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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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IS claims to the north Caucasus' are what our politicians would euphemistically call an "aspiration". They have loads of very capable and mental Chechen fighters (mostly gwars, oddly) in Syria and Iraq but they won't be threatening Mother Russia any time soon.


Russia's stake in this is the survival of Assad and/or his regime so they will keep shipping arms and providing political top cover... but in terms of actual fighting they are not and will not be getting involved against IS.    


Edited to add:  If it hadn't been for Russian backing of Assad a few years ago then the various flavours of mental Jihadis would now be fighting each other, playing "who can fill a mass grave fastest" (with anyone who isn't a Sunni Muslim) and the Caliphate would be on the eastern Mediterranean shore. Thank goodness for Russia!     

Edited by Awol
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Awol what needs to happen for boots on the ground? And in terms of Israel, would they be allowed to get involved with the other Middle Eastern countries pretty much hating everything that they do?

Edited by Tayls
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Awol what needs to happen for boots on the ground? And in terms of Israel, would they be allowed to get involved with the other Middle Eastern countries pretty much hating everything that they do?


Depends whose boots you mean - and I'm not trying to be clever.  Most likely contenders at the moment are the Turks who have said they will not allow an alternative state to be formed in northern Syria.  Although you might think they mean IS, they are actually talking about the Kurds - so seemingly an Islamic State in northern Syria is fine for Turkey, but not a secular Kurdish state...  


As for Israel, their strongest regional ally is Saudi Arabia (I know, funny) on the basis that they both hate Iran and back each other up diplomatically behind closed doors - the rhetoric is for public consumption only.  When Israel was talking about bombing Iranian nuclear sites there was an agreement that IDF jets could overfly Saudi through safe air corridors to do the business.  That wasn't American pressure, Saudi was eager for it to happen as the wikileaks cables demonstrated.  


In the context of Syria, Israel will do it what it wants, when it wants and no one is going to say 'boo' to them, least of all the Arabs.

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I'd forgotten that ISIS was all part of an Israeli conspiracy to promote Judaism over the evil Muslims.


On a more serious not, I was listening to a podcast recently that mentioned that apparently there is an increased belief in conspiracy their amongst many Muslims, and is apparently getting worse, which I though was interesting. The bloke who mentioned it was Muslim as well which is probably worth noting.

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9/11, the financial crisis, MERS, you name it, round these parts all the ills of the world are eventually laid at the Joos door. To hear that Muslims slaughtering other Muslims (and bystanders) over the niceties of their faith is actually a Mossad run conspiracy... I'd have put money it!

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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, softly softly touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.


Edited by donnie
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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, lefty touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.



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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, lefty touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.

Do you have a list of which flags are unacceptable (to you)?

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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, softly softly touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.



what did it say on this flag?

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LOLZ!! No point even posting on this forum no more. Seriously you guys live on a another planet if you think after what happened last week especially it's acceptable to walk around with an ISIS flag in daylight without arrest. No wonder no one posts on here no more...(I'm done).

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LOLZ!! No point even posting on this forum no more. Seriously you guys live on a another planet if you think after what happened last week especially it's acceptable to walk around with an ISIS flag in daylight without arrest. No wonder no one posts on here no more...(I'm done).


but what did it say on the flag?


it's a simple question


do you know what it said on the flag?


you must know to have got so steamed up, so I was hoping you would share the knowledge

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LOLZ!! No point even posting on this forum no more. Seriously you guys live on a another planet if you think after what happened last week especially it's acceptable to walk around with an ISIS flag in daylight without arrest. No wonder no one posts on here no more...(I'm done).

For breaking what law would you have him arrested? Edited by snowychap
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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, softly softly touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.



what did it say on this flag?


The top text above the circle says “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” In the middle circle it says “Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”  But it's not really the point is it so who cares... 

It's the easily recognisable flag of Islamic State who killed 30 British holidaymakers last week, so why was some word removed wearing one down the full length of his back while his little girl waved a small one from his shoulders as they strolled past Parliament Square?  Taking the living piss out of us, possibly?  The fact that it isn't illegal to do that highlights the fact that displaying the symbol itself should be criminalised.  Imagine someone strolling through central London wearing a Swastika during WW2, would people have argued it was the wearers right?  

His daughter should be in care and I'd have considerable sympathy had a passer by put him in the Thames.     

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It's the easily recognisable flag of Islamic State...

It may be 'easily recognisable' by you but that isn't necessarily universal.

Imagine someone strolling through central London wearing a Swastika during WW2, would people ... have argued it was the wearers (sic) right?

It's a silly comparison. Edited by snowychap
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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, softly softly touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.



what did it say on this flag?


The top text above the circle says “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” In the middle circle it says “Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”  But it's not really the point is it so who cares... 

It's the easily recognisable flag of Islamic State who killed 30 British holidaymakers last week, so why was some word removed wearing one down the full length of his back while his little girl waved a small one from his shoulders as they strolled past Parliament Square?  Taking the living piss out of us, possibly?  The fact that it isn't illegal to do that highlights the fact that displaying the symbol itself should be criminalised.  Imagine someone strolling through central London wearing a Swastika during WW2, would people (other than Snowychap) have argued it was the wearers right?  

His daughter should be in care and I'd have considerable sympathy had a passer by put him in the Thames.     



Who cares? I care and it is the point.


I don't read arabic, I wouldn't know what it ordinarily says and I wouldn't know what his flag says, whether it be the same or some variation. I haven't seen pictures I wanted some more information.


Not the point what it says but you want his daughter put into care? **** me, that's an extremist stand right there.


Personally, now I've had it expanded on, if that is accurate, I'd be happy for someone to give him a hard smack right in the face.

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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, softly softly touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.


what did it say on this flag?

The top text above the circle says “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” In the middle circle it says “Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” But it's not really the point is it so who cares...

It's the easily recognisable flag of Islamic State who killed 30 British holidaymakers last week, so why was some word removed wearing one down the full length of his back while his little girl waved a small one from his shoulders as they strolled past Parliament Square? Taking the living piss out of us, possibly? The fact that it isn't illegal to do that highlights the fact that displaying the symbol itself should be criminalised. Imagine someone strolling through central London wearing a Swastika during WW2, would people (other than Snowychap) have argued it was the wearers right?

His daughter should be in care and I'd have considerable sympathy had a passer by put him in the Thames.

Freedom of speech, same thing people spout when the edl etc chant about allah
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A man was seen today walking around houses of parliament with an IS flag and the police refused to arrest him.

This liberal, softly softly touch is killing this country for sure. No doubt the usual cuckoos will cry 'but what about freedom of speech zzzzzzzzz' Sod that. If it's hypocritical then so what. Common sense needs to prevail and we can't allow stuff like this to continue.



what did it say on this flag?


The top text above the circle says “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” In the middle circle it says “Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”  But it's not really the point is it so who cares... 

It's the easily recognisable flag of Islamic State who killed 30 British holidaymakers last week, so why was some word removed wearing one down the full length of his back while his little girl waved a small one from his shoulders as they strolled past Parliament Square?  Taking the living piss out of us, possibly?  The fact that it isn't illegal to do that highlights the fact that displaying the symbol itself should be criminalised.  Imagine someone strolling through central London wearing a Swastika during WW2, would people (other than Snowychap) have argued it was the wearers right?  

His daughter should be in care and I'd have considerable sympathy had a passer by put him in the Thames.     



Who cares? I care and it is the point.


I don't read arabic, I wouldn't know what it ordinarily says and I wouldn't know what his flag says, whether it be the same or some variation. I haven't seen pictures I wanted some more information.


Not the point what it says but you want his daughter put into care? **** me, that's an extremist stand right there.


Personally, now I've had it expanded on, if that is accurate, I'd be happy for someone to give him a hard smack right in the face.


Chris, is it really extremist to suggest that when people of his ideological bent are disappearing to Syria with family in tow on a regular basis?  I don't think so it's child protection, that poor little kid has rights and clearly Daddy is a proper extremist. I know what his flag says, I was asking you why it mattered because I (incorrectly) thought you were just using it as a stick to tag team Donnie with.


@YGabbana:  freedom of speech my ass and why try to deflect the issue by bringing the EDL into it, how many Brit's have they massacred??!  The guy - as illustrated above - is swanning through central London parading the flag (full length on his body) of a terror group that has just murdered dozens of our civilian population. If you think that's okay then I don't believe that your motivation is freedom of speech.

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