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Yeah pretty much. Lifts are actually going up slightly if anything.


But it must be said I didn't really bulk this winter. Work and personal reasons meant my gym visits over xmas were sporadic and most of the weight I put on was unfortunately pure fat.


In previous bulks (I've only done 2 in my short lifting "career"!) I have ended up losing a lot of strength when I've subsequently cut, although my starting weight was very high so I had a lot to cut, which never helps.


But so far this year as I said I'm keeping consistent, if not increasing my lifts. Certainly haven't noticed anything dropping yet. But with over a stone left to go it could still happen

Edited by Stevo985
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Yeah pretty much. Lifts are actually going up slightly if anything.


But it must be said I didn't really bulk this winter. Work and personal reasons meant my gym visits over xmas were sporadic and most of the weight I put on was unfortunately pure fat.


In previous bulks (I've only done 2 in my short lifting "career"!) I have ended up losing a lot of strength when I've subsequently cut, although my starting weight was very high so I had a lot to cut, which never helps.


But so far this year as I said I'm keeping consistent, if not increasing my lifts. Certainly haven't noticed anything dropping yet. But with over a stone left to go it could still happen


Fair play. I've only ever done one cut before but I felt that I dropped weight far to quickly. This is something I think I do naturally though so maybe I needed to just eat more calories. Want to try and be much more controlled this time.

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Everyone's different. I'm the opposite. 


I find it hard to lose weight but I absolutely pile it on on a bulk.


I'm on exactly a pound a week for this cut. I need to have a couple of 2 pound weeks to hit my target but they'll come in the last couple of weeks I hope.

So going perfectly at the moment.

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When is failure considered failure in strength training? ie. would you consider 3 good reps and 2 poor reps on deadlift a failure or is failure, failing to lift the set weight for 5 reps?


Obviously 5 ugly back breaking reps I would consider failure but just interested in seeing when others feel its the right time to move up weight.


Never really focused on form before, but as my goal is losing weight im spending time focusing on my form and not rushing to load the bar. In the past I would have just loading the bar until i physically could meet the allocated reps.

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When is failure considered failure in strength training? ie. would you consider 3 good reps and 2 poor reps on deadlift a failure or is failure, failing to lift the set weight for 5 reps?


Obviously 5 ugly back breaking reps I would consider failure but just interested in seeing when others feel its the right time to move up weight.


Never really focused on form before, but as my goal is losing weight im spending time focusing on my form and not rushing to load the bar. In the past I would have just loading the bar until i physically could meet the allocated reps.

If by bad reps you mean poor form then to me that's a failure.


Lifting a weight with poor form isn't really lifting it.


Deadlifts especially I'd be avoiding lifting to failure.

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Diet is fairily basic, Porridge breakfast, chicken salad lunch, meat n veg dinner. Graze on bit of fruit n nuts during the day.


Keeping portions to what I would call average, ie. one chicken breast insted of two etc.


Eating rice, potatoe, bread etc but staying away from fried food or any kind of junk.


Still hasnt effected by lifts and i am into week 8/9 on Madcow regime.


Currently 110kg so still another 10kg to go before desired weight.

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I plumped up this winter cuz it's been so cold with snow and ice still covering the roads. I'm at about 183lbs, a good 10lbs more than what my ideal weight is. Living with my sister the last 4 months hasn't helped either, she buys cheese by the barrel, and bakes muffins and stuff. And I'm drinking beer again, so I need to tighten up my act!

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  • 3 weeks later...

How many of you are familiar with the rise of YouTube fitness channels and their offers of coaching?


I've decided its time to cut and last time I did it I think I dropped weight far too quickly. Now obviously the smart thing to do would be to raise my calories slightly but I thought to myself, Why not look into one of these packages?


So I've signed up for a cutting package with Lex Griffin and whilst I was at it I thought I'd pay to get access to his training plan. To be honest, I went into this knowing that it was more than likely £200 down the drain but fitness is a big passion of mine so to me its money i'm willing to part with.


So far though i'm not massively impressed. It's been 4 weeks now since I paid for it and sent off the initial questionnaire that you receive and haven't received anything back from him. Initial turn around was supposed to be within a week unless notified, which I wasn't. Once he got back to me after 2.5 weeks he said he had been abroad and was not answering emails as stated numerous times on social media. I don't use social media.....


I've just received an email from him today where he basically just resent me the original email that he sent when I first got in contact to get an outline of price plans.....


I'm still going into this with an open mind though and will report any progress and my thoughts. Hopefully this turns out to be fantastic and is an option that others can try. If it isn't though i'll make sure you all know!

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So I've signed up for a cutting package with Lex Griffin and whilst I was at it I thought I'd pay to get access to his training plan. To be honest, I went into this knowing that it was more than likely £200 down the drain but fitness is a big passion of mine so to me its money i'm willing to part with.




I really don’t want to put a damper on all this but what are you meant to be paying £200 for exactly? I would not be surprised if all he does is gives you some generic information around cutting.


The principles around cutting are simple really as in fairness the principles around all fitness are. You want to shred fat and trim down then burn more calories than your consuming. Personally I would do this in two ways eat slightly less than your maintenance daily calorie allowance, targeting reducing sugars and fats, and up your cardio.  I am a big advocate of around 70 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week and I do this by running. You want to boost the effects of that even further do fasted training where by you don’t eat or load up on carbs pre your cardio training and just take on plenty of water before. This will result in your body using fats as the fuel source and should result in you speeding up your cut slightly.


I wish you’d have come on here and said what you were thinking of doing as I am sure many of the regular posters in this thread would have offered you some good advice. Hopefully though this won’t prove a waste of money for you.

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Hi Mark,


Appreciate the concern but like I said, I'm not expecting anything I don't already know. It was the inquisitive side of me that wanted to do this and had already planned to blog/write about the experience. I've read enough about bodybuilding and everything that surrounds it to feel confident enough to do it on my own but I know there are loads of people out there that would pay for these services and I wanted to know first hand what kind of information those people will receive.


Basically what i'm saying is I know already that I've probably wasted £200 and I'm OK with it because I'm not going into this thinking i'm about to get some magical information that nobody out there has ever seen. I'm going into this knowing that I can write a detailed overview of what people actually get for their money from first hand experience and if I learn something new then great.


Like I said a few posts above though, not impressed with the professionalism at all so far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone good with MyFitnessPal, it's confusing the hell out of me.


Tracking my food is fine. But when it comes to syncing up with the Withings app I just don't quite understand it.


For yesterday, the myfitnesspal i saying I burned 279 calories (information it's got from Withings). The Withings app is telling me that I've burned 684 calories, which is what it's calculated from my watch. 








Can anyone make any sense of that? Surely the exercise section should say 684 calories instead of 279?


I'm not expecting you too though :lol:

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