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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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Do you think there is any possibility that the Allied forces, the US particular would consider using nuclear weapons if they believed IS were too big a threat and growing too strong? 


I'm not suggesting it is a valid option, just interested to see what, if anything, it would take to get to that stage?

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FEARS have been raised that Islamic militants have seized a dozen commercial aircraft in an attack on a Libyan airport last week. Now, according to a report, intelligence agencies are warning the jets could be used in 9/11-style attacks.

I'm sure NATO and Israel are monitoring everything going on at that airport, and if any aircraft looks like it's gone rogue, jets will be scrambled and the thing will be shot down. 


9/11 worked cuz the dudes were in the country already and seated as passengers on unsuspicious airplanes....to state the obvious...

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The problem with ISIS is that they are headquartered and embedded in Raqqa and other smaller cities, ironically being protected by innocent civilians from any possible air strikes...how do you flush them out? The only way to attack them is when they are away from population centers, which they can scurry back into when they need to. It's a bit of a quandary.

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What should governments like the US/UK do?  Entering Iraq in the first place was a mistake and it looks worse now than it ever did under Saddam.  Groups like IS are partly the product of the West's invasion.  Therefore do we owe it to Iraq to get rid of this menace that has arisen?  Tactical bombing will do nothing, it won't defeat them and only aggravate them further, therefore it should be a full invasion and plough through them or nothing at all.  Both options seem right and wrong to me for different reasons though.


A full invasion is an option but like any vermin,  religious vermin scatter like rats when a drain cover is opened.


We need to think of a long game here.


1. Stop the fairy tale believers leaving the UK to join ISIS.


Bill boards all over the West on every motorway and space possible: Picture of an ISIS fighter but photoshopped in a dress wearing makeup


"Akmmood always wanted to be a woman,  now he has joined the International Sex-change-Institute-Sisterhood his dreams have come true"


Hijack or create fake facebook pages for all the fighters we know are there.  Sunday...... Breast implants are a bit sore etc.... Monday,  perm looks awful.



2. Save any women / children from the area in question.


Leaflet drop over all of northern Iraq telling people where to go : Create save havens by dropping aid,  not just a bit but millons and millions of tons of stuff.  Get these people to go there over the next 12 months.


3.  Remove the religious vermin from the planet in a way that puts no normal people at risk.


We need to wait a bit unfortunately,  once the Ebola vaccine is sorted.  We then get 20 - 30 US drones filled with live Ebola virus,  get the drones to fly over them where ever they are,  let them think they have shot them down.  They can all jump up and down on the drones giving it the bigun on you tube but the canisters inside will activate by remote as web cams on and inside the drone will let us know when the scum are crawling on the drone.  Infect the **** wits and watch it spread.  Remember the women and children should be long gone.




Use it on any religious group from then on that even twitches.


A mad plan maybe,  better than "Call me dave" cameron though.

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And now Isis are threatening putin aswell...I cant see that ending to well for them.


Islamic State jihadists in Syria have made a video threatening to bring the Russian republic of Chechnya into their self-proclaimed caliphate, after capturing Russian-made planes in Syria. The viral video drew an angry response from the Chechen leader.
The radical Islamists, who have been fighting the government troops of Bashar Assad, captured a key base in Tabqa in northern Syria late last week. Amongst their loot was a hangar containing several antiquated Soviet-made Sukhoi planes, which prompted the Jihadists to record a video address that has now gone viral.
After specifically addressing Vladimir Putin, the militants threaten to "send back the aircraft" the Russian leader "gave to Bashar [Assad]." Another militant then claims that Chechnya and the Caucasus will be "liberated."
While the message is recorded in Arabic, accented Russian can be heard off-camera.
It is unlikely that the rebels have pilots to operate the Russian-made planes, and modern, working jets were reportedly flown out of the base prior to its capture, which resulted in the public executions of 250 government soldiers.
Ramzan Kadyrov, the flamboyant President of the Chechen Republic, which is a highly-autonomous part of Russia, reacted angrily to the video.
Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov (RIA Novosti/Said Tcarnaev)Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov (RIA Novosti/Said Tcarnaev)
“Those bastards have nothing to do with Islam. They are enemies of Muslims everywhere,” he wrote on his Facebook page.
“Whoever dares to threaten Russia and say out loud the name of our President Vladimir Putin will be destroyed right where he is… These people will end their days under the hot sun of Syria and Iraq and moments after death they will be greeted by the flames of eternal hell.”
Kadyrov also intimated that IS “took orders from their handlers in Western security services.”
Russia’s General Prosecutor has opened a criminal investigation over the potential incitement to violence contained in the statement, and has asked the communications watchdog to block the video on all social networks.
Chechen fighters and field commanders have featured prominently in the uprising against Bashar Assad, almost from its start over three years ago. While a number of them may have departed directly from the Russian republic, others are likely veterans or relatives of exiles from the two separatist Chechen wars that took place in the 1990s.
The Islamic State is a Sunni jihadist group that formed during the sectarian conflict in Iraq following the toppling of Saddam Hussein by the United States and its allies in 2003. In June, it proclaimed itself a caliphate, which currently stretches from northern Syria to central Iraq.



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Seriously!! Anti-War protests at NATO Summit??? People are being beheaded, entire races under threat of Genocide and the UK hasn't fired a shot at all in any of this and there are people protesting any involvement???


So these people want us to leave IS to their own devices, let them potentially build a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Do these people not think they will then turn their sights to attack Europe & America? Are these people all so stoned and brain dead as to think inacation is what best serves the safety of people in Europe?


That's before we even discuss the talks of a genocide. Would these same people protest at involvement in Rwanda 20 years ago??

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Do you think there is any possibility that the Allied forces, the US particular would consider using nuclear weapons if they believed IS were too big a threat and growing too strong?

I'm not suggesting it is a valid option, just interested to see what, if anything, it would take to get to that stage?

No way. We'd all be doomed!

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Seriously!! Anti-War protests at NATO Summit??? People are being beheaded, entire races under threat of Genocide and the UK hasn't fired a shot at all in any of this and there are people protesting any involvement???

So these people want us to leave IS to their own devices, let them potentially build a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Do these people not think they will then turn their sights to attack Europe & America? Are these people all so stoned and brain dead as to think inacation is what best serves the safety of people in Europe?

That's before we even discuss the talks of a genocide. Would these same people protest at involvement in Rwanda 20 years ago??

Maybe it's because of the pick and choose nature of where the west seem to intervene. Why don't they appear to help during atrocities in Africa and other areas of the world?

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I know I can't comment for sure, but if I was in the position of some of these victims, I would not kneel there and just take it.  I'd do all I could to denounce them and wreck their stupid little video, I would make it so they were unable to broadcast it without what they stand for being insulted. Might even try a few sneaky head-butts.


Nothing to lose, I'm losing my head anyway.



Help IS get to the border with Israel and the minute they fire one shot. END GAME. 


I'd love to see an Israeli response to an IS threat. One thing they can be relied upon is to give a massively disproportionate response. I think they'd make what Scipio did to Carthage look like a knock on the door compared to what they'd reduce Raqqah to.

Edited by CVByrne
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