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Assassins Creed: Revelations


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At the very least, the new entry has to refine the movement so it is as far as possible faultless It's been an issue for 3 games, they fiddled a bit, to the series' benefit, for 2, and while I understand why they've done what they have with the movement (and when everything comes together, which is more often than not, it's superb), the times it fails are infuriating. If I'm hanging from a ledge and need to jump off to the right to another ledge, when I press directly left I want my character to jump directly left. Yesterday whilst playing in the same situation time and again the jump would be executed diagonally left, towards the screen, meaning a missed jump and a retry from the last checkpoint. Theres just too much vagueness, too much uncertainty.

But even saying that I think the game needs to do more than that to stay fresh.

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At the time of release i loved 1. Just becasue it showed the graphical potenial of the ps3. Then when 2 and brotherhood took those pretty graphics and put them into a great game i was over the moon. Whilst the gameplay may be a bit repetitive the story and control you have over the character will keep me coming back to the game for every release. However a new historic era or character would have been nice just to spice things up yet i'm content with the return of Altair who is 1. A Badass and 2. has alot we don't know about him yet which i have a feeling will be pivitol towards desmond.

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I love all the AC games. I'm with you, AC1 was phenomenal when it came out. It showed amazing graphics and a fantastic game play system. Yes, it was repetitive and it got a lot of criticism for it, but it then took on board the criticism and built on it to make a better game. Brotherhood so far is the best of the bunch which means that they have improved on each instalment up to now, I have every faith that Revelations is going to be epic!

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  • 5 months later...

Out tomorrow.

I've been hearing that they've added what amounts to a tower defence minigame. It appears that you liberate dens for your assassins and then have to defend them from the templars once in a while when you become overly notorious. That sounds tedious as ****.

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Depends on how it's executed. I loved the recruitment/development of your assassins in the last game, but after you'd built up a crack posse, there wasn't much of anything to really do with them. I wanted some missions where we could all run around as a group and wreak havoc, and more specific controls, almost like a squad-based strategy/action game.

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Steady seller at our place day of release.

Reviews seem to basically say it's the same good concept they've chugged out since 2, but it's feeling tired now with issues they've never solved from day one, and the main additions to this iteration are either so minor as to be pretty much window dressing (bombs, to an extent the hook blade) or completely tiresome (as expected, the tower defence game!).

Next years iteration, which is already confirmed as coming, needs to be a big departure. This series can't survive annual churned out sequels, it'll kill it stone dead. Even COD has shown the cracks of a public starting to get tired of the same game they've had since 2007, and thats the biggest series on the planet.

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Played 2 and thought it was good. Then player Brotherhood and though it was 2 with a new hat, no real innovation. I guess this last one will be just the same with one or two new features. Might get it in the bargain bin.

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Trying to stay away from reviews, and peoples opinions in general on this game, but I scanned through it, good to see it's still getting a solid review.

I can't help be disappointed with where this game is going though,you wouldn't have to be particularly innovative to improve it.

AC2 is still the stand out game for me, Brotherhood felt like an add on with barely anything contributed, it was still a great game though.

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  • 3 months later...

I borrowed Revelations this week from work, played it through.

It's a series going through the motions. Same game we've had since 2, same problems (although in my playthrough, to completion, I don't remember many 'Chase him! Through some arbitrary corridor with little diversions!' moments, to the games credit).

It felt totally like a filler game, something they could chuck out for 2011 while they do something else. Instanbul wasn't really that different to any other environment that Ezio has encountered - a few details changed but little else. The hookblade added pretty much nothing to the game as it was exceptionally rarely that I was going the same direction a zipline was headed. The bombs were a complete non entity - you didn't need them. Thankfully the tower defence game is pretty much avoidable if you're on your toes and level up as many assassin recruits as you can. The only other innovation were being able to play in Desmonds busted mind, in some bizarre 1st person sections that look like Portal crossed with Tron and weren't really much cop, feeling half arsed and tacked on.

I can't even really say that the story 'Revelations' justify it - there were none I gave much of a shit about. Desmond remains utterly vapid and I don't think anyone gives a rats arse where he's headed. Altair's story also felt tacked on to it - I felt if they were going to go to the effort of wrapping his arc up, they could at least do something interesting with it. They didn't. So you're left with Ezio, the only character in this series anyone likes. And it's, apparently, his final game, the end to his story. And basically nothing happens.

I actually felt short changed, and I'd not paid for the game. Nothing of consequence to the series storyline happens in this game.

Anyway... Assassin's Creed 3 is out this year, October 30th in fact. It's actually going to be a genuine third entry to the series, introducing a new character. Allegedly, this is him


US War of Independence is the alleged setting.

I, for one, do not think that this setting will lend itself terribly well to what this series is. The series needs to change, for sure. I think it also needs to keep true to its running about fluidly on rooftops, turning cities into playgrounds, heritage. The US War of Independence doesn't lend itself to that, because an awful lot of the US at that time was not terribly built up. It was still a young country and, a few large state buildings and some rich fellas' mansions aside, pretty flat. It may have to take a leaf out of RDR's book... but that game and the AC series were very different, and AC's heart, the thing that sets it out as a series, does not lend itself to the kind of setting RDR treated us to.

Still, theres no saying it's true and I kinda hope it isn't.

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I recall indignant guffaws when the renaissance period was initially announced as the setting for AC2.

I'm all for the new time period because its a step away from what AC is now. I've enough faith in games designers these days that when they choose to explore new possibilities for an increasingly stale franchise, they're it doing with a lot more foresight than many gamers give them credit for. Bring it on I say, I'm all for a surprise.

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I remember hearing one of the AC developers saying they had considered Japan, Athens and London as potential places for the last game. Athens would be interesting.

If the US thing is true though, sigh. It wouldn't surprise me, bringing it home for the final game. I think it'd be pretty crap though.

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I recall indignant guffaws when the renaissance period was initially announced as the setting for AC2.

I'm all for the new time period because its a step away from what AC is now. I've enough faith in games designers these days that when they choose to explore new possibilities for an increasingly stale franchise, they're it doing with a lot more foresight than many gamers give them credit for. Bring it on I say, I'm all for a surprise.

I'm all for a change of scene, and I'm keen on the gameplay getting some evolution. It's main mechanic, the traversal system, has always had niggles, and they've never quite gone away.

But I do think that Assassin's Creed has to hold onto that mechanic, it's what defines it. I think it's what people come to the series for, because in all honesty a lot of the rest of it is pretty hokey - the combat's always been weak, and in reality the rest of the gameplay is pretty slender.

I don't think an anyway accurate rendition of the US in the time of it's fight for independence is going to lend itself to that. It's a period of history were the US just isn't that interesting in it's settlements. Philadelphia and Boston are perhaps the most developed settlements then and even they aren't amazingly interesting at that time. To be honest, for my money anyway, that particular part of the world at that particular time isn't very interesting.

Also, thats a time period where everyone and his dog can have a gun. On past experience, Assassins Creed shits itself inside out when the guns turn up.

I hope they pull it off because I do like the series, for all it's staleness and faults. I don't want it to change much, I don't want it to lose sight of what people like about the series, even after all this time of little changing.

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If the US thing is true though, sigh. It wouldn't surprise me, bringing it home for the final game. I think it'd be pretty crap though.

it is true

but the lead is a native american, so there's no glorifying the founding fathers or anything like that to be expected

also, it's a canadian game, and they like to get a dig in to the guys down south when they can :lol:

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

AC3 will hopefully wrap the Desmond story arc up and then the devs will be free to continue the series with games such as the Vita one coming out, where the character isn't anything to do with Desmond. Looking forward to stories based in London, feudal Japan, etc

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