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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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Rugeley it really isn't that simple. A lot of the problems today in the Middle East were caused by the West.

Maybe it's just me reading your posts wrong, but you do seem to have a hard on for IS(IS). Do you support them?

Hardly a Hardon. No I don't support them. But I also don't believe everything I read or see in the news.

Out of interest what IS(IS) related news do you think is untrue/disbelieve? Presumably not the murdering, torturing, beheading, crucifying, slave trading and apostate chopping parts?

The evidence for the above is displayed proudly and directly by them on the internet.

As you liked the comment then same question to you, Snowy.

I liked VLV's post too. The bit I liked was the bit about not believing everything on the News. The reason for this is because much of the news media, for reasons of proprietorial whim, cost, pressure for audeince numbers and many others tends not always to be quite as invesigative, quite as critically sceptical of the "official" line as might be hoped.

IF your source of news is Russia today, you will be told a very different truth to if you get your news from CNN. If you get your news from AlJazera you will see a different truth to the Israeli media. And so on. The same applies to these Caliphate loons in Northern Iraq - the story on them we get in the west will be influenced by media feeding fears of terrorist actions at home, here. It will be influenced by our Governments stance and pronouncements.

A lot of the reporting will not be analysis or explantion, but will based around single identifiable (and sadly horrific) events. The news of a westerner being deheaded by an English person will fill far more pages and hours of coverage than will the wider picture.

From these bite sized, easily passed on news items people then make broader assumptions about the world.

The grotesque murder of a white American makes far more headlines than the murders of hundereds or thousands of brown people. Elsewhere in the world the news will portray a different perspective, or may barely mention it.

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I wouldn't believe everything on the news either. Vice and their five part propaganda piece for example. There is a segment on how they inflict a tithe on Christians and how other minorities are free to stay as long as they pay the tithe.

The problem is, that this conflicts with a good hour and twenty two minutes of IS randomly opening up on cars on the motorway, performing summary executions, crucifying Christians, shooting Shias and others with silenced weapons in the head and decaptiating a swathe of enemies.

There are plenty of gruesome videos of their antics in al Raqqa and showing what they've done to Free Syrian Army and Syrian Army type alike. They're vile and barbaric by any measure. No amount of electricity or water in their attempts at small government will change what they are.

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I stillnfeel the Americans were too kind to bin Laden. I would have just dumped his body in the sea end of!


Isn't that what they did do?

No, he was given a proper islamic burial preparation by an immam and then buried at sea within the islamic timeframe for burial.

I'd have just put him in the doorway of the blackhawk, chinook, sea stallion or whatever and filmed me rolling his body out with my foot! And then put the bloody video on youtube! See how those **** like it!

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american and probably british special forces will already be over there doing missions, without a shadow of a doubt we alongside america and maybe other countries will go to war with these horrible bastards. we will destroy IS, i have no shadow of doubt about that but then a year or two down the line another group will pop up. i sometimes wonder if the world would be a better place without the middle east and israel, i have not doubt it would be.

Rugeley it really isn't that simple. A lot of the problems today in the Middle East were caused by the West.
Maybe it's just me reading your posts wrong, but you do seem to have a hard on for IS(IS). Do you support them?
Hardly a Hardon. No I don't support them. But I also don't believe everything I read or see in the news.
Out of interest what IS(IS) related news do you think is untrue/disbelieve? Presumably not the murdering, torturing, beheading, crucifying, slave trading and apostate chopping parts?

The evidence for the above is displayed proudly and directly by them on the internet.

As you liked the comment then same question to you, Snowy.

As Blandy said it's not that's it's untrue it's just the way it is shown. Why do IS hate America so much? Is it simply because everyone of them is evil and sent to earth by the devil himself to destroy mankind?

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american and probably british special forces will already be over there doing missions, without a shadow of a doubt we alongside america and maybe other countries will go to war with these horrible bastards. we will destroy IS, i have no shadow of doubt about that but then a year or two down the line another group will pop up. i sometimes wonder if the world would be a better place without the middle east and israel, i have not doubt it would be.

Rugeley it really isn't that simple. A lot of the problems today in the Middle East were caused by the West.
Maybe it's just me reading your posts wrong, but you do seem to have a hard on for IS(IS). Do you support them?
Hardly a Hardon. No I don't support them. But I also don't believe everything I read or see in the news.
Out of interest what IS(IS) related news do you think is untrue/disbelieve? Presumably not the murdering, torturing, beheading, crucifying, slave trading and apostate chopping parts?

The evidence for the above is displayed proudly and directly by them on the internet.

As you liked the comment then same question to you, Snowy.

As Blandy said it's not that's it's untrue it's just the way it is shown. Why do IS hate America so much? Is it simply because everyone of them is evil and sent to earth by the devil himself to destroy mankind?


Is it because israel buy their weapons from them ? Or cause they are infidels ? i really dont know


They should thank america for killing saddam and making this islamic state possible, or should they not ?


What have the yazidi people done to be slaughtered like little lambs ? is it americas fault aswell ?


And all the iraqi christians..what have they done wrong to be killed like this ? 

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Rumor going around on the internets that ISIS is a Mossad creation, and their leader al-Baghdadi is an Israeli psych ops Mossad agent... :)


There is still plenty of anti-Semitism on the Internet. I'd say it's a bit like a variation on the 'No true Scotsman' fallacy. "ISIS are so bad they are not true Muslims, they were probably created by the Jews!".

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Meanwhile our mates the Saudis are busy beheading their own citizens



Saudi Arabia has executed at least 19 people since August 4, 2014. Local news reports indicate that eight of those executed were convicted of nonviolent offenses, seven for drug smuggling and one for sorcery.


Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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British and American intelligence services are hunting for the Islamic State jihadist who beheaded an American journalist, and have identified him as a British Muslim extremist known as "John", according the Telegraph.


"John" is said to be the leader of a contingent of British fighters for IS nicknamed "The Beatles", due to their British nationality, and is described as "well-educated, intelligent, but highly committed member of the extremist terror group."

It comes amid revelations that British Muslims make up a quarter of the Islamic State's contingent of European fighters, accounting for around 500 out of the 2,000 European citizens currently fighting among its ranks.


While dozens of other European and western nationals are also fighting for IS (formerly known as ISIS), the disproportionate number of UK citizens traveling to fight under the black banner of jihad is once again drawing questions over how radical Islam has been allowed to fester unchecked in Britain for decades.

Foreign intelligence agencies have reportedly been frustrated by MI5 and MI6's ineffectiveness in dealing with home-grown Islamist radical. In June, the CIA sent a special contingent of agents to investigate the extent of Islamic extremism in the UK, in a snub to British intelligence agencies.

Last year, it was revealed that French intelligence had targeted London-based Islamic cleric and Al Qaeda-linked terrorist Abu Hamza for a potential assassination, out of frustration with growing British indifference to Islamist terrorism. Abu Hamza was eventually extradited to the US and jailed this year for serious terrorist offenses.

Britons have carried out numerous atrocities for the group, including suicide bombings. Most recently, the executioner of America journalist James Foley spoke with a clear London or south England accent.

Alarmingly, it is not the first time a British-born jihadi has been involved in a gruesome beheading: US journalist Daniel Pearl was decapitated by in Pakistan by British-born Islamist Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh in 2002.

Professor Anthony Glees, of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, told Britain's The Independentthat political correctness had helped provide a fertile breading ground for Islamism in the UK. 

"Why are there Brits there? In my view this is because Islamist extremist ideologies have been able to be spread with relative ease in our country under the cover of 'religion', 'free speech' and 'multiculturalism'." 

"A small number of British Muslims have been brainwashed by so-called preachers... and convinced that they must kill to create a global caliphate," he added.

Muslim extremists wishing to volunteer for the Islamic State have found an easy passage to Syria by flying to Istanbul in Turkey, and from there crossing the porous southern border, according to Charlie Cooper, a researcher at the Quilliam Foundation, which monitors and combats Muslim extremism.

Cooper noted that the British man who beheaded Foley "will have committed himself entirely to furthering the aims of the Islamic state" and "completely rejected his British nationality".

ISIS fighters regularly stage public burnings of their passports in a rejection of all things non-Muslim, and the new "Islamic State" or "Caliphate" has even reportedly issued its own passports.

Shiraz Maher, a a senior researcher at the International Center for the Study of Radicalization at King's College London, said the fact that a British Islamist was chosen to behead Foley proves that UK nationals make up "some of the most vicious and vociferous fighters" in Syria and Iraq,

British Muslims are "very much at the forefront of this conflict," said Maher, who has been closely monitoring the evolution of Syrian jihadi groups.

"Unfortunately the British participation in the conflicts now raging in both Syria and Iraq has been has been one of full participation, one that has seen them at the front lines, taking part in the conflict in every way," he told The Daily Mail.

"So we have seen British fighters out there operating as suicide bombers, we have seen them operating as executioners. "Unfortunately they are amongst some of the most vicious and vociferous fighters who are out there. That is unfortunately just a part of their radicalisation."



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Meanwhile our mates the Saudis are busy beheading their own citizens

Saudi Arabia has executed at least 19 people since August 4, 2014. Local news reports indicate that eight of those executed were convicted of nonviolent offenses, seven for drug smuggling and one for sorcery.

What you don't know doesn't hurt you. Now let's proceed with wiping out the Middle East as it's the only place in the world where bad things happen.

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How do you solve a problem like the middle east? I am seriously worried that IS will continue to grow. I don't understand how a person in the UK could join them. Yes Muslims have a (justified IMO) anger towards the UK and US for their meddling. However to join IS and commit those atrocities is unthinkable. How does that help the situation?

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How do you solve a problem like the middle east? I am seriously worried that IS will continue to grow. I don't understand how a person in the UK could join them. Yes Muslims have a (justified IMO) anger towards the UK and US for their meddling. However to join IS and commit those atrocities is unthinkable. How does that help the situation?

You have to think that these guys are basically losers back in England, no job, no woman, no hope, frustrated. With IS, they have a chance to play out their little war games fantasies, and if they get killed, well, it's probably what they secretly wanted anyway.

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How do you solve a problem like the middle east? I am seriously worried that IS will continue to grow. I don't understand how a person in the UK could join them. Yes Muslims have a (justified IMO) anger towards the UK and US for their meddling. However to join IS and commit those atrocities is unthinkable. How does that help the situation?

So on that basis do the US and UK have a justified anger with Islam or just a select bunch if whack jobs?

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