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The obvious one is that Cameron appointed him to the task, knowing full well Hunt was enthusiastically supportive of the proposed Sky deal, so if Hunt has to go for enthusiastically supporting the deal, instead of fairly judging it, then as Cameron knew that's what he'd do....

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The obvious one is that Cameron appointed him to the task, knowing full well Hunt was enthusiastically supportive of the proposed Sky deal, so if Hunt has to go for enthusiastically supporting the deal, instead of fairly judging it, then as Cameron knew that's what he'd do....

Cameron appointed him, but it seems Osborne chose him - same as how Coulson got his job. Osborne also spent a weekend with Brooks and Coulson, and later had a detailed discussion with Brooks about the bid. Summarised here.

This is why Osborne's text to Hunt about putting him in charge of deciding the bid ("Hope you like our solution!") is damaging to Osborne.

Many tories seem to be very unimpressed with the judgement shown by both Cameron and Osborne, and this business can only confirm their doubts, on top of the car crash that was the budget, and the U-turns. The tactic for Cameron and Osborne is to keep Hunt in place for as long as possible, then sacrifice him in the hope that it will end there, but it's too late for that. If the economy were doing well, they could shrug this off, but they can't. I expect tory knives are being sharpened right now.

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Here we go with a bit of knife-sharpening. They always like to do it anonymously to begin with. Like starting a rumour at a chap's club. The tone of sneering contempt about Osborne's utter lack of understanding of economics is quite something, coming from a Tory MP. They're supposed to leave that to the rest of us.

And here's a right old tory putting the boot in:

...the sheer immaturity of the Coalition government and the schoolboy amateurishness with which it attempts to govern the country...Hunt did not even understand what a quasi-judicial decision required of him...This was classic Cameron: clearly, when he is ejected from Number 10, management of a whelk stall will not be an option for Dave...Government? It looks more like a sackful of fighting stoats...he is not the leader of the Conservative Party, only of an alien clique of “modernisers” that has colonised it like a plague bacillus...the serially incompetent Theresa May...Mad Oliver still stalks the corridors of power...The incompetence exposed by Leveson is another nail in the coffin of modernised Toryism.
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...and to add to poor George's woes, there may be a witness at Leveson discussing George's extra-curricular activities and how Coulson helped cover them up while editor of the NoW, in return for which Coulson was given the Downing Street job on George's recommendation without a competitive interview - or any interview at all, we are told - and somehow escaped the normal security vetting.

Should be fascinating.

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Isn’t Blair the godfather of one of the Murdoch’s children?

Its hard to know which of these to dislike the most; Murdoch, Cameron, Blair, Brown, Osbourne, Hunt, Wade, the list is almost endless.

Did think that Major seemed a more likeable guy that all his successors (or his predecessor). Why did he have it off with that odious lady...

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Did think that Major seemed a more likeable guy that all his successors (or his predecessor). Why did he have it off with that odious lady...

At least he did not have texts with that woman.

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According to various media reports Michael 'pipsqeak' Gove has been meddling in the Leveson Inquiry and upset Lord Leveson. On the BBC News this morning the reporter claimed that Gove used to work for The Sunday Times - which is owned by Murdoch !

How far do these evil tentacles reach.

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So, when News International supplied the Leveson inquiry with details of phone calls and texts made by James Murdoch and others, they appear to have overlooked another four phones used by James and three other people, which ran up bills of £1,000 a month, rising to £3,000 immediately after the inquiry was announced.

I expect James and his chums simply forgot they had them. He's a busy chap, after all.

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...and to add to poor George's woes, there may be a witness at Leveson discussing George's extra-curricular activities and how Coulson helped cover them up while editor of the NoW, in return for which Coulson was given the Downing Street job on George's recommendation without a competitive interview - or any interview at all, we are told - and somehow escaped the normal security vetting.

Should be fascinating.

That's either a broken link Peter, or they've removed the story. What was it?

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That's either a broken link Peter, or they've removed the story. What was it?

Odd. Seems to be working for me, but here it is:

James Murdoch is facing fresh questions amid revelations that he and other News ­International bosses were given ­“secret” ­second phones.

MPs are asking whether the former ­chairman – who received a new iPhone in 2009 in ­addition to his existing phone – and three other senior executives had ­disclosed their existence to the Leveson Inquiry into media standards.

The questions come as the Murdoch empire continues to deal with the fall-out from the phone-hacking scandal that led to the closure of the News of the World.

There is no suggestion that the four executives were involved in phone-hacking, but MPs believe the mobiles could contain crucial ­information about contacts with Downing Street and the Murdochs’ failed bid to take over BSkyB.

The monthly bill for the four phones is believed to have regularly topped £1,000 and reached up to £3,000 a month after David Cameron announced the Leveson Inquiry last July.

Only last week the PM was quizzed at the inquiry about his links with the Murdoch empire and his intimate text conversations with former News International chief ­executive Rebekah Brooks.

The iPhones were supplied by O2, not Vodafone, which was News ­International’s usual supplier.

Two of the mobiles, including Mr Murdoch’s, are believed to be still active while the other two have been disconnected.

Labour MP Tom Watson last night called on News ­International to explain why its senior executives needed second phones and whether the Leveson ­Inquiry had been told of their existence.

He said: “Now that we know James Murdoch had a secret second iPhone I hope he will disclose the content of text messages and emails to the Leveson Inquiry and the police.

“I’d like to know whether he used the secret phones to discuss the parliamentary inquiry with the other senior executives who were issued phones.”

A News International ­source confirmed the existence of the phones, but ­insisted they had been acquired because they were a new development in the media industry.

A source said they had been supplied by O2 and not Vodafone as O2 was at the time the only UK network supplying iPhones.

Until now, there have been only references to Mr Murdoch’s BlackBerry phone at the Leveson Inquiry. He quit as News International chairman in February but remains a key lieutenant in his father Rupert’s global media empire.

A News International spokesperson declined to comment.

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Brooks, Coulson and others charged:

Eight people will face a total of 19 charges relating to phone hacking, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.

They include the former News International chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, and the PM's ex-head of communications Andy Coulson.

Seven are charged with conspiring to intercept communications between 13 October 2001 and 9 August 2006.

The Met Police launched an inquiry after details of phone hacking at the News of the World emerged last year.

Mrs Brooks will face two charges - one relating to the alleged accessing of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler's phone messages.

Mr Coulson is also accused in relation to allegedly hacking into Milly's phone, CPS legal adviser Alison Levitt QC said.


All of the suspects apart from Mr Mulcaire will be charged with conspiring to intercept communications without lawful authority.

Prosecutors will allege that more than 600 people, including Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, were victims of this offence.

The CPS said it would be taking no further action against five others.

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Easy to say from afar.....but I sincerely hope that Brooks and Coulson drown in a pool of their own filth, purely "in the public interest", of course.

or we could wait for the trial and actually bother to find out if they are guilty or not ..

though saying that , chuck in Piers Morgan and I'll help you dig the hole

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Easy to say from afar.....but I sincerely hope that Brooks and Coulson drown in a pool of their own filth, purely "in the public interest", of course.

or we could wait for the trial and actually bother to find out if they are guilty or not ..

though saying that , chuck in Piers Morgan and I'll help you dig the hole

Trial??? What are you on, Tony?? :lol:

Let's get digging!!! :lol:

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