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I normally operate in the 1,500/1,700 range anyway so it's more a pre-Christmas crash just to see if I can get to 12 stone. If I find that I'm struggling for energy etc then I'll call a halt. Should be fine though. I've done 700 before (although that was before lifting).

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any thoughts on hex bar deadlifts v barbell deadlifts?

Hex bar is more safe for the spine, better for form too

Been pondering this very question myself. The new deadlifting platform in my gym came with some shiny new barbells and hex bars. I've never used a hex bar before.

From what I've read the difference seems to be that Hexbars put less stress on the lower back, and on average people can lift heavier with the hex bar.

Obviously the former is a good thing, I' not sure the latter is though. It's better if you want to lift more weight, but does that just mean it's easier? i.e not working you as hard?

It might just be a more natural movement.


I used the hexbar for my deadlifts last night. Gotta say, it was awesome.

It felt impossible to break form while I was lifting. I think the more natural position of your arms being by your side as opposed to in front of you means your shoulders naturally stay back and your back naturally stays straight, rather than constantly fighting to round out.

Basically, when I usually deadlift, I feel like if I push myself too hard my form will break and I'll do myself a mischief. With the hexbar I felt like I could push as hard as I wanted and my form would be solid. I didn't push myself THAT hard just in case I was getting carried away, but I lifted 10kg heavier than I did last week and felt like I could have gone higher.

I think I'm converted. Only negative was a slight pain in my knee while I was doing it, but that could well just be coincidence.

Most people usually find they can lift more with the hex bar, do you find it hits more of your quads than your lower back?


That's exactly right. It's a more quad-dominant lift. Because the weight is positioned laterally, rather than in front of you, you can't get the hips as far back without bending the knees. In fact it's hard to actually lower the bar at all without bending the knees which turns the hex/trap bar deadlift into an almost deadlift/squat hybrid. Some people know the bar as the 'dead-squat bar'. With quads generally being stronger than hamstrings, it's possible to lift more weight, especially if using the high handles (not all hex bars have these) which reduce the range of motion. 

Yep, definitely felt it more in the legs.

Didn't feel like it took too much load of my back though. In fact, given that I could hold my form much easier, I actually felt like I worked my back more than I would have done doing a normal deadlift, purely on the fact I was able to push myself harder and not break form.

I'm sure there's no subsitute for a proper deadlift, but given my history with niggly back injuries I may well be sticking to the hex bar for a while. I'd be willing to sacrifice that bit of work (if it is a sacrifice) for peace of mind that I'm doing the lift right.

(I did use the high handles this time as a starter but will try the proper ones next time

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I normally operate in the 1,500/1,700 range anyway so it's more a pre-Christmas crash just to see if I can get to 12 stone. If I find that I'm struggling for energy etc then I'll call a halt. Should be fine though. I've done 700 before (although that was before lifting).



I eat 700 calories before 6am :D

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Started a new mass-based program last week, both exercises and diet, after years of going most days out of habit and not seeing any massive gains.

First time I've bit the bullet and done everything to the last detail but really felt the difference. Hardest part has been eating the amounts required, which I appreciate is 50% of the battle.

Hoping to get up to around 13st - 13.5st before Christmas, although not around the waistline..

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Started a new mass-based program last week, both exercises and diet, after years of going most days out of habit and not seeing any massive gains.

First time I've bit the bullet and done everything to the last detail but really felt the difference. Hardest part has been eating the amounts required, which I appreciate is 50% of the battle.

Hoping to get up to around 13st - 13.5st before Christmas, although not around the waistline..

What kind of 'mass based' exercise program? How many kcals a day are you bulking on?

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Continuing my quest to tighten up the form on all my lifts, I've switched to box squats instead of regular squats.

They're not proper box squats in terms of actually sitting on the box, just a guide for depth. But I've got it set to just below parallel, and it makes a huge difference :D

I was about 20kg less than my current max. Makes you realise how shallow I was going as the weight got heavier.

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Continuing my quest to tighten up the form on all my lifts, I've switched to box squats instead of regular squats.

They're not proper box squats in terms of actually sitting on the box, just a guide for depth. But I've got it set to just below parallel, and it makes a huge difference :D

I was about 20kg less than my current max. Makes you realise how shallow I was going as the weight got heavier.

My legs are in pieces after this. Doesn't help that I hit calves hard for the first time in a while.

Meant to be doing back tonight but I don't think I'll be able to deadlift in this state :D

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Mentally preparing myself to join a gym again. At age 44, in the winter I always pack on the pounds, so into the gym I shall go. This time though, I'd like to make more of an effort to bulk and tone up.

Gotta stave of these moobs


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Am I the only one who hates doing Abs? Find it the most boring exercise ever..yet my belly is starting to stick out!

Need to get to 13 stones muscle, so far i'm on 12 stones but with some fat! My problem is my eating, need to consume more calories, I like what Steveo is doing, eating before 6am but I honestly haven't a clue what that part of the day looks like


Ps - discovered a new website musclefood.com, looks pretty good, going to be trying the egg whites.

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Am I the only one who hates doing Abs? Find it the most boring exercise ever..yet my belly is starting to stick out!

Need to get to 13 stones muscle, so far i'm on 12 stones but with some fat! My problem is my eating, need to consume more calories, I like what Steveo is doing, eating before 6am but I honestly haven't a clue what that part of the day looks like


Ps - discovered a new website musclefood.com, looks pretty good, going to be trying the egg whites.

I hate abs as well. Have to force myself to do them.

Also, Musclefood are excellent. If they delivered on weekends I would use them every week.

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I didn't particularly like doing abs on their own which is why I love chin ups.  A good few of those and my stomach is squealing :) Job done.  If you add in regular squats too then IMO you don't specifically need to concentrate on abs at all.

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Am I the only one who hates doing Abs? Find it the most boring exercise ever..yet my belly is starting to stick out!

Need to get to 13 stones muscle, so far i'm on 12 stones but with some fat! My problem is my eating, need to consume more calories, I like what Steveo is doing, eating before 6am but I honestly haven't a clue what that part of the day looks like


Ps - discovered a new website musclefood.com, looks pretty good, going to be trying the egg whites.

I don't do much abs anyway. Maybe 15 minutes a week, if that.

But, good news, it doesn't really matter. If you want to see your abs, you need to lose fat. You can do ab workouts until the cows come home, you're never going to see them if you have fat in the way. Ab exercises don't reduce stomach fat.

Your abs get plenty of workout from your big compound lifts like squats and deadlifts.

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Am I the only one who hates doing Abs? Find it the most boring exercise ever..yet my belly is starting to stick out!

Need to get to 13 stones muscle, so far i'm on 12 stones but with some fat! My problem is my eating, need to consume more calories, I like what Steveo is doing, eating before 6am but I honestly haven't a clue what that part of the day looks like


Ps - discovered a new website musclefood.com, looks pretty good, going to be trying the egg whites.

I don't do much abs anyway. Maybe 15 minutes a week, if that.

But, good news, it doesn't really matter. If you want to see your abs, you need to lose fat. You can do ab workouts until the cows come home, you're never going to see them if you have fat in the way. Ab exercises don't reduce stomach fat.

Your abs get plenty of workout from your big compound lifts like squats and deadlifts.

This was accepted and common knowledge but is another thing found to actually be bro science.



Edited by Morley_crosses_to_Withe
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Yep. Haven't read the article you posted but did read a study (which it probably references) that said that ab activation is actually higher in tricep pushdowns (I think. It was an isolation exercise, anyway) than squats or DLs.

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I'm pretty lean everywhere else, it's just the lower stomach that is protruding out a little.

I would have thought crunches, obliques and planks would have done the job, i just tend to skip abs more than any other body part.  I train 4-5 times a week plus play footy so I get my cardio out of that.

Goal is to add more mass, max in the gym i would do approx 5 minutes of cardio lol

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Am I the only one who hates doing Abs? Find it the most boring exercise ever..yet my belly is starting to stick out!

Need to get to 13 stones muscle, so far i'm on 12 stones but with some fat! My problem is my eating, need to consume more calories, I like what Steveo is doing, eating before 6am but I honestly haven't a clue what that part of the day looks like


Ps - discovered a new website musclefood.com, looks pretty good, going to be trying the egg whites.

I don't do much abs anyway. Maybe 15 minutes a week, if that.

But, good news, it doesn't really matter. If you want to see your abs, you need to lose fat. You can do ab workouts until the cows come home, you're never going to see them if you have fat in the way. Ab exercises don't reduce stomach fat.

Your abs get plenty of workout from your big compound lifts like squats and deadlifts.

This was accepted and common knowledge but is another thing found to actually be bro science.



Fair enough. Every day's a school day!

I still don't think it changes the fact that you don't really have to do much direct ab work.

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