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Oslo bombing and Utøya massacre


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This is awful beyond words but maybe we should also remember....

Tens of thousands are dying in Somalia....yet the world is standing idly by and doing nothing!

Sadly the truth of the matter is that the closer a death (or deaths) is to home the more of an effect it has on us. Whether that is right or wrong is another debate.

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As many as 30 may be killed or heavy injured at Utøya, as bodies are recovered around the island. The person taken into custody for the killings is a Norwegian citizen, also ethnically. Surprising, I must say. The dude has definitely made a good case for being Norway's most hated person. **** me.

Not that surprising, I'd say. Remember the Oklahoma City bombings in '95. We Norwegians surely have our fair share of lunatics, too. Personally, I began to wonder when the reports about the Utøya shootings came in - a political youth gathering would hardly be a target for international terror groups.

I'm with that line of thought. In the night my wording become very clumsy. What I meant was surprising to many, since their first, and more or less automatic, response when news of the attacks came about was "islamist terror!"

More than 80 young people simply executed with cold blood. This is beyond horrific.

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Apparently this guy was an EDL sympathiser... truly indicative of the dangers of extreme nationalism if initial motives are to be believed.

Just appalling, and when something as harmless as youth politics becomes involved, it's just unbelievable.

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Lone wolf terrorists are very rare.

It's curious watching the coverage of this try to connect the modern terrorist narrative - I was watching BBC News 24 a moment ago and the presenter/reporter/whatever was less interested in the event so much as he was to ask every guest about the state of race relations in Norway (to which he may as well have just said 'Norwegians hate Muslims and this is a reaction to the Muslim terror threat') and trying to make out that Norway was in some way unique and that that was why 91 people are dead this morning.

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Does Norway have the death sentance?

Maximum basic custodial sentence in Norway is 21 years. You can serve more (in 5 year increments) if you're found to still be a danger to society when you become eligible for parole.

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I can't work out why he's shooting at his fellow natives; the guy is a Norwegian right? And he is a xenophobic anti islamist right? Why isn't he killing them? The Islamic nutters have more of a grasp on the concept of terrorism than this guy, he's got it all arse about tit. He's gonna feel like a right wolly when they tell him.

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Just seen Stoltenberg on the news and you can see that this has had a huge personal affect on him. He knew many of the deceased and their parents and he also said that Utøya was his "childhood paradise".

He's managed, admirably, to hold himself together despite that.

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I can't work out why he's shooting at his fellow natives; the guy is a Norwegian right? And he is a xenophobic anti islamist right? Why isn't he killing them? The Islamic nutters have more of a grasp on the concept of terrorism than this guy, he's got it all arse about tit. He's gonna feel like a right wolly when they tell him.

He was attacking the Norwegian Labour Party.

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where was the nearest police station?
And bizarrely for some reason all the serious police were heading in the opposite direction at the time, something about a bomb.
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the lack of security in and around the island is quite alarming. he managed to get on the island, start shooting, and it carried on for an hour or so.

where was the nearest police station?

Yea a youth summer camp in Norway should be guarded as well as a airport right after 9/11.

Do they have police guards in every summer camp where you're from? For every happening that occurs outdoors or in public?

I'm also a bit surprised that he got to carry on as long as he did though.

But I guess it took some time before the police got reports of the shooting due to the mass panic and people being busy running for their lives from a madman hunting them down like rabbits on a small island.

And by the time they got reports, I assume most of the police force was busy downtown Oslo after the bomb had blown up.

I'd make a wild guess and say the nearest police stations would be about 40min away, no idea really.

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