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Has anyone done any courses with the Open College of the Arts?

Considering enrolling myself and just wondered if anyone had ever done one or looked into it.

Having done a previous online course organised by a magazine which had its good points and its very bad points, I'm a bit wary but it seems to tick all the right boxes. Affiliated with the Open University, the courses count towards a degree if you want to go down that route (considering this) and if you complete a lev 1 or 2 course and are a member of the RPS you automatically get a Licentiateship of the RPS (letters after your name ;) )

Anyway I doubt anyone here has but just in case I thought I'd ask for some feedback

Haven't done it, but it looks interesting and I might enquire further.

On distance courses generally, I did some tutoring with the OU and found that while they suit some people very much, others who thought they would be OK with it really struggled. Mainly, the ones who gave up were those who were too optimistic in their assessment of how much time they would be able to commit to it (quality time, not a half hour here and there when knackered or with kids needing attention), or maybe not disciplined enough to use the time they had.

Also, what was noticeable was how many really appreciated the face-to-face tutorials where they could see how other people were doing and exchange thoughts with them - studying alone is a bit disorienting for some people, they're sometimes not sure if they are doing OK, and often they imagine that everyone else must be doing just fine and they are getting behind. Getting together with other students, even if only occasionally, seemed to be really important for most people. Courses which don't offer this may miss out on an important dimension.

I would have thought that a photography course should be more amenable to online discussion than most courses, which might offset this.

As for the points counting towards a degree, the OU credit transfer page only mentions one of the photography courses offered by OCA, so it might be worth checking this out specifically if it's an important consideration.

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I noted that myself Peter but I emailed them and they replied that the accreditation for the other courses had been applied for and they were awaiting a decision as previously they didnt have enough units to actually qualify for the full degree, which was a new venture for them now they've added a couple of new courses recently

The remote learning thing isnt really a problem for me, I've already done one online photography course, my problems with that course were more to do with the incompetance of the course leader. My tutor and other tutors I came into contact with were all fine, they all hated the course leader in the main too

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Green Eye :mrgreen:

Never did find out why anuimals get green eye and humand get red eye

Pinched from another forum:


The glowing eyes are caused because they reflect the light from your flash. The eyes of many animals including foxes, cats and dogs act like mirrors so that they can see better at night - they effectively double the amount of light available to see with. Foxes, like cats, have an extra "mirror" layer at the back of the eye behind the retina, which means that the incoming light has two chances to hit the rods. This mirror layer is called the "tapetum lucidum". It's made from 15 types of cells, and is very reflective. It glows a silvery-greeny-golden colour when a bright light shines on it.

When camera flash is used on us, it gives "red eyes" in portraits of humans. Our eyes appear red because the flash lights up the blood vessels behind our eyes. We do not have the reflective mirror lens of the fox, dog and cat.

To avoid the golden glowing eyes when photographing animals, don't use flash. If that is unavoidable, then you will have to use some sort of editing software to correct the glow (or red eye in humans). Then again - golden eyes can look very mysterious and turn your ordinary fox into a "were-fox" from a Hammer horror film In your picture, the glow is not excessive and doesn't spoil your excellent photograph at all.

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Yeah I noticed the green eye as soon as I took it, thought bugger it he looks ace with bright glowing eyes :D It's the demon dog! (think of The Demon Headmaster)

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Charlie and Jack playing tug-of-war.


and Charlie doing what all dogs do best :lol:


As you can see I'm an amateur (you can hardly see Jack and the proportions aint, erm, right!) but those above are quick shots I've took this morning :) Practice makes perfect :twisted:

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Went to Paris yesterday....got all the usual touristy shots obviously, but took these too which I really like...

Arc de Triomphe access staircase...


Detail on the Eiffel Tower...


Looking down from the tower...


Tower again - I like the way it's framed by the trees here...


Lamp on Sacre Coeur hill...


My favourite...


Rest are here if anyone is interested.

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Nice Paris shots James that one looking down from the tower makes me feel physically sick (seriously - gives me vertigo) A bit like I felt when I went up there

Love the staircase shot too

Off to Paris myself in July, no doubt I'll be showing some shots on here when I get back

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Did you have to look down from the tower?!! :eek:

Saw Russia take on the Czech Republic at the lane yesterday ( U19 ) final score 3-1 to the 'home' side. The future for England looks bright - they were shite in the air and weighed down by dodgy haircuts!!

Couple of pics. Not great but I've reached my limits with my camera, lose all DOF when I use the zoom!




more here http://www.snappycat.co.uk/under19s/U19.html

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Nice sports shots Cat

Right, whilst I'm in here4 B23 can you confirm (as you own one) that the Sigma 12-24mm does not have a filter thread on the front of it?

If so its gone right off my shopping list, whats the point in having an Ultra Wide lens with no filter thread, Ultra wide, the serious landscapers friend - no filter thread - thats just **** stupid, what insane landscaper is going to buy an ultra wide that they can't use an ND Grad on!

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There is no filter thread Bicks, but it takes gel filters slotted into the back aparently. Little too expensive for me, but looks nice.

Not as expensive as the Nikon equivalent (which is why I was looking at the Sigma)

Who in their right mind designs an Ultra Wide with no filter thread, makes it usdeless to 70% of the people who'd want it - IDIOTS!

Good Job I noticed before I bought it though

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OK guys and gals, i have the opportunity to buy the Sigma 70-300mm APO f4-5.6 DG for just over £100 new, does anyone use or have experience with this lens that can tell me if it's any good?

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Sorry can't help with lenses - Clueless!

Bit of a breeding frenzy going on in my back garden at the moment - look away now if you're offended by insect porn....





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Risso - Thank you.

Juju - How is that kind of comment helpful? It does nothing to help me improve and discourages me, and others, from contributing.

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