as mentioned in the first paragraph. Yet it all just felt like a bit of a mess to me and the journey wasn't that exciting. I would probably give it 3/5 and that's mainly on production values.

Just feel a little deflated right now. Going to see it again tomorrow night with other mates so will see if grows on me. I doubt it will though.

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i think 7/10 is fair, IMO theres a point in the middle where the film has a chance to be something different to what it ends up being

spoilers -

right around the point when vickers kills the infected holloway onwards, including the little bit rubbish scene where fifield kills a load of the characters who have absolutely no identity (something IMO it became apparent aliens nailed, in prometheus most of the fodder arent even recognisable) the film lost its way, its not an action film, its not a thriller, the storyline between vickers and weyland isnt really that strong and neither is janek saving the world

i dont know what the answer is but i instantly thought the film would have been better if david / holloway went a bit down the sunshine route and people got picked off with a bit of suspense, as it was 16 of the 17 effectively get killed in 4 scenes and 2 of those scenes were identical

and what happened to milburn? the thing went down his throat but he didnt come back, strange how fifield who didnt get bit did

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and i couldn't see Apone either WHERES APONE

Well you say that, but the captain practically was Apone :P

I enjoyed it very much. Would give it an 8/10 I suppose. I'll post a little in spoilers below, so please do not read if you havent seen it yet :) The worst part for me was once the final credits were rolling, a guy behind me said to his mate, 'you havent seen Alien have you', to which his chum replied 'no, did see Aliens though...well, fell asleep during it'. THE ****. I should have punched him rite.

I personally liked the Xenomorph cameo at the end. I had said to myself about the earlier squid-type-thingy that that must be it - but when the uber-facehugger killed the space jockey it was clear it was impregnated...but was that just a tease? Oh no sir, here you go!

Lots of questions raised for me in regards to Alien and Aliens, naturally. Clearly David was working on his own/Weyland's agenda, just as that god damn robot Ash did in Alien.

Maybe people will see the following as a critisism of the plot I think - David purposely infected Holloway with the space-jockey-super-death-virus as he knew he would then impregnate Shaw, with the purpose to get her in cryo and get the xenomorph inside her back to Earth - just like Weyland corp wanted to do in Alien. Then why would he help Shaw at the end of the film? Well he said earlier that once Weyland was dead he'd be free...so that was the case. He was working on his own agenda once he died. There werent really many gripes with the plot I had that I can think of...sure it wasnt astounding or anything...but that was something raised by one of my work colleagues who came along too.

What you could say is that there were too many characters. Some were kind of just background cannon fodder whose names were barely mentioned. Should that matter? Well, it's obviosuly hard not to draw comparisons to Alien, and that iconic small crew which was so fantastic...so to see something on a much bigger scale here was perhaps disappointing. But it made perfect sense plot wise. I didnt like character of Mz. Vickers, she didnt really do anything at all, did she?

So a sequel is seems likely. But, and it's a big but, with the familiar looking space-jockey-Xenomorph running around on LV-322 (was it?), where does he go from there, on a dead planet? How would a sequel work with Shaw and David-robot-head alone seaching for the space-jockey home planet? Perhaps the next film will be more of a prequel to Alien - seeing how that Xenomorph gets from LV-322 to LV-426? And seeing how Weyland corp puts a plan into motion to see what happened to the $Trillion investment and their glorious leader?

Something I can't get my head around was what does the first scene actually mean? To begin with I thought it was a space jockey being left on Earth and taking the (what we later found out to be) space-jockey-super-death-virus, as a means to spread the DNA (again, which we later found out to be 100% human) onto an early Earth. But the idea later that they intended to kill life on Earth with the virus knocked that idea on the head...so I dunno. Thoughts on a postcard

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Something I can't get my head around was what does the first scene actually mean? To begin with I thought it was a space jockey being left on Earth and taking the (what we later found out to be) space-jockey-super-death-virus, as a means to spread the DNA (again, which we later found out to be 100% human) onto an early Earth. But the idea later that they intended to kill life on Earth with the virus knocked that idea on the head...so I dunno. Thoughts on a postcard

I also thought the opening scene was creation of human life. It was mentioned that they changed their mind and wanted to destroy life. Cesarean woman wanted to find out why -> sequel.
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The music in it was poor
It was terrible. I mean, **** me it was awful. It sounded like the opening to an episode of Star Trek.

There were some good moments, two great moments (opening the Engineer's helmet and the c-section) and some bafflingly bad moments (Vickers being smart enough to uphold quarantine procedures with terminal/firey intensity but not smart enough to run sideways).

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Agreed on those parts.

Some more thoughts:

Right, the ending really annoyed me for two reasons. Firstly the way the creation of the Xenomorph was shoehorned in to appease fans. I don't think it was at all necessary to do that. It was obvious what was going to happen as soon as the Space Jockey entered the ship. I just don't think that needed to be in the film.

Then there was the way the spacecraft went off into the sky at the end with the cheesy music. I wanted to throw up on the spot...

I didn't care for the characters throughout the film either. I wasn't rooting for anyone as such. I didn't care when Logan was set on fire, or when Janek heroically destroyed the spacecraft by sacrificing himself. Surely the aim should have been to make the audience care for those people. As without this feeling those two scenes just felt a bit empty and wasted in my opinion.

I'm a big fan of the Alien films, yet I think you would need to be a complete fanboy to rate that as a quality film and to not see the many flaws. It's a decent film and throws a lot of light on the Alien mythology, plus it looks fantastic (as I have said already). Yet it could have been much better if the characters mattered more, plus if the ending wasn't such a pile of shite basically. Sorry, I can't think of a better way to put it right now.

I'll add another thing. I'm pretty pissed off now that 'At the Mountains of Madness' was passed up because of this...

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I am gutted! I honestly thought Ridley Scott had the answers to my life, mankind's existence, our purpose here and the universe in general... Other than that I thought Prometheus was a visually breathtaking movie with an interesting, engaging story, splattered with some big plot holes, but gotta admit, I loved it. I can smell a follow up. I would talk spoilers if I knew how to do the spoiler quote, white font thing.

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I havent read anything in this topic for a while now and havent actually looked at any of the posts on this page just in case there are some spoilers that havent been hidden

cant wait I'm gunna be in the IMAX at four to watch it

hope its good

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