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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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Whilst he may not be physically doing anything wrong, he is associating himself with a known terrorist group in a very public place.

So on one hand he's just a man with a flag(pretty innocuous) and on another he could be an active part of a terrorist group.

Either way I'd hope and expect the authorities to have their eye on him if they didn't already.

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There are, surely, a great many angles to this thing.

Firstly, there is whether or not someone is actually committing a crime; then there's whether or not one thinks the wearing/carrying of a flag ought to be some sort of crime; and also, there's whether the police deem it to be a crime/of interest but think it may be expedient to let the bod wearing the flag carry on and act later.

What I really find interesting is that this is used as a sketchy premise to condemn being liberal - really, what the ****? Being liberal is bad? Nice to know where you stand - in a precisely measured line wearing jackboots, I guess.

Apologies for the swearing but if anything's worth the points it's taking on the illiberal.

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Is that the IS flag or is it the normal flag that a lot of different muslim armies/people have.  I read somewhere that IS have a different variation of the normal one.  Pretty disgusting if it is an IS flag.

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LOLZ!! No point even posting on this forum no more. Seriously you guys live on a another planet if you think after what happened last week especially it's acceptable to walk around with an ISIS flag in daylight without arrest. No wonder no one posts on here no more...(I'm done).

I think it's unacceptable to wave a British flag considering the massacres carried out by the British Empire over hundreds of years. I know it's a far fetched example but I'm sure you get the point.

Edit: I do think that guy waving an ISIS flag should have been told to go home.

Edited by Vive_La_Villa
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If it is an IS flag then I imagine the police will want to have words to find out why he is wearing it and so forth but if it's just (as i suspect) an ordinary Islamic flag that is widely used then leave the bugger alone.

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but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what.


Well, without freedom of speech and you thinking it should be fine to be arrested without committing a crime, what's to stop you getting arrested for your moronic views?


LOLZ!! No point even posting on this forum no more. Seriously you guys live on a another planet if you think after what happened last week especially it's acceptable to walk around with an ISIS flag in daylight without arrest. No wonder no one posts on here no more...(I'm done).

You're done? Good. Show a bit of spine and stick to it. Though something tells me anyone being enough of a drama queen to announce they're leaving will be back at some point. Edited by kurtsimonw
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but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what.


Well, without freedom is speech and you thinking it should be fine to be arrested without committing a crime, what's to stop you getting arrested for your moronic views?

LOLZ!! No point even posting on this forum no more. Seriously you guys live on a another planet if you think after what happened last week especially it's acceptable to walk around with an ISIS flag in daylight without arrest. No wonder no one posts on here no more...(I'm done).

You're done? Good. Show a bit of spine and stick to it. Though something tells me anyone being enough of a drama queen to announce they're leaving will be back at some point.

I also find it very hard to take someone serious when they write LOLZ! But fwiw I hope he hasn't left for good.

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LOLZ!! No point even posting on this forum no more. Seriously you guys live on a another planet if you think after what happened last week especially it's acceptable to walk around with an ISIS flag in daylight without arrest. No wonder no one posts on here no more...(I'm done).


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If it is an IS flag then I imagine the police will want to have words to find out why he is wearing it and so forth but if it's just (as i suspect) an ordinary Islamic flag that is widely used then leave the bugger alone.

Well you suspect wrong, fella.



IS flag:





IS flag:





IS flag:






Normal Islamic flag containing the Declaration of Faith, used as flag of Jihad by Mohamed and more recently Al Qaeda, however clearly distinct from the Islamic State Flag which contains the circular white seal at its centre:






Hopefully that makes it a bit clearer for you?  The guy is wearing an IS flag in central London and his daughter is also waving one, no question. 

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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, softly softly touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.


what did it say on this flag?

The top text above the circle says “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” In the middle circle it says “Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” But it's not really the point is it so who cares...

It's the easily recognisable flag of Islamic State who killed 30 British holidaymakers last week, so why was some word removed wearing one down the full length of his back while his little girl waved a small one from his shoulders as they strolled past Parliament Square? Taking the living piss out of us, possibly? The fact that it isn't illegal to do that highlights the fact that displaying the symbol itself should be criminalised. Imagine someone strolling through central London wearing a Swastika during WW2, would people (other than Snowychap) have argued it was the wearers right?

His daughter should be in care and I'd have considerable sympathy had a passer by put him in the Thames.

Who cares? I care and it is the point.

I don't read arabic, I wouldn't know what it ordinarily says and I wouldn't know what his flag says, whether it be the same or some variation. I haven't seen pictures I wanted some more information.

Not the point what it says but you want his daughter put into care? **** me, that's an extremist stand right there.

Personally, now I've had it expanded on, if that is accurate, I'd be happy for someone to give him a hard smack right in the face.

Chris, is it really extremist to suggest that when people of his ideological bent are disappearing to Syria with family in tow on a regular basis? I don't think so it's child protection, that poor little kid has rights and clearly Daddy is a proper extremist. I know what his flag says, I was asking you why it mattered because I (incorrectly) thought you were just using it as a stick to tag team Donnie with.

@YGabbana: freedom of speech my ass and why try to deflect the issue by bringing the EDL into it, how many Brit's have they massacred??! The guy - as illustrated above - is swanning through central London parading the flag (full length on his body) of a terror group that has just murdered dozens of our civilian population. If you think that's okay then I don't believe that your motivation is freedom of speech.

Its still freedom of speech, the edl are free to chant about allah as are people to walk around with any flag they want.
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see, I personally knew there was some sort of difference but didn't know what it was


I know now, and would refer back to my earlier comment that whilst we must completely respect freedom of speech I wouldn't be upset if someone gave him a full strength punch in the mouth.


There is a philosophical debate to be had on the general question of whether the IRA should be celebrated in house murals, whether the swastika should be on punk tee shirts and whether we should be buying goods from China. But in the short term, this guy is clearly a provocative dick and risks / invites / baits people for a reaction. Unfortunately, that reaction is more likely to come from some inarticulate EDL scrote than a respectable, quiet relative of a victim.


We are being manipulated into 'us versus them' thinking, something the psychos on their side and hawks on our side would just love. Perhaps it would be even cleverer to offer him a cup of tea and ask his daughter if it's good or nice that daddy supports cutting people's heads off.

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Its disgusting end of. Akin to having the Nazi flag with you.

In sweden it is illegal to show the nazi flag in public, same with the nazi salute, alot of people has been arrested here for doing the nazi salute.

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If it is an IS flag then I imagine the police will want to have words to find out why he is wearing it and so forth but if it's just (as i suspect) an ordinary Islamic flag that is widely used then leave the bugger alone.

Well you suspect wrong, fella. IS flag: 2rf3jg1.jpg IS flag: o7vpe9.jpg IS flag: 15yt892.jpg Normal Islamic flag containing the Declaration of Faith, used as flag of Jihad by Mohamed and more recently Al Qaeda, however clearly distinct from the Islamic State Flag which contains the circular white seal at its centre: 23jqvxy.jpg Hopefully that makes it a bit clearer for you? The guy is wearing an IS flag in central London and his daughter is also waving one, no question.

Considering my post was more about giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and saying if he is guilty of wearing it then the police should get involved then your hostility is hardly warranted is it mate. You speak like that to me on the street......

Edited by Ingram85
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Calm down Rocky. I was genuinely trying to show you the difference and why what you suspected to be the case was not. Take that however you want, mate.

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I'm having £100 on Awol. Nothing personal Ingram, just business...


I'm still waiting to find out from donnie what laws he would have invoked to arrest that man. I would suggest he should have been removed from the street for his and his daughters safety as much as anything else, but can't see as he has committed a crime. Incitement maybe? We have to be very careful using laws like that, our freedom of speech is much more valuable to us than any immediate need to remove some knob head wearing a silly flag from the streets.  

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