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The Next Villa Manager Part 3


Who do you want as the next Villa manager  

654 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want as the next Villa manager

    • Moyes
    • Benitez
    • McClaren
    • Martinez
    • Hughes
    • Poyet
    • Coyle
    • Rijkaard
    • Other (Please State)

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Reference that late night chat I would really have like to have seen a little more emphasis on discussing his management style and history rather than him being a blues manager as it would have really strengthened our argument and seemed less about pride.

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Get used to playing 4 5 1 at home lads if McLeish darkens your door. Mind you it could be worse....it might bring Cameron Jerome with him, then you really would have cause to complain. I hope for your sake that this no more than a moment of madness from Randy Lerner. When he wakes up to the storm he has created he will repent it.

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So the board are looking for a manager that has Premier League experience that is to be ignored and base an appointment on prior achievements outside of the Premier League. So why not Rikjaard, Shuster etc that have been mentioned not get an interview?!!!

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Well it seems that Premier League experience is a must but whether or not that Premier League record is good, bad or completely shit is an irrelavence??? Madness, lunacy and commercial suicide rule the day!!! AM has managed to keep B-losers up once in 3 attempts and this year especially he took his team from a position of relative safety down to the fizzy pop league when it was his to lose!!!

Obviously RL and PF think that being a complete and utter failure is a quality to be had in the new manager!!

I am even starting to wish that the scummy ones hadn't gone down!! At least he would still be in a job!!

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Well so far the only ones we know have been definite candidates have been Martinez & McLeish. We know that McLeish is being considered but has not yet been interviewed, while Martinez was not actually interviewed and decided he did not want to be considered.

Maybe (please God) there are other irons in the fire & Randy is just doing his due diligence & interviewing a number so that he can make a proper informed choice. It seems to me with Randy personal rapport with a manager is very important and he will want to meet with them face to face to see who he likes best.

I am hoping that there are at least 2 or 3 other hats in the ring and that Mcleish is just one of a number being interviewed.

Someone mentioned a dozen or so pages back that Villa staff were being made to sign confidentiality agreements re the manager's post and maybe this is because there are candidates being interviewed who do not want to be made public until the decision is made (ie currently employed at other clubs or candidates for other positions).

It's all conjecture I know, but I really don't think a decision to appoint McLeish is as much of a fait accompli as some might suggest.

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The thing is im not even that angry, i just feel heartbroken and im a 34 year old man. Weve gone back to the darkest Ellis days. When will it ever end. I never thought this board would do something like this, they clearly know nothing about the game and the fans.
. Mate I'm 32 and consider my self a very rational person and feel exactly the same, as fans fair enough we do like a moan and we're entitled too but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure any other manager mentioned for the position would have had the fans support albeit begrudgingly with some but we would have got behind them, think I speak for most in saying that if we'd have had a poll when Ged had to resign for the last person on earth you'd like to see takeover at VP he'd a resounding winner, let's just hope there's a twist in the tail yet.
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From the board's statement today I just get the impression they think we are angry because McLeish is coming from Blues and that that is our only gripe. From my interaction and reading various postings we couldn't really care that he is coming from Birmingham it's that his track record in the Premier League is absolutely awful and his style is really no different to Alladyce except Sam doesn't get relegated TWICE!

You can't blame McLeish for wanting it but he must have one hell of an ego if he takes this job. I just don't see how he and the board think this will work out for the best. I think we would need to be in the top 4 by October for him to start winning fans over. Mediocrity will lead to empty seats and a very nasty atmosphere at Villa Park. And what if we draw Birmingham in the cup away. Not a place I'd like to be that night.

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Premier League experience is a must.. unless they suck.. then we look at your previous record in Scotland. If they didnt care about the fans thoughts.. why did they knock back McLaren then? Hes got a better record.

You cant make this stuff up. Absolute mess.

Well done Randy and Board.

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The thing is im not even that angry, i just feel heartbroken and im a 34 year old man. Weve gone back to the darkest Ellis days. When will it ever end. I never thought this board would do something like this, they clearly know nothing about the game and the fans.
. Mate I'm 32 and consider my self a very rational person and feel exactly the same, as fans fair enough we do like a moan and we're entitled too but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure any other manager mentioned for the position would have had the fans support albeit begrudgingly with some but we would have got behind them, think I speak for most in saying that if we'd have had a poll when Ged had to resign for the last person on earth you'd like to see takeover at VP he'd a resounding winner, let's just hope there's a twist in the tail yet.

You're 32 and feel heart broken that Aston Villa would like to interview McLeish? And you consider yourself "very rational"?

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It's not even about the Blues. It's about McLeish having proved himself as a decidedly average manager. The Blues connection is simply salt in the far deeper wound of unambition. To think where we were 12 months ago.

I've said it before, right now I'd take Mark Hughes in a heartbeat.

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Well so far the only ones we know have been definite candidates have been Martinez & McLeish. We know that McLeish is being considered but has not yet been interviewed, while Martinez was not actually interviewed and decided he did not want to be considered.

Maybe (please God) there are other irons in the fire & Randy is just doing his due diligence & interviewing a number so that he can make a proper informed choice. It seems to me with Randy personal rapport with a manager is very important and he will want to meet with them face to face to see who he likes best.

I am hoping that there are at least 2 or 3 other hats in the ring and that Mcleish is just one of a number being interviewed.

Someone mentioned a dozen or so pages back that Villa staff were being made to sign confidentiality agreements re the manager's post and maybe this is because there are candidates being interviewed who do not want to be made public until the decision is made (ie currently employed at other clubs or candidates for other positions).

It's all conjecture I know, but I really don't think a decision to appoint McLeish is as much of a fait accompli as some might suggest.

thats true ponky, but the fact remains that we have publicly stated that we want to interview him and consider him as a possible candidate - that alone proves that the board need their heads read.

no one needs to interview anyone to see that in no way shape or form should he be considered for the job. if we eventually appoint someone else it doesnt alter the fact that the board were seriously considering bringing in the manager who just got the blues relegated for the second time in three years.

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Well so far the only ones we know have been definite candidates have been Martinez & McLeish. We know that McLeish is being considered but has not yet been interviewed, while Martinez was not actually interviewed and decided he did not want to be considered.

Maybe (please God) there are other irons in the fire & Randy is just doing his due diligence & interviewing a number so that he can make a proper informed choice. It seems to me with Randy personal rapport with a manager is very important and he will want to meet with them face to face to see who he likes best.

I am hoping that there are at least 2 or 3 other hats in the ring and that Mcleish is just one of a number being interviewed.

Someone mentioned a dozen or so pages back that Villa staff were being made to sign confidentiality agreements re the manager's post and maybe this is because there are candidates being interviewed who do not want to be made public until the decision is made (ie currently employed at other clubs or candidates for other positions).

It's all conjecture I know, but I really don't think a decision to appoint McLeish is as much of a fait accompli as some might suggest.

thats true ponky, but the fact remains that we have publicly stated that we want to interview him and consider him as a possible candidate - that alone proves that the board need their heads read.

no one needs to interview anyone to see that in no way shape or form should he be considered for the job. if we eventually appoint someone else it doesnt alter the fact that the board were seriously considering bringing in the manager who just got the blues relegated for the second time in three years.

A part of me believes that we are just interviewing McLeish to rub salt in the wounds of SHA...that really would be brilliant stuff. But reality says that a man of Randy's stature would not waste his valuable time interviewing a bloke who he gave no chance of having a role.

Although I do like Ponky's thoughts around due diligence on the matter requiring a decent sample of people interviewed...how often would you get a chance as an owner to really pick the brains of a heap of managers without creating chaos?? Maybe Randy is taking this opportunity to do just that, while all the while having settled on Rijkaard, Low, or Van Gaal?

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Maybe (please God) there are other irons in the fire & Randy is just doing his due diligence & interviewing a number so that he can make a proper informed choice.

I think some how that this may be wishful thinking?

It seems to me with Randy personal rapport with a manager is very important and he will want to meet with them face to face to see who he likes best.

Can't really understand this one? Do you think that SAF is best buddies with the Glazers? From my personal experience you don't employ someone because you like them, you employ someone because they are good at their job, if you get on with them all the better but it's not one of the top two criteria? He has done this with Faulkner and that has got him no where!!

Someone mentioned a dozen or so pages back that Villa staff were being made to sign confidentiality agreements re the manager's post and maybe this is because there are candidates being interviewed who do not want to be made public until the decision is made (ie currently employed at other clubs or candidates for other positions).

Confidentially agreements are an Americanism (my company does loads for Yanky oil companys and they love these) and not worth the paper they are written on!! Why does it have to be such a big secret anyway? It's hardly National Secruity stuff?? Maybe they just don't want the world to see just how much of a circus they are running down at VP.

Can we have our great and historic club back please Randy? You are making us look like a buch of clearings in the woods!!!

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The thing is im not even that angry, i just feel heartbroken and im a 34 year old man. Weve gone back to the darkest Ellis days. When will it ever end. I never thought this board would do something like this, they clearly know nothing about the game and the fans.
. Mate I'm 32 and consider my self a very rational person and feel exactly the same, as fans fair enough we do like a moan and we're entitled too but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure any other manager mentioned for the position would have had the fans support albeit begrudgingly with some but we would have got behind them, think I speak for most in saying that if we'd have had a poll when Ged had to resign for the last person on earth you'd like to see takeover at VP he'd a resounding winner, let's just hope there's a twist in the tail yet.

You're 32 and feel heart broken that Aston Villa would like to interview McLeish? And you consider yourself "very rational"?

Well if you can explain to me what sort of message this sends out from our club then i'm all ears buddy? interview or not why on earth is he even on the shortlist?

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If Sir Alex had charge of the Blouse for a season and they went down ...... would he be a crap manager or would fans point at the crap side, lack of resources and major injury issues ? You can't put a manager down for failing to make sense of a crap side anymore than you can rave about a guy who rides in on a top side with limitless resources at his disposal. I don't give a flying frog where the manager comes from nor whether he was a Sty Dweller last season - if he comes here and does a job then he's good by me.

I'm not certain one way or the other whether ML will work here but his record at Blouse doesn't make my mind up in any way and the fact that he was there makes no difference to me at all !

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The thing is im not even that angry, i just feel heartbroken and im a 34 year old man. Weve gone back to the darkest Ellis days. When will it ever end. I never thought this board would do something like this, they clearly know nothing about the game and the fans.
. Mate I'm 32 and consider my self a very rational person and feel exactly the same, as fans fair enough we do like a moan and we're entitled too but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure any other manager mentioned for the position would have had the fans support albeit begrudgingly with some but we would have got behind them, think I speak for most in saying that if we'd have had a poll when Ged had to resign for the last person on earth you'd like to see takeover at VP he'd a resounding winner, let's just hope there's a twist in the tail yet.

You're 32 and feel heart broken that Aston Villa would like to interview McLeish? And you consider yourself "very rational"?

Well if you can explain to me what sort of message this sends out from our club then i'm all ears buddy? interview or not why on earth is he even on the shortlist?

Hey, I'm not that keen on him either. There is much better out there. But heartbroken? **** me, it's not like your kids have died or your house has burned down.

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It's not even about the Blues. It's about McLeish having proved himself as a decidedly average manager. The Blues connection is simply salt in the far deeper wound of unambition. To think where we were 12 months ago.

Exactly out of the 3 relegated teams he is definately the worst with regards to record and style of play! He didn't get the scum relegated through back luck or injuries, he just couldn't stop them losing and the tactics he used and the motivation of the team were bloody incompetant.

Hell even that knob at Blackpool gave it a go and had some fight in him McCleish is a waster and a loser!!

Randy just watch their last half dozen games and tell me why he should get the job?? Watch the 5-1 and tell me why he should get the job??? Suggest in the porridge league with Rangers or Celtic is a given, it's shooting fish in a barrell, it is one of if not the worst league in Europe!

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The club statement yesterday addressed the fact McLeish had been Birmingham manager and addressed that the fact would not stop them from hiring him as a result.

The worrying part is they ignored the fact he is a **** awful manager. The Football 365 headline on the day after the season ended reported something along the lines of "good riddance to bad rubbish" - referring to McLeish's brand of football.

£40m spent and relegated. There is no way this clown can work to sustain this great club, all he is going to do is **** us in the ass.

Come on Villa, don't employ this serial loser!

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and his style is really no different to Alladyce except Sam doesn't get relegated TWICE!

I'd take any style over the drab crab-football that nearly relegated Villa last season !

I'd take any manager who can actually manage a side without having wars breaking out amongst the camp and I'd take any manager who has the balls to drop our "superstar" egos when they stop performing for the team.

Truth of the matter is that had Blouse not been wrecked by major injury problems at a bad time, they would have finished above us with a fraction of the resources made available to the French idiot who we tolerated !

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Randy just watch their last half dozen games and tell me why he should get the job?? Watch the 5-1 and tell me why he should get the job??? Suggest in the porridge league with Rangers or Celtic is a given, it's shooting fish in a barrell, it is one of if not the worst league in Europe!

...... do we ignore some of the gubbings we got last season (Newcastle anyone ?) and do we ignore the fact the ML put his team of no-hopers and Villa cast-offs in the top half of the league for most of the time we were in the bottom half a dozen ?

Oh ..... okay then !

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