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Murdoch Scum


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I think it shows that people (public, politicians, advertisers) can see how things are going to pan out and want to disassociate themselves from Murdoch as much as possible. His list of supporters is diminishing by the hour.

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There is talk now that Brooks has changed her stance ever so slightly to suggest that she wasn't the editor when the really bad stuff was going on, which suggests as a lot of people have thought that the worst is still to come.

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Hey boyz and girls, a message to my english fans in particular. Today is a fantastic day for Britain. Those of you that have wondered why I have had nothing to say this week about Rupert Murdoch, all i can say is that the time will come. But this much is worth saying now. Rebekah Brooks sat two feet from me in my own home and told me that it was never the public that came to them with information.....on celebrities, and that the Police always got there first. I think thats enough to be going on with. (Don't ask me how she got there)..Believe me I didnt invite her. Rebekah, glad to help :) how does it feel?
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I blame Thatcher.

Seriously, she's had a part to play in all this - the MP's expenses, banking and now Murdoch.

MP's expenses - it was under Thatcher that the whole thing started - beefing up allowances instead of increasing salaries, and the culture of "just claim loads of stuff" to keep the poor dears from the Wolf at the door.

Banking - de-regulation was her thing, as was allowing Building Societies to go to Plcs - the likes of Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley.

And Murdoch - she's the one who encouraged his attitude and cleared his obstacles for him - Peas from the same pod. Thatcher got Murdoch's papers support in return she limited the ability of the MMC to stop him growing his UK media empire.

Burn her.

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A bit more on the attempted destruction of evidence by News International, and serial obstruction by NI.

There is comprehensive ACPO guidance for police on what they are meant to do when investigating crime where records may be kept on computers, to ensure that evidence is preserved and attempts to remove or destroy it are frustrated.

It will be interesting to see whether the police conducting the original investigations complied with this guidance. The story reads as though the attempted destruction of evidence was foiled by a computer firm, not by the police having carried out the required imaging of disks several years ago.

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I blame Thatcher.

Yes, I'm reliably informed that it was she who persuaded Herod to kill all first born children too.

I agree with Trent on the aspect of what more can come out that is worse than this? We've had murdered children, victims of terrorism and the families of dead soldiers all violated by these scumbags.

What else have they done, financed revolutions?

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I blame Thatcher.


Burn her.

Can't be long left now surely.

It's going to be interesting how the country reacts when she does go.

Street party I'd imagine.

Hopefully she is heading for hell and **** rots in it. Many are still paying for the actions of that evil cow.

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I blame Thatcher.

Seriously, she's had a part to play in all this - the MP's expenses, banking and now Murdoch.

MP's expenses - it was under Thatcher that the whole thing started - beefing up allowances instead of increasing salaries, and the culture of "just claim loads of stuff" to keep the poor dears from the Wolf at the door.

Banking - de-regulation was her thing, as was allowing Building Societies to go to Plcs - the likes of Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley.

And Murdoch - she's the one who encouraged his attitude and cleared his obstacles for him - Peas from the same pod. Thatcher got Murdoch's papers support in return she limited the ability of the MMC to stop him growing his UK media empire.

Burn her.

Yay. The real Pete Bland stands up.

:notworthy: :clap:

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I blame Thatcher.

Yes, I'm reliably informed that it was she who persuaded Herod to kill all first born children too.

What else have they done, financed revolutions?

That was Thatcher's buddy Ronnie Reagan. e.g. the Iran-contra affair - a secret arrangement in the 1980s to provide funds to the Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran and from drug money.

When it was found out, Thatcher was deeply sympathetic to RR, saying ti=o him, in writing, anything which weakens you weakens America and offering her support.

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I blame Thatcher.

Yes, I'm reliably informed that it was she who persuaded Herod to kill all first born children too.

I agree with Trent on the aspect of what more can come out that is worse than this? We've had murdered children, victims of terrorism and the families of dead soldiers all violated by these scumbags.

What else have they done, financed revolutions?

Well he's helped promote illegal wars - channelling influence on both sides of the atlantic - from page 6
In an unguarded moment at Davos three years ago, he replied to a question about shaping the agenda on the Iraq war: "We basically supported the Bush policy." And so he did. In the nine days before the invasion, freedom of information requests reveal that he had three conversations with Tony Blair.
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Guardian website has lots of stuff on this updated continually, including many audio clips of the Brooks speech to NoW staff today.

One of the journos seems to have taped it! They didn't search them for audio when they let them in to the meeting! Well, you wouldn't, would you. It would be like implying they go round bugging people or something.

Some real classics in there, including "It's a witchhunt by the Guardian and the BBC!". I dint know nuffink, guvnor. I was stitched up like a fackin kipper, innit?

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Back on the rogue bad apple defence, rupert owns 49% of NDS an israeli computer security firm. Private Eye have often reported on their shenanigans including this old case of hacking

NDS Group"]In 2002, Canal Plus accused News Corp. of extracting the UserROM code from the MediaGuard cards and leaking it onto the internet.[3] According to The Guardian, News Corp. had been working on breaking the SECA-produced MediaGuard smartcards used by Canal+, ITV Digital and other non-Murdoch-owned TV companies throughout Europe. Canal Plus brought a lawsuit against News Corp. but later dropped the action. News Corporation agreed to buy Canal Plus's struggling Italian operation Telepiu. [4][5]

In 2008, News Corp. was cleared of other charges, and paid one thousand five hundred dollars in damages.[6]

ITV Digital failed in a main part because no one paid for it - everyone had a hacked box or engineer codes.

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This is shocking. They're picking on people who are almost pensioners now. Though thanks to George, not quite as close to being pensioners as they thought they were.

9.58pm: The Metropolitan Police has just announced that it has arrested a man in connection with Operation Elveden, the investigation into inappropriate payments to police.

The 63-year-old man was arrested at a residential address in Surrey at 8.22pm. He is the third person to have been arrested tonight in connection with the alleged corrupt payments probe

The Met said in a statement:

The Metropolitan Police Service has this evening [8 July 2011] arrested a member of the public in connection with allegations of corruption.

At 20:22 hrs officers from the MPS' Operation Weeting together with officers from Op Elveden arrested a man on suspicion of corruption allegations contrary to Section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906.

The man, aged 63, was arrested at a residential address in Surrey. A search is ongoing at this address.

The Operation Weeting team is conducting the new investigation into phone hacking.

Operation Elveden is the investigation into allegations of inappropriate payments to police. This investigation is being supervised by the IPCC.

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Brilliant comment from Alistair Campbell this afternoon, to paraphrase - 'this morning's PM statement on giving Coulson a second chance sounded more like a parole officer than a PM'.

Labours desperate attempts to criticise the Tories for their dealings with NI whilst also playing down how it taints them too would be hilarious were it not so tedious. Harmann just claimed on Newsnight, with a straight face somehow, that the Tories cosied up to Murdoch while Labour were monstered by and fearful of him.

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