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Prometheus - Alien prequel..or is it..


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I think there will be a directors cut, I have the feeling the film was 'softened' to get the right certificate,

In a world where kids can watch anything online, I ask myself - what the point of the certificates, its jsut a justify the job thing these days ?

Waste of time and effort.

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'Kingdom of Heaven' is a better film. There, I said it...

That doesn't fill me with confidence, seeing as Kingdom of HEaven is one of my least favourite films ever.

The Kingdom of Heaven Directors Cut is a better film, for sure.

Prometheus is a film where characters do things that make no sense at all because the plot demands they do. It's a film where the dialogue is to the standard where a character will just tell you something you either a)already know, because you just saw what happened, or B) could have learnt through better characterisation. It's a film where a character, out of nowhere, makes a revelation as to what they've stumbled on that is neither explained, or particularly justified. It's a film where a character makes what you expect to be some sort of massively important revelation, but does it with dialogue and acting that would disappoint you in a secondary school play (someone in my screening laughed at this revelation), and then uses it for a single section of the film that is curiously underplayed despite being horrific. It's a film where you're told there is a crew of 17, but you only ever come to recognise, at most, half of the crew, and the rest appear to be there to die at one point - but even the bit where they die feels like it was put in to have an action scene. It's a film with a plot device driving it at the start that, once you sit there and think about it, isn't explained enough for you to walk away satisfied. It's a film that nods and winks at the Alien series but serves only to ask more questions of things about that series than it answers. It's a film that reeks of creating a franchise to high heaven - there is nothing preventing the creation of a prequel that ties into Alien perfectly, but unfortunately it'd leave little room to make more money out of it, so they extrapolate backwards and add in a massive narrative that ultimately isn't satisfying (or particularly interesting). It's a film that confuses people who've seen Alien because it expects the audience to just remember a quite small detail from that film to not end up scratching their head at the end.

And yet, I kinda like it. It is gorgeous. It's somewhat interesting in a curious way, because if you think about it it disappoints because theres holes and flaws you could drive the titular space craft through, but you still end up sat there going 'Oh... ok... yeah well that means...'. It keeps the attention. There's a great performance by Fassbender. Some of the action is decent. It has some half decent body horror. It's fun.

For what it's worth I think there will be a directors cut, despite Ridley swearing it's his vision and theres no enforced cuts in it, but it won't save it. Too much of the dialogue and the plot is beyond saving, beyond making it into something great, at best you might bridge some of the great leaps of faith the film demands of you, and perhaps sort some of the pacing out, as it's a film that really lacks tension, which in turn tears the horror out of it.

It ultimately feels like a film that could have done much more, but needed a different writer to the bloke behind Lost, and needed a couple of rewrites of whatever script they ended up with to tighten it up.

I'd say, go see it. Despite all the problems, despite it feeling like a terrible exercise in cynicism, it's pretty and at times fun and theres just enough of the Alien universe in it to make an Alien fan whet their lips, or infuriate them.

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^^^^ Amazing that they did not know they were being filmed :D

Seems a waste of time, the lower the certificate the worse the film in the majority of cases.

Imagine Batman been made as an 18 as it should have been ?

They are clueless, American Werewolf, an 18 on release and on video. Oh, its a 15 now.

Bunch of words removed

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I had a quick look through those plot holes, and although some are valid, some are downright silly. I mean, did anyone care how the Xeno in Alien grew without any food?

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I have never ever seen a proper movie (as in not a crap comedy type thing or B movie) that was such a mess. I honestly cant see how it got by any screenings and surly Ridley watched it and realised that it didn't make any sense?? It beautifully shot but i really in shock about how the movie was released in that state

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When do Yutani get involved to become Wayland-Yutani

All i can see is that it happened just before they set down on LV426 and Yutani were the company that got hold of predator tech and reverse engineered it

Its quite funny because they actually refer to the predator tech as *prometheus* weaponry

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First hour great, second hour average.

Why use Guy Pearce if you weren't going to have him being made younger at some stage?

Why not just use an old actor?

I reckon a lot of stuff ended up on the cutting room floor as the they tried to make a 3-hour cut into a 2-hour action movie.

First thingI thought to.

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Went to see it last night.

Dunno, 7 out of ten but just about.

Hugely disappointing overall but the effects saved it + Theron.

Some of it was very obvious and we all knew which members of the ship were effectively targets from the very start and would be dispensed with.

Gutted really as they should have done a bit like alien but run home but on launch find a xenomorph on board and battle to kill before arrival at earth or something.

+ its an hour too short.

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saw it yesterday...same conclusion.

The first half is good, tense, interesting, etc.

the second was just a bit stupid. Plus, it left me with way more questions than answers - so much so I was trying to work them out rather than just enjoying the film. That said, I will buy the directors cut as I agree that it seemed that loads had to be cut.

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I know, right? Personally I use a tuba, much less likely to get nicked from your pocket on a night out.

Tuba is good. At least make it a pretty cool instrument. I would've respected a bass guitar.

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Went to see this tonight. What a load of auld shit.

Didn't have any empathy for the characters, it's too slow, too many plot holes and one of the main parts at the end looks like it was filmed in the 80s. And my showing had **** subtitles as well.

Utter, utter crap.

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