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Gaming in 2011 - your radar?


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I've never played a MMORPG, and never wanted to. Grinding has no appeal, paying a monthly fee to grind has even less appeal, amongst other issues I've had with them. I think a lot of the enjoyment you get from MMORPG is based around who you play it with, and I prefer to play alone (outside of stuff like FIFA, MK, etc, where local multi is godly, with some beers.) Only EVE ever seemed interesting to me, and thats largely because EVE is a completely different experience to the traditional WoW style that pretty much ever one of these games since WoW has copied.

Still, the Old Republic will be a license to print money for a while. And then they'll all just go back to WoW.

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MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, i.e. World of Warcraft, Rift, Guild Wars, etc.

EVE Online is a MMORPG but it's very different from WOW, been going since 03 I think, it's set in space and has a far, far looser structure than the likes of WoW. You character is a pilot of a ship, and as you play the game you can enter (largely player run and made) factions with their own politics, get involved in huge player v player faction wars that arise totally naturally, and so on, making your way through space making money to improve your standing and your ability to exploit space. It also can look curiously beautiful - huge ships floating through space scapes and nebula can look quite awesome.

It's become renowned for being very open to crazy things happening because the makers more or less allow anything to go in the game. For example a few years ago a guy in the game encouraged people to invest in him using the in game currency (which is in itself actually genuinely valuable in the real world, although the makers crack down on that) by claiming he would use their investment in-game to make more in-game currency through things like mining. He had a high level character and was fairly well known in the community IIRC so people trusted him. In the end it turned out he was a fraudster and made off with all the in game cash. The makers of the game are totally fine with people committing in-game fraud and scams, they only try to crack down on people exploiting the game to make real world money (because it's a legal minefield and also tends to ruin the games economy).

I find EVE, though I've never played it and probably never, ever will, far more interesting than WOW. It's never been massively popular though, probably because it's not as ubiquitous as WOW and not as easily approachable.

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Weeping with anticipation:

•FIFA 12

•Ace Combat: Assault Horizon

•Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

•Assassin's Creed: Revelations

•WWE '12

Eagerly awaiting:

•Gears of War 3

•Batman: Arkham City

•Resident Evil 4 HD

Will probably pick up at some point:

•Forza Motorsport 4

•Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

•Resident Evil Code: Veronica X

•The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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How much could I pick up a Wii for? Xenoblade looks goooooooooood

I picked Xenoblade up yesterday completely on impulse and yes, its rather special. You can get a brand new Wii for less than £100 these days.

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some mind blowingly good games on the horizon...

Battlefield 3 is going to be the best FPS of all time. Skyrim looks like its going to follow on impressively from the awesome Oblivion. These 2 alone will keep me busy for a long long time.

then theres the others coming up with gears of war 3, uncharted 3, COD, etc.

I have just ordered my new pc now partly so that i am ready for BF. It was due an upgrade, but i spent more than i normally would, partly because iw ant to play these 2 babys at full settings at 1900 x 1200 on my large monitor....gaming bliss.

to anyone who is interested in pc specs, i went for intel i7 2600k processor, nvidia gtx 570, corsair vengance 8gb 1866 mhz ram, 1 tb western digital caviar hard drive, housed in a corsair obsidian 650D case, powered by a corsair 850w AX850 psu. all pre-overclocked too, so im hoping that can keep me at the top tier of graphics for the next 2-3 years at least Probably should have gotten a GTX 580, but couldnt justify adding another chunk onto the already hefty fee. Going to use the parts from my old one to help me learn how to build my own so that next time i can do it alot cheaper.

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to anyone who is interested in pc specs, i went for intel i7 2600k processor, nvidia gtx 570, corsair vengance 8gb 1866 mhz ram, 1 tb western digital caviar hard drive, housed in a corsair obsidian 650D case, powered by a corsair 850w AX850 psu. all pre-overclocked too, so im hoping that can keep me at the top tier of graphics for the next 2-3 years at least Probably should have gotten a GTX 580, but couldnt justify adding another chunk onto the already hefty fee. Going to use the parts from my old one to help me learn how to build my own so that next time i can do it alot cheaper.

how much?

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I've had a PS3 for a while now but only ever used it to play FIFA or PES.. However the last week or so I've been looking on some game websites, resulting in me taking a trip to Blockbuster last night for a bit of a spending spree.

Managed to pick up the following games for £55.

- Mass Effect 2

- Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit

- Red Dead Redemption

- Batman - Arkham Asylum

Heard really good reviews about these games, you guys think I made good choices? I tried to get Uncharted 2 as well but they didn't have it :shock:

Big decision is which game to play first?!

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I've had a PS3 for a while now but only ever used it to play FIFA or PES.. However the last week or so I've been looking on some game websites, ..


Big decision is which game to play first?!

Probably play Mass Effect first. Unless you really like Batman. or cowboys. or racers.

Definately try and get your hands on Uncharted, I think both were released together as part of a budget range in the run up to U3. It's the second best exclusive on PS3.

The best being Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars! Seeing as you like football, and I guess you like racers seeing as you bought NFS, you really need to to try it, there's a free demo on PSN and the game cost like £6 or something. Basically it's a football game for upto 8 players, but you use cars that can fly instead of people. It is amazing :D

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Going back to the WoW thing, I have to say the two years or so where there were a dozen or so Villa Talkers online every night was magical stuff. The game was such a good laugh and as sad as this is going to sound, I'll probably remember some of it for the rest of my days. WoW is totally about the social side of gaming and those of us who kept that thread at the top of the forum for so long were definitely in the right place at the right time to get the most out of it but if you can jump in with a bunch of people and level up and raid together you will love it. If you jump in on your own or join people who have been playing for years then I guess your mileage may vary.

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Managed to pick up the following games for £55.

- Mass Effect 2

- Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit

- Red Dead Redemption

- Batman - Arkham Asylum

Heard really good reviews about these games, you guys think I made good choices?

Good choice is an understatement. They're all amazing.

Big decision is which game to play first?!

I'd go Mass Effect 2, then Arkham Asylum, then Red Dead Redemption whilst occasionally playing Hot Pursuit alongside whichever one you're playing at the time.

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Going back to the WoW thing, I have to say the two years or so where there were a dozen or so Villa Talkers online every night was magical stuff. The game was such a good laugh and as sad as this is going to sound, I'll probably remember some of it for the rest of my days. WoW is totally about the social side of gaming and those of us who kept that thread at the top of the forum for so long were definitely in the right place at the right time to get the most out of it but if you can jump in with a bunch of people and level up and raid together you will love it. If you jump in on your own or join people who have been playing for years then I guess your mileage may vary.

Aye, that era was gaming gold mate. Sadly, I doubt it will ever be replicated.

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Going back to the WoW thing, I have to say the two years or so where there were a dozen or so Villa Talkers online every night was magical stuff. The game was such a good laugh and as sad as this is going to sound, I'll probably remember some of it for the rest of my days. WoW is totally about the social side of gaming and those of us who kept that thread at the top of the forum for so long were definitely in the right place at the right time to get the most out of it but if you can jump in with a bunch of people and level up and raid together you will love it. If you jump in on your own or join people who have been playing for years then I guess your mileage may vary.

Aye, that era was gaming gold mate. Sadly, I doubt it will ever be replicated.

Yeah. It's a shame, but it really only worked because it was everybodies first experience of an MMO and none of us really knew what to expect. Figuring shit out was half the fun, and once you have figured it out then you never get the newness back. If a new MMO came out tomorrow and we all got it and played it together it wouldnt be the same because our expectations would all be clouded by WoW.

I still maintain that if you have never played an MMO before and you can recreate what we had, ie a large and active group of people who are in exactly the same boat then World of Warcraft will be one of the best games you ever play. When the WoW thread devolved into a bunch of people who played on different servers talking about what they were individually doing then most of the magic had gone. It was still a fun game, dont get me wrong, but almost all of my best memories of WoW are from levelling up and being level 60.

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Managed to pick up the following games for £55.

- Mass Effect 2

- Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit

- Red Dead Redemption

- Batman - Arkham Asylum

Heard really good reviews about these games, you guys think I made good choices?

Good choice is an understatement. They're all amazing.

Big decision is which game to play first?!

I'd go Mass Effect 2, then Arkham Asylum, then Red Dead Redemption whilst occasionally playing Hot Pursuit alongside whichever one you're playing at the time.

Since my last post I've had a couple of hours on Batman and have been pretty impressed so far.. Nothing too special but I'm sure it will develop as the story goes on.

Think I made a mistake buying all of the games at once because I've always got the thought In my mind that I'm missing out by not playing one of the other ones :?

Got a pretty empty weekend, so it will be dedicated to some gaming! Bit of Need for Speed tonight I think.

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