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Thanks Mart - Good day today with Blue Sky also so maybe a few "snaps" :-)

Stick a few on here or FB then mate. If I could have dragged my sorry arse out of bed a bit earlier today, there was a cracking sunrise.

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More buttons than a Tony's Pearly Queen (I mean King) suit on that D7000 - I can feel a day reading manuals coming on

You'll soon get the hang of it. I tend to have mine in aperture priority mode most of the time, so only read need the front dial under the on/off switch to adjust the aperture. Adjust the ISO upwards if you need to shoot in low light without a tripod, leave the WB on automatic if you shoot in raw, and off you go.

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You'll soon get the hang of it. I tend to have mine in aperture priority mode most of the time, so only read need the front dial under the on/off switch to adjust the aperture. Adjust the ISO upwards if you need to shoot in low light without a tripod, leave the WB on automatic if you shoot in raw, and off you go.

Been doing a bit of playing and there seems to be the normal differences of thought on what is the "best" mode for day to day. People like Rockwell have a load of settings( that you can download) and then just uses the U1 or U2 with these. There is a school of thought re remaining in P and like yourself in A. On my D60 I always shot in RAW and I like the dual card thing on teh D7000 being able to do RAW and JPEG - thanks to Damian got a nice card reader that reads RAW for my IPad which is good. Playing around with the focus modes and the lenses I have at the moment. It seems to get some pretty good pics in low lght without flash from my standard 18-55 but I do like my prime in low light which always did on the D60 and now does even better in low light.

Lots more playing (and deleting of naff shots) to do :-)

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How much of photography is the style of the pic rather than the settings?

The guys I was in DPRK with were proper photography type people knew all the modes and knew how to pick a shot .. I really liked their pics when they shared them out when we got back to the uk , thought they had amzing picture aqulity and depth of field

Bizarrely though 4 of mine got picked and published by a few websites and newspapers , and all mine were on full auto point and click( all be it on a superior canon :P

My feel is that maybe the others in my group were trying to be a bit too arty , always wanting that perfect shot , where as I was trying to capture a more natural feel to things ...and happy to just click away

Safe but boring perhaps ?

Is it at the end of the day all in the eye of the beholder ?

i really liked these that I took of a local child at a picnic we went to , she was with her family and asking me to take pictures of her so i could show them to her . .. I like these shots , previously on my travels I always tended to photograph monuments and such , now i seem to have picked up a habit of photographing the people .. some people like these shots , some people I've shown them to don't .. hence my eye of the beholder comment previously



again , i like the faces in this one , it captures the smiles at a local school event we went to ,out first encounter with the North Koreans as such .. nobody really knew what to expect , but they arranged a game where the local children had to run around a course and carry out actions .. in this case find a man wearing a hat and run around the course with him ... we kinda knew early on that this trip wasn't going to be anything like how 99.9% of the world would imagine it to be


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Automatic mode will do a decent job a lot of the time Tony, especially in conditions when it isn't having to do too much, eg not too bright, not too dark/ I really like your second photo, and as an example, if you'd been in manual mode, you might have used a different focal length to maybe blur out the people in the background a little more. If that was shot in automatic mode, the camera obviously doesn't know that the little girl is the centre of attention, and so has included the background as much as it could.

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I've always wanted to get into photography but never had a decent camera or the required push to go buy one.

Ahead of my recent new arrival I finally decided to buy one so opted for the Canon 600D (I await the 'you should have got' comments) and I've been impressed so far.

Only really taken snaps of the little one so far but hoping to give it more of a work out in the coming months.

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Automatic mode will do a decent job a lot of the time Tony, especially in conditions when it isn't having to do too much, eg not too bright, not too dark/ I really like your second photo, and as an example, if you'd been in manual mode, you might have used a different focal length to maybe blur out the people in the background a little more. If that was shot in automatic mode, the camera obviously doesn't know that the little girl is the centre of attention, and so has included the background as much as it could.

Yeah I ought to learn how to use them more , my shots down in the metro were really disappointing , where the light wasn't so good

One of the guys took a night time photo of two of us on the hotel roof with no flash and no tripod and it came out really clear in that you could see both our faces peering out over the top ... I assumed he had used witchcraft to be honest but I think he said he set a wide and slow exposure to do it

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Tony, always look forward to your photo's, you're a very lucky (for lucky read hard working) young man!

Anyway, I'd have thought Jessops would have had the good grace to have a smash n grab cash offer sale. But no, it's phone the managers and tell them to pull down the shutters and post the keys to the administrators. Without going all mercenary, my first thought on hearing the news was that I might get a nice pancake lense.

How does it work? I'm guessing a lot of kit in the shop was either sale or return, or the administrator thinks somebody somewhere will buy the job lot?

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I took these on my new 650D. I'm still getting to grips with it as I took the one I had back to Jessops for a refund. Then got it over in Germany in December for around £300 cheaper with the 18-135 STM lens. Seemed to make sense...

Anyway, do you think any of these are any good?


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