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I could take a giraffe.  Snap its knees and it's done.  Stupid gangly clearing in the woods.


To turn the question on its head, what's the smallest animal that you couldn't take?  No weapons.  Definitely not a honey badger.  Not sure how capable a tasmanian devil is although I know how angry they are.  Maybe a good 50-yd field goal kick in the hole would sort it out.


An otter maybe. I certainly wouldn't be crazy enough to take on a swan. They can break your arm.

Edited by dAVe80
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What's the biggest animal, you think you could take in a fight? No weapons allowed.

I think I could take a goat. Maybe a llama.

Llamas are well hard, I wouldn't fancy it.

I've fought a goat to a draw, but I was admittedly using a weapon.

We were staying in a holiday cottage, and the owner warned us that the goat was aggressive, but advised hitting it with the baseball bat provided if it gave us any trouble. Now, I'm not one for cruelty to animals, but on day two, sure enough, this thing STOOD ON ITS BACK LEGS and came at me, head down. I had the bat to hand, so I swung it as hard as I could at the bastard's head. The sound and feel was like hitting a brick wall, but it stopped it in its tracks. A couple more blows and it backed off. Never tried it again. Very strange experience.



Yeah, I can see that about llamas. That's why I was tentative and said, maybe.

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I could take a lion.


Take him where?



To be fair, the scariest situation and probably the closest I've been to death was from an Alligator attack, so I wouldn't recommend mooching about near them either.



That made me think of 'Ace Rimmer' fighting an Alligator


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it's ok, batman is just a children's comic character leant kudos by twenty somethings afraid of growing up, he can take it




What's the biggest animal, you think you could take in a fight? No weapons allowed.


Well, I like to think it was a draw between me and the alligator in the sense, he tore my leg to bits and nearly drowned me but I did hurt his tail trying to preventi him from a 'death roll' and blind him. but I was right by his nest so all up in his yard so I don't blame him for having a bite. I lost a lot of blood and nearly lost my leg and he lost his sight...I think that's a draw.



I could take a giraffe.  Snap its knees and it's done.  Stupid gangly clearing in the woods.


To turn the question on its head, what's the smallest animal that you couldn't take?  No weapons.




Mosquito. As small as it is, it is also the deadliest. Mosquitos are supposed to transmit diseases to almost 700 million people every year resulting in 2 to 3 million deaths. Also, they're very hard to hit with a left hook.

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I could kill a fish with my bare hands


level 1 = goldfish - yeah I can see you despatching that without too much bother


level 2 = plaice - yeah, it'll need a bit more strategy but basically put it on a hard flat surface and give it a decent punch


level 3 = pollock - getting harder, took the inbetweeners crew a while when they killed one


level 4 = dogfish - best of luck, it's possible but you could be embarrassed  


level 5 = tuna - 50 / 50 on ths one I reckon


level 6 = cookie cutter shark - hmmmm, again this could go either way


level 7 = stingray - I've got the fish down as the winner here


level 8 = great white - no weapons? no fire extinguisher / gas canister and rifle? no chance

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I could kill a fish with my bare hands

level 1 = goldfish - yeah I can see you despatching that without too much bother

level 2 = plaice - yeah, it'll need a bit more strategy but basically put it on a hard flat surface and give it a decent punch

level 3 = pollock - getting harder, took the inbetweeners crew a while when they killed one

level 4 = dogfish - best of luck, it's possible but you could be embarrassed

level 5 = tuna - 50 / 50 on ths one I reckon

level 6 = cookie cutter shark - hmmmm, again this could go either way

level 7 = stingray - I've got the fish down as the winner here

level 8 = great white - no weapons? no fire extinguisher / gas canister and rifle? no chance

I've encountered dogfish whilst scuba diving off the cost of Weymouth ... They just lay there on the bottom of the sea and don't even react when I pick them up by the tail and give them a little stroke .... So i'd put them between goldfish and plaice

And a great white will go limp if you put your hand on its nose ... Of course you could be three quarters inside him or missing a few limbs :)

Edited by tonyh29
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That's a soft southern dogfish, you lift a proper manly one out of the water and it goes into a sort of flipping spasm. Skin like sand paper when you catch it in the wrong direction.


It should be a formality, beating a dogfish, but I'm not confident in Stefan's fish fighting ability. Too many desk jobs.

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Mantis shrimp is one of the deadliest creatures if it's punch doesn't kill you the shockwave after the punch finishes the job off

Of course for humans it's only a problem if you encounter one made in a lab called Mantzilla

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