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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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The Iran deal has provoked some interesting reactions, most worryingly from Israel who don't accept the deal and have said that they "will always defend themselves" I wonder if they'd have the nerve to "defend themselves" all over Iran even without the blessing of the US?

I doubt it, they know Obama wouldn't ride to the rescue. However the deal still has to be approved by the US Congress, that is where they'll focus their efforts now.

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The Iran deal has provoked some interesting reactions, most worryingly from Israel who don't accept the deal and have said that they "will always defend themselves" I wonder if they'd have the nerve to "defend themselves" all over Iran even without the blessing of the US?

I doubt it, they know Obama wouldn't ride to the rescue. However the deal still has to be approved by the US Congress, that is where they'll focus their efforts now.


Not sure a rescue would be necessary! 


I'm sure the US, with it's new accord with Iran, would be only too happy to make profit from both if things got heated.

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The Iran deal has provoked some interesting reactions, most worryingly from Israel who don't accept the deal and have said that they "will always defend themselves" I wonder if they'd have the nerve to "defend themselves" all over Iran even without the blessing of the US?

I doubt it, they know Obama wouldn't ride to the rescue. However the deal still has to be approved by the US Congress, that is where they'll focus their efforts now.



they changed the rules at Congress for this one apparently, congress has to 'not reject' the deal, sounds like arguing over wording, but it's a presumed approval unless two thirds reject it

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I wouldn't disagree that generally a large percentage of candidates fail selection, but if the pool of Special Forces remains small, its not necessarily because the number of line regiments has been cut.

If you wanted to get into a shooting war, these past 14 years your only had to join the infantry or RM, rather than put yourself through hell to join Them.

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An interesting week with a coalition of Saudi backed militias, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and UAE special forces fighting side by side to successfully retake the port of Aden from Yemeni Houthi rebels. No exaggeration either, that is exactly what's been going on.

It's fair to say the cat is now very publicly out of the bag vis a vis Gulf regimes and their relationships to Jihadi terrorists. That's 15 years worth of western counter terrorism policy destroyed in a week. Hard to see how the UK government are going to explain away our support for Saudi in this conflict, that is were a journalist with some balls and a brain to ask the PM that specific question....

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Wonder what impact they will have? The issue with them becoming involved is that it might increase attacks in Turkey from sympathisers. Would they send troops over the border to start steamrolling across Syria?

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Not sure about the internal attacks, sounds like they've rounded up everyone with even the remotest link to any kind of group deemed to be a terror group irrespective of their position in relation to ISIS. 300 odd rounded up so far according to reports.


Turkey has been more than happy to watch on as ISIS tried to wipe Kobane off the map but they suddenly seem to have woken up to the fact borders mean nothing to ISIS.


The attacks on their soil have served as a reminder that they could soon have an internal problem on their hands.


Added concern for them will have been the attacks in Tunisa and the pictures of a ISIS fighter on holiday on a Turkish beach that have emerged in the last few days. More than 1m Brits hit Turkish beaches each year and I'd imagine they are very worried about the prospect of another beach shooting spree.

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Turkey are fighting on two fronts now. Firstly, orchestrating attacks with ISIS to bomb HDP rallies in Diyarbakır a few months ago. Also it's been revealed this week that Erdoğan planned to activate ISIS sympathisers within Turkey to bomb shopping centres and metro stations in order to create public panic and a snap early election. Erdoğan is pissed the AKP didn't gain a controlling majority and his old party seems to be turning against him.

The massacre at Suruç last week highlighted Erdoğans regard for the 32 young people who died. He called them Kurdish sympathisers and said they should have kept out of it. Yet 2 soldiers die at a border crossing and they are immediately "martyred". These people were carrying toys and building equipment to help rebuild Kobanê.

Turkey is a corrupt and very nasty nationalistic state. Institutional racism is rife whereby Kurds, Armenians and Alevis are held back. Corruption is rife right up to the higher echelons (even Erdoğans). Erdogans son is siphoning off Syrian oil and gas and laundering the money through his shipping companies. Erdogans daughter is the head of an organisation who was said to be treating ISIS militants, in Turkey, in hospitals in the south east.

The AKP gov't will fire a few rockets and mortars for sure and kill scores of IS militants, but they are not afraid of killing their own people in the name of ISIS to gain votes and regain absolute parliamentary majority.

ISIS are pure scum but Erdogan's Turkey is deceitful and murderous.

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Erdogan being entirely opposed to Turkey's founding principals has always sat as an odd bedfellow with being its statesman IMO.

Given that he also seems to be evil makes his apparent popularity very bizarre. I assume Turkey must be a fairly schizophrenic nation to not bin him wholesale. I'd not be surprised to find that he is playing both sides of the ISIS coin in all honesty.

Edited by Chindie
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Erdogan has always been someone who plays the political expediency game - he'll bend whichever way is best for him on the day. Turkey's an odd country, it reflects that odd geography with one foot in Europe and one in the middle east, but, so long as he continues to let the US use Turkey as an airbase he's safe as houses.

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Erdoğan plays to the majority who are, in fact, thick as pig shit. The thin sliver of land to the west of Turkey which includes İstanbul, Bursa and Izmir is the main opposition. The majority is the rest of the country made up of people who cant read, write and will vote for him as long as he gives you a washing machine and electricity. He doesn't win their vote by talking politics he wins it by talking about how in Istanbul they drink alcohol in mosques and in Izmir their daughters stay out past 11pm. All complete bullshit but it's won him votes since 2003. That, and the fact he burnt ballot boxes and ignored votes from places he knew he wouldn't win.

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Turkey are fighting on two fronts now. Firstly, orchestrating attacks with ISIS to bomb HDP rallies in Diyarbakır a few months ago. Also it's been revealed this week that Erdoğan planned to activate ISIS sympathisers within Turkey to bomb shopping centres and metro stations in order to create public panic and a snap early election. Erdoğan is pissed the AKP didn't gain a controlling majority and his old party seems to be turning against him.

The massacre at Suruç last week highlighted Erdoğans regard for the 32 young people who died. He called them Kurdish sympathisers and said they should have kept out of it. Yet 2 soldiers die at a border crossing and they are immediately "martyred". These people were carrying toys and building equipment to help rebuild Kobanê.

Turkey is a corrupt and very nasty nationalistic state. Institutional racism is rife whereby Kurds, Armenians and Alevis are held back. Corruption is rife right up to the higher echelons (even Erdoğans). Erdogans son is siphoning off Syrian oil and gas and laundering the money through his shipping companies. Erdogans daughter is the head of an organisation who was said to be treating ISIS militants, in Turkey, in hospitals in the south east.

The AKP gov't will fire a few rockets and mortars for sure and kill scores of IS militants, but they are not afraid of killing their own people in the name of ISIS to gain votes and regain absolute parliamentary majority.

ISIS are pure scum but Erdogan's Turkey is deceitful and murderous.

Any links to backup your claims?

"Its been revealed this week"..etc

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Turkey are fighting on two fronts now. Firstly, orchestrating attacks with ISIS to bomb HDP rallies in Diyarbakır a few months ago. Also it's been revealed this week that Erdoğan planned to activate ISIS sympathisers within Turkey to bomb shopping centres and metro stations in order to create public panic and a snap early election. Erdoğan is pissed the AKP didn't gain a controlling majority and his old party seems to be turning against him.

The massacre at Suruç last week highlighted Erdoğans regard for the 32 young people who died. He called them Kurdish sympathisers and said they should have kept out of it. Yet 2 soldiers die at a border crossing and they are immediately "martyred". These people were carrying toys and building equipment to help rebuild Kobanê.

Turkey is a corrupt and very nasty nationalistic state. Institutional racism is rife whereby Kurds, Armenians and Alevis are held back. Corruption is rife right up to the higher echelons (even Erdoğans). Erdogans son is siphoning off Syrian oil and gas and laundering the money through his shipping companies. Erdogans daughter is the head of an organisation who was said to be treating ISIS militants, in Turkey, in hospitals in the south east.

The AKP gov't will fire a few rockets and mortars for sure and kill scores of IS militants, but they are not afraid of killing their own people in the name of ISIS to gain votes and regain absolute parliamentary majority.

ISIS are pure scum but Erdogan's Turkey is deceitful and murderous.

Any links to backup your claims?

"Its been revealed this week"..etc

http://mobile.todayszaman.com/national_fuat-avni-claims-erdogan-behind-suruc-attack-to-sow-chaos-in-society_394545.html ' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='external'> http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/07/turkish-leaders-daughter-heads-secret-isis-hospital/ ' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='external'> http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/07/turkish-leaders-daughter-heads-secret-isis-hospital/

It's also interesting to follow Fuat Avni. A political whistle blower who is assumed to be part of Erdoğans inner circle.

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I suspect he will put rather more effort into hitting the Kurds than IS, rolling the tanks in to create Turkush controlled 'safe zones' - that coincidentally correspond with areas currently held by the YPG... Given that the YPG successes to date (against IS) have depended largely on US air strikes this could get quite complicated.

I don't know what the PKK were playing at when they murdered the two Turkish policemen but they've made a rod for their own back now.

Edited by Awol
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