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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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I find it strange how people join these little things..


Do they expect everyone in the west to just suddenly down arms and say "you know what? they're only bloody right!".


The West, at the touch of a button, could completely irradicate the middle east.


wtf are the people who grow up in these countries and are now fighting for IS hoping for?



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We are a strange species; always looking to give our lives meaning and always wanting to serve the bigger entity.


Expose these traits to a martial culture, whether it be Prussian, red-neck, Highland Scots, Spartan, Samurai, Sikhism or the Ottoman take on Islam, and history records the outcome.

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Guys I know I've had some jokes on here and been a bit of a prat too but all jokes aside this subject is getting to me more than I could have thought. I've always been tolerant while holding some views that many others here will as well but not I find myself actually scared for my own and my families life. I'm a tully slightly paranoid even typing this

I don't think I've ever been as aware of a conflict as I am of this one and I think part of the reason for that is the ease of access to the information not just from the news but direct from the people involved in it on Twitter etc. Maybe it's that that makes it feel more dangerous but how can you then pretend to act normally and just ignore it when you know it's there? I can't just not look at it so it'll be ok

I never through I'd see a man beheaded but I've seen the images posted on Twitter probably from the feed of someone who actually took the pic, was actually there. It doesn't sicken me or play on my mind like I thought it would instead I am sad and start to think of the state of the world and what is to come

I know you'll take the mick now etc but can anyone offer advice does anyone feel the same. I actually want to leave the country but I don't know where I'd go. I won't leave the country and I know things are not that bad yet but that is how I'm feeling

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I never through I'd see a man beheaded but I've seen the images posted on Twitter probably from the feed of someone who actually took the pic, was actually there. It doesn't sicken me or play on my mind like I thought it would instead I am sad and start to think of the state of the world and what is to come 

I know you'll take the mick now etc but can anyone offer advice does anyone feel the same. I actually want to leave the country but I don't know where I'd go. I won't leave the country and I know things are not that bad yet but that is how I'm feeling

I think what you are describing sounds like basic anxiety, which can be compounded by, if not caused by the totality of horrible things that are happening in the world. But you should console yourself with the fact that the horrors in the Middle East and Africa are thousands of miles away. And the world is no more dangerous than it ever was. And ISIS is not going to invade Britain. 

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Guys I know I've had some jokes on here and been a bit of a prat too but all jokes aside this subject is getting to me more than I could have thought. I've always been tolerant while holding some views that many others here will as well but not I find myself actually scared for my own and my families life. I'm a tully slightly paranoid even typing this

I don't think I've ever been as aware of a conflict as I am of this one and I think part of the reason for that is the ease of access to the information not just from the news but direct from the people involved in it on Twitter etc. Maybe it's that that makes it feel more dangerous but how can you then pretend to act normally and just ignore it when you know it's there? I can't just not look at it so it'll be ok

I never through I'd see a man beheaded but I've seen the images posted on Twitter probably from the feed of someone who actually took the pic, was actually there. It doesn't sicken me or play on my mind like I thought it would instead I am sad and start to think of the state of the world and what is to come

I know you'll take the mick now etc but can anyone offer advice does anyone feel the same. I actually want to leave the country but I don't know where I'd go. I won't leave the country and I know things are not that bad yet but that is how I'm feeling


have a week off from watching propaganda and war porn and you'll be fine


We've lived under genuine everyday threat in the past, real threat of bombs and rockets and invasion. We were months away from being a German colony, the Russians infiltrated the highest decision making places in the land, we've had nuclear weapons flown over our heads by people that thought nothing of killing a million of their own people and we've had terrorists bombing our capital and bombing our pubs.


Guess what?


Yma o hyd. We're still here.


**** the terrorists.

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And now May's going to propose 'further legislation' about extremism. A sadly typical response of government.


yep, that's what we need to protect our freedom, more little rules and restrictions on everyone


you would have to ask who we need to be watching most closely, 500 deluded UK citizens in Syria, or 'government'


well I know who's had the most impact in South Wales this week as we're in the middle of a three week security clamp down for a 48 hour visit by NATO in September to help protect our freedoms

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We are a strange species; always looking to give our lives meaning and always wanting to serve the bigger entity.

Expose these traits to a martial culture, whether it be Prussian, red-neck, Highland Scots, Spartan, Samurai, Sikhism or the Ottoman take on Islam, and history records the outcome.

Eventual defeat?

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How do you solve a problem like the middle east? I am seriously worried that IS will continue to grow. I don't understand how a person in the UK could join them. Yes Muslims have a (justified IMO) anger towards the UK and US for their meddling. However to join IS and commit those atrocities is unthinkable. How does that help the situation?

You have to think that these guys are basically losers back in England, no job, no woman, no hope, frustrated. With IS, they have a chance to play out their little war games fantasies, and if they get killed, well, it's probably what they secretly wanted anyway.

Apparently many are quite educated. Not sure how true that is.

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Guys I know I've had some jokes on here and been a bit of a prat too but all jokes aside this subject is getting to me more than I could have thought. I've always been tolerant while holding some views that many others here will as well but not I find myself actually scared for my own and my families life. I'm a tully slightly paranoid even typing this

I don't think I've ever been as aware of a conflict as I am of this one and I think part of the reason for that is the ease of access to the information not just from the news but direct from the people involved in it on Twitter etc. Maybe it's that that makes it feel more dangerous but how can you then pretend to act normally and just ignore it when you know it's there? I can't just not look at it so it'll be ok

I never through I'd see a man beheaded but I've seen the images posted on Twitter probably from the feed of someone who actually took the pic, was actually there. It doesn't sicken me or play on my mind like I thought it would instead I am sad and start to think of the state of the world and what is to come

I know you'll take the mick now etc but can anyone offer advice does anyone feel the same. I actually want to leave the country but I don't know where I'd go. I won't leave the country and I know things are not that bad yet but that is how I'm feeling


Cameron is on holiday and Obama is playing golf; are we obliged to care more about the situation than our elected leaders?


Does the murder of a journalist actually change anything as regards the atrocities in Syria, which we have mainly ignored, in preference to better pictures from Gaza?


Having previously championed the Arab spring and contemplated bombing Assad's forces, would it be hypocritical to now treat him as an ally?


Hamas executed 18 people without trial outside a mosque on Friday - does this indicate that our sympathy for Gaza was misplaced, or our condemnation of Israel naive?

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Guys I know I've had some jokes on here and been a bit of a prat too but all jokes aside this subject is getting to me more than I could have thought. I've always been tolerant while holding some views that many others here will as well but not I find myself actually scared for my own and my families life. I'm a tully slightly paranoid even typing this

I don't think I've ever been as aware of a conflict as I am of this one and I think part of the reason for that is the ease of access to the information not just from the news but direct from the people involved in it on Twitter etc. Maybe it's that that makes it feel more dangerous but how can you then pretend to act normally and just ignore it when you know it's there? I can't just not look at it so it'll be ok

I never through I'd see a man beheaded but I've seen the images posted on Twitter probably from the feed of someone who actually took the pic, was actually there. It doesn't sicken me or play on my mind like I thought it would instead I am sad and start to think of the state of the world and what is to come

I know you'll take the mick now etc but can anyone offer advice does anyone feel the same. I actually want to leave the country but I don't know where I'd go. I won't leave the country and I know things are not that bad yet but that is how I'm feeling

Daz it sounds like you need to stop watching the news for a few weeks and just focus on your life. These kind of atrocities have been going on around the world for years.

Just look at the massacres that have occurred in Africa in recent years. Don't let it get to you. We are pretty safe here.

Edited by Vive_La_Villa
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Ive just started to read a book about a girl who was kidnapped by khadaffi when she was just 15 and hold as a sex slave until his death.


It's a shocking read...first she is thrilled she is gonna meet the "great emperor", but when she is pushed in a room with him laying naked on the bed she understands what he wants from her


First she tries to run away put there is a guard standing outside the door who pushes her back in to the room.


His first words to her is: Come here you little whore, he forces her to drink whiskey and snort cocaine and then throw himself over her and start biting her all over her tiny little body, then he rapes her again and again.


First she is shocked that the "great emperor" is drinking alcohol, it is stirctly forbidden to do and kahdaffi is seen as a very religous man by the people and always refers to the koran when speaking in public.


Then he sends him away with five porn movies so she can learn how to suck his dick properly.


What is even more shocking is that after the rape her family want nothing to do with her cause she is now a whore..Yikes


And she was ofcourse not the only one..she was just one of hundredes some taken at the age of 12..and not only girls,she seen him have sex with little boys aswell.



I really hope this piece of human garbage is burning in hell right now!

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IMHO, the problem is not the threat groups such as ISIS post on the West. They have yet to fight a proper army and I genuinely think they will lose such a battle.


The problem, the real problem, is what stands behind such an organization - in other words - the ideas. The fact that citizens from the "enlightened west" see themselves fit to take part in such atrocities should raise a huge question mark over what's going on in these countries. How come a very liberal Britain produces hundreds if not thousands of people willing to do such acts. This is what should be worrying the west. There is no "Israel-Palestinian" problem in the UK, the Muslims are not harassed in any way. Why the hell some many of them come to hate the very place they live in?


And the idea of "they must be losers with no jobs" - this is a generalization you and us (in Israel) often do as it fits the way we see things. After all - why should a married man, with a steady income and a good health go such a dreadful path?

Well... they just do. They do because they were either manipulated, or are pure evil deep within, or... you can bring up any reason you see fit. I don't know the exact reason, but I will tell you than - during my army service, some 20 years back, we apprehended a Palestinian suicide bomber on his way to Tel Aviv. As he had the explosives on him - we had to undress him completely and then we saw that he had his penis wrapped in bandages. When asked for it - he told that he didn't want his penis to be damaged, so he'll be able to "use" it with the 72 virgins awaiting him up there...


So, you can try and rationalize as much as you want and bring the set of beliefs, but as soon as the 72 virgins come into the equation - this is your sign to leave rational west thinking aside and start getting used to the idea there are parts of the words where people think differently.

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It's 0.00074% of the population of the UK that have been motivated for whatever reason to do this, be it idle curiosity, genuine belief, mental illness etc.. Whatever the reason I'm not sure we'd ever get 0.00074 down to absolute zero.


Just as there are UK heroes that fought over in Spain, in reality there must have been UK citizens that supported the fascists. Why would anybody support fascism?


What these kids that have travelled to Syria have today that is different from the past is the means to get to Syria, the telecommunications to tell us they are in Syria and a willing public and media that have the hots for sensational stories.


Other than that, I'm not seeing any worrying significant new trends. I'm not expecting Luton to declare blood thirsty independence any time soon. 

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Yeah I know about the Daily Mail, royalty and Moseley and all that lot of perverts and mental defectives, I was more meaning there must have been people that would have travelled and actively fought and killed for the fascists. Blood on their hands not just on their cheque books and dinner party napkins.


Just trying to get a little bit of historical perspective and not just panic because the newspaper headline says to panic.

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You look only at the action, hence - the person travelling to Syria or Iraq. Mind you this will make a huge problem when they'll return. For some reason, they never use their knowledge and experience to help the local police...

But I speak of the ideas. If I read that the laws of Shari'a are to become an integral part of the British judicial system - I am deeply disturbed. Not because it's Islam - but because it gives a foothold to a line of thought which sees women as inferior to men. In Britain. This is unbelievable!  To add to that, I see a report in the Guardian about Sainsbury (which I assume is a chain of Supermarkets) removing Kosher food just not to get someone angry (not to mention these products are not made in Israel...) or that school teachers don't teach of the holocaust as they are afraid it will offend Muslims (why would it offend anyone?!) - it all comes together to a major change which slowly allows the radical Islam to become dominant. You could see what's going on in France in recent years. If someone here has visited Malmo, Sweden, in recent times - they can also throw in their ideas of the situation. Europe is an advanced and liberal continent, having learned what's good for them over centuries of constant wars and deaths. Now, when peaceful times arrive - the Europeans should keep their progressive ideas alive instead of letting in ideas more fitting to medieval time... 

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So we should control people's ideas?


If you're disturbed by Sharia law being used in the UK, how do you feel about beth din courts in the UK?


We stop murder, we stop violence and we try to stop discrimination and prejudice. We really shouldn't be controlling ideas and selecting which religions can have their own law and which can't.


For clarity, that's not me being in favour of sharia. 

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