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Prometheus - Alien prequel..or is it..


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Just watched it.

It was ok. Looked great, some nice moments, but it severely lacks a plot to be honest.

Felt like they started writing the story at the end and worked backwards, and as a result, it lacks any sort of proper development. Some of the big "incidents" just happen all of a sudden with no emotion.

I don't have a problem with the story, it's just that it didn't feel like enough to make a whole film out of. Made the whole thing seem falsely stretched out.

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but its too riddled with silly flaws and mistakes to be good.

Can you tell me what the flaws and mistakes are?

I'm not exactly au fait with the aliens films but i enjoyed Prometheus as a stand alone film, does it not fit in with the rest of the films?

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In fairness they only get onto the net because people rip the Blu rays, it must be out somewhere

In the case of Prometheus, the DVD has been leaked and ripped onto the net for about a week now. The Blu-ray isnt out for a while, so any 720/1080p rips might be several weeks.

EDIT. Looks like October 10th for the Blu-Ray release.

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I thought it had finished in cinemas & the DVD is not out until December (just checked)

Let's just say there are other ways of acquiring films. You're on the internet right now, think about it ;)

I sometimes see a trailer for a movie and think to myself "let me watch this", then by magic it happens!

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but its too riddled with silly flaws and mistakes to be good.

Can you tell me what the flaws and mistakes are?

I'm not exactly au fait with the aliens films but i enjoyed Prometheus as a stand alone film, does it not fit in with the rest of the films?

It doesn't fit terribly well into the Alien universe. It's a prequel to them, but 2 films removed from that (because... well, Hollywood loves money), and also because Ridley Scott wanted to explore other ideas. But then the studio heavily marketed it as a proper prequel.

The flaws and mistakes are so numerous it's hard to note down a list but you get silly stuff like numerous bits of the plot not making any sense (Idris Elba's revelation as the nature of the thing they've stumbled on comes completely from nowhere, and then when you assume his revelation is right, the entire premise for them going to the planet doesn't make any sense, for example. Or why does a scientist, on discovering an alien, get depressed about it before they've done any investigation at all into it? Or why would a bunch of scientists, on an alien planet, discover theres oxygen in the air and immediately all take their helmets off?...and so on) and then really dumb things like like characters being unable to run sideways even when their life depends on it, the entire alien goo thing having no logical progression (it may as well be called magic - it appears at one moment to suggest it does 1 thing, that makes sense... and then later suggests it does other things, that do not make sense at all. It basically does what the plot demands it needs to, which is terrible terrible film making). Add in some truly terrible acting (Shaw's revelation is a perfect storm of awful acting, awful plotting and awful dialogue) and it's an all a bit crap.

In fairness almost all the flaws come from the script - it needed binning and being given to someone who didn't write Lost, i.e. someone who could make a competent and coherent plot. And to be honest it needed to be a true prequel - none of this nonsense leaving a gap for 2 more movies to join up Prometheus with Alien, just explain the Space Jockey from that movie - what he is, what the ship is, what the cargo is, where it comes from, what went wrong.

Theres a lot out there about the problems Prometheus has, and it's surprising how many valid criticisms there are, the film really is riddled with issues.

I should say regardless I enjoy the film for what it is, but it could, should have been a masterpiece.

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The thing is, I can't see how they can really fit more films between Prometheus and Alien.

Spoilers below

You see a Xenomorph right at the end. The ship they find in Alien has crashed. The Jockey is in there, dead. What else is there to explain? I assumed the Xenomorph goes onto lay the eggs in the ship (can it do that?) so surely that sets up the start of Alien? You can't really do anything on that planet without messing up the setup, can you?

Genuine question.

Couple of things in the plot that I didn't get or might have missed.

How did Holloway get infected? Did he touch something when they first went into the mountain/cave thing?

When they do first go in there, I'm sure David takes one of the capsules they find. What happens to that? Surely I didn't switch off for long enough to miss whatever happens to it?

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What is the green crystal for

After watching it again and the extra footage still no answer

It was kryptonite for the Alien vs Superman sequel. Ridley said so.

Does nobody find it strange a Giant green crystal below the mural of a xenomorph

Fifield is a geologist interested in rocks... he mentions earlier on in the movie he's there for the money

They find a giant green crystal he doesnt even try and excavate it... im sure it would be worth a few credits

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The thing is, I can't see how they can really fit more films between Prometheus and Alien.

Spoilers below

You see a Xenomorph right at the end. The ship they find in Alien has crashed. The Jockey is in there, dead. What else is there to explain? I assumed the Xenomorph goes onto lay the eggs in the ship (can it do that?) so surely that sets up the start of Alien? You can't really do anything on that planet without messing up the setup, can you?

Genuine question.

Couple of things in the plot that I didn't get or might have missed.

How did Holloway get infected? Did he touch something when they first went into the mountain/cave thing?

When they do first go in there, I'm sure David takes one of the capsules they find. What happens to that? Surely I didn't switch off for long enough to miss whatever happens to it?

More Spoilers below!!!

Holloway got infected by David when he put a drop of the black stuf into his drink, I found this to be an interesting plot point, why did David target holloway, was it simply because he was drunk so he was a easy target or did David take exception to holloways earlier comments about him being just a robot.

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The thing is, I can't see how they can really fit more films between Prometheus and Alien.

Spoilers below

You see a Xenomorph right at the end. The ship they find in Alien has crashed. The Jockey is in there, dead. What else is there to explain? I assumed the Xenomorph goes onto lay the eggs in the ship (can it do that?) so surely that sets up the start of Alien? You can't really do anything on that planet without messing up the setup, can you?

Genuine question.

Couple of things in the plot that I didn't get or might have missed.

How did Holloway get infected? Did he touch something when they first went into the mountain/cave thing?

When they do first go in there, I'm sure David takes one of the capsules they find. What happens to that? Surely I didn't switch off for long enough to miss whatever happens to it?

More Spoilers below!!!

Holloway got infected by David when he put a drop of the black stuf into his drink, I found this to be an interesting plot point, why did David target holloway, was it simply because he was drunk so he was a easy target or did David take exception to holloways earlier comments about him being just a robot.

More spoilers!!!

David was testing the "black ink" and seeing what effect it had on humans, hoping it would cure the old dude from death. Obviously, it had the opposite effect.

Why he actually chose Holloway, I don't know....

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Oh shit. I missed that. Dunno how. I did answer the phone during the film but thgouht I was still payign attention, obviously it must have been during that bit!

Cheers guys, that's been bugging me.

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