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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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I'd be surprised if they came home, knowing that arrest was almost certain.


I think the threat level is pretty much the same as it ever was, but that doesn't give you (guvmint) a mandate to erode away at people's rights, so you may as well raise the 'threat level' to get people in a panic.


I'm not sure who I dislike more, the ministers who exploit people's fears, or the people for being daft enough to fall for it and let it slide.

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I'd be surprised if they came home, knowing that arrest was almost certain.


I think the threat level is pretty much the same as it ever was, but that doesn't give you (guvmint) a mandate to erode away at people's rights, so you may as well raise the 'threat level' to get people in a panic.


I'm not sure who I dislike more, the ministers who exploit people's fears, or the people for being daft enough to fall for it and let it slide.


Our rights are under attack more than our streets are, and all because we are taking part in wars we have no real right to be in.


"We must bomb... a/b/c" for the safety of our people, but we have to give up our freedom for the safety of our people who are under threat thanks to the bombing, which is being done to protect the people.


The fact is the next terrorist attack will see more laws, more tracking of calls, ID cards (and this is why they are suggesting they will take passports, they will say it is not enough to keep us safe and we need to be checked and put on a database so we can be saved from terrorists.

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I think terrorism on the streets of the UK/West is a very real possibility following on from IS and their returning recruits.


It does seem though that the security forces have a pretty good idea of the identities of most if not all of those that have joined them and one way or another you have to suspect that the vast majority will be intercepted before they reach our streets.


I think few will manage to return to their former lives and homes or to pose a threat to the populations of those nations.


It has been rather down played in the media but not that long ago they hit the jackpot in terms of a cache of memory sticks belonging to IS which are believed have the mother load of intelligence on the organisation, its fighters, the identities (new and old) of the tourist fighters and the organisations quite staggering finances. 


Interesting, I did not know that.





If I have time I will try and find and post the link later.

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It makes me think they are just waiting for the return of those involved with ISIS before taking them in. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, am now busy looking for more info.

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Been reading about L Jinny aka Jihad John, my partner pointed out that he likes sticking his finger up, doesn't he?


It is him, I think.



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He can wave his finger all he likes. There are only three, maybe four, possible endings for him;


1) Somebody drops something very heavy and very loud on him from a great height.


2) The IS command make him perform a suicide bombing (the foreign fighters are only good for guard duty and have little military value. Most of the front line IS fighters cannot shoot for toffee- the Europeans are even worse)


3) He meets some ninjas in the middle of the night. If he's very lucky, they'll have stuck five or six rounds into him. If not, then he best hope orange is his colour, as he won't be wearing much else for the rest of his days.

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Its a curious one what they will do with him, I say they as it will most likely be the US that deal with him one way or another because there is no way he is going to come back to the UK.


Knowing the US they will probably want to make it very public that they got their man by whatever means yet I'd imagine we might be a little more reserved about it and wish things to be handled a little more quietly.


One thing is almost for certain he is never going to see the inside of a courtroom.

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This situation is, for once unlike the stupid war in 2003 that we shouldn't have got involved in, starting to worry me a lot - especially the financing.

It is well known that Bin Laden had access to a great amount of finance, so it's not new. But they operated as cells and picked their targets carefully.


This is different.


They have territory. They have their own land to train up their forces. They are so extreme that even Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah has distanced themselves from them.

And they have billions coming in.


It pains me to say it because he's up to no good in the Ukraine, but our attentions should not be on Putin at all, they should be on this lot.

It would be ideal to have a Saudi/Iran deployment to wipe them off the face of the earth, but I don't think Sunnis and Shi'as will put aside the split to ally against what is supposedly a Sunni caliphate.

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Why don't we do something like adhere to the values for which we, the west, are supposed to be fighting, whether actually or metaphorically, and attempt to promote the world that we, the west, supposedly want?

So, don't descend to the level of people who are happy to be barbaric (I have no problems with the categorization of their actions and behaviour as such - in reference to an earlier post) and don't treat the rule of law, whether it be domestic, international or specific treaties, as something that can be expediently set aside.


So what do you suggest we do to him then ? Put him on medication for a few years to cure his mental illness and then let him out in society and hope it worked ?



Destroy him on the battle field, have him killed in action, both perfectly legitimate.


But if captured, then it's the boring old due process that separates us from them. That's what we did with Rudolph Hess, you're surely not going to suggest this maggot is worse than Hess? Or have our collective standards dropped?


No reason he can't spend the next 50 years in a small room seeing his own actions played over every time he closes his eyes.


Incidentally, if he is ill, if he does have a psychosis and can be treated - are you suggesting curing him would be a bad thing? Would that be the case for all the mentally ill?


Yes, curing him would be a bad idea, i would feel insulted if my tax money was used to care for this stain of shit.


No it would not be the case for all mentally ill people, just for the ones who go around chopping peoples head off.


Dosent it make you blood boil when you see a fellow brit cutting a totally innocent mans head off like that ?



Personally i think that evryone who believes that a child molesting murderous arab warlord is the prophet of god is mentally ill and are in need of some kind of help or medication.

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Why don't we do something like adhere to the values for which we, the west, are supposed to be fighting, whether actually or metaphorically, and attempt to promote the world that we, the west, supposedly want?

So, don't descend to the level of people who are happy to be barbaric (I have no problems with the categorization of their actions and behaviour as such - in reference to an earlier post) and don't treat the rule of law, whether it be domestic, international or specific treaties, as something that can be expediently set aside.


So what do you suggest we do to him then ? Put him on medication for a few years to cure his mental illness and then let him out in society and hope it worked ?



Destroy him on the battle field, have him killed in action, both perfectly legitimate.


But if captured, then it's the boring old due process that separates us from them. That's what we did with Rudolph Hess, you're surely not going to suggest this maggot is worse than Hess? Or have our collective standards dropped?


No reason he can't spend the next 50 years in a small room seeing his own actions played over every time he closes his eyes.


Incidentally, if he is ill, if he does have a psychosis and can be treated - are you suggesting curing him would be a bad thing? Would that be the case for all the mentally ill?




Dosent it make you blood boil when you see a fellow brit cutting a totally innocent mans head off like that ?





To me, the nationality is completely irrelevant.


It's abhorrent, whatever the nationality. It's barbaric and inhuman. It goes beyond nationality.

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Lapal, IS have been in al-Anbar in various guises for the best part of 10 years. They were largely invited into towns by Sunni tribal leaders earlier in the year as they were seen as a lesser evil than the Maliki government.


Iran doesn't have the resources to tackle them. They've been chucking their strange alliance of Kurdish forces and Shia militiamen at Tikirt for the best part of a month to no real effect.


Living in a cave with your AK and the shirt on your back was part of al-Aqada's political and religious philosophy. IS are much more modern [which seems like a complete misnomer] and region centric, concerned with soft government and establishing themselves rather than taking the fight elsewhere.


The head-chopping is entirely propaganda based. They cannot seriously want a few MEU's rolling up their driveway. There will be some of these guys that lived through Phantom Fury and Phantom Pheonix. Results in terms of casaulties on their part repeated would see IS ability to manenouvre and fight like anything resembling a conventional force completely destoryed. Back to Rubber Dingy Rapids missions and car bominbgs for them.


Not that I expect Obama to do what is necessary to extinguish IS as a threat. He's the very definition of a rabbit in the headlights and has been the entire way through the Arab Spring.

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