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The Arab Spring and "the War on Terror"


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Gaza is one of the most densley populated areas in the world.  What open areas are you referring to?


Exactly. There are none. If Hamas cared to the lives of the population - it would not initiate an armed conflict with Israel. They cannot win the fight, but as long as the citizens die - they are happy.


Or as Ismail Hania said - the level of destruction of Gaza is a proof of Hamas victory.



Is their any prospect of Hamas evacuating children during conflict, like the Brits did before the blitz?



Evacuating?!?!!? Prior to the ground invasion - Israel dropped fliers asking the citizens of specific regions to evacuate (including Shajaiya). Hamas troops then came and threatened that anyone leaving his house will lose it - forcing the local folks to stay put. You can find video clips of Hamas troops hitting civilians trying to flee the area. People write here as if Hamas is some sort of a peace fairing organization fighting for freedom. This is far from the truth, unless freedom means an Islamic Caliphate on the ruins of Israel, of course (yep, they are the religious guys, fighting for Islam...).


I cannot say this any clearly - Hamas wants as many dead bodies as it can get. This is why they're shooting from within populated areas, that is why they're storing and shooting  the rockets from schools and medical facilities, that is why they restarted the fight today, despite knowing this will bring only pain to the population. Only yesterday a couple of clips were published, one from the French TV and one from the Indian TV - showing Hamas positioning and launching rockets next to UN facilities or the hotel where the reporters stay. Hamas knows that if the IDF retaliate they might hit the UN compound. Reporters existing Gaza strip twitted they were not allowed to show any Hamas casualties or report firing from within the populated areas as they feared for their lives. Think of it for a moment - of all the footage you've seen in this conflict - how many dead bodies of Hamas soldiers did you see? I reckon no more than 10 - this allows them to claim most casualties are civilians. Why? again - because it serves their target!

This is the Indian reporter: 



This is the French report:



You can see that kids are playing just next to the launching pad, as the Hamas knows that Israel monitors each launch - as soon as a rocket it launched, the launch pad is targeted and fired on. What will happen to these kids then? And do you think there is a chance they are there despite Hamas will? 


Please remember, a month ago Israel accepted a cease fire proposal which was based on "quiet for quiet", hence - we will not shoot if you will not shoot. By accepting this - not a single civilian would have died. Still, Hamas refused it, as it refused a total of 5 cease fire proposal during the last couple of weeks, as it refused a 72 hours extension for the current cease fire. They know the only chance for them to gain an advantage in the negotiations is only if civilians get killed. 


This a different state of mind than what you would expect. Israel invested millions in defensive measures. Hamas invested only in offensive ones. We cry for every soldier we lose. They send him to heaven to have a ball with the 72 virgins. We arm our tanks with anti missile system. They send people wearing explosive vests to commit suicide acts.

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Omar - pardon me for not seeing the UN as an objective body. There is an automatic majority to the Arab countries and with all due respect - I have failed to see the UN dealing with proven mass killers such as Bashar el Asaad or any of the Iranian leadership, who smashed the green uprising with brute force. We had enough of the UN here, starting in 1967, when the UN peace keeping forces fled the area when asked by Gamal Nacer. Also, in regard to the children - reports show that more than 160 children died during the digging of the tunnels. I patiently await the objective report of the UN in that matter. 


Second - in regard to the faeces - surely you don't expect the soldier to look for a proper toilet at that time? If so - can you please ask the Hamas to supply toilet paper for this?


I'm guessing the family's home had a toilet unless that was thrown out the window with everything else they own.


Even if there was a toilet - these are war times! A soldier needs to keep under cover, even when he needs to shi*t. You weren't there, neither was I, but to think that at such a time a soldier should think of a toilet, washing his hands afterwards and drying it all with a nice soft towel?!

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Hopefully the US bomb the fack out of ISIS and give the iraqi army and the kurds the full support they need. Certainly an agenda when day in day out we hear about 2000 deaths (2000 to many of course) in gaza yet the death of potentially 40,000 people barely gets a mention on.


Its IS.


Surely, it is reasonable is it not that the actual death of 2000 people is bigger news than the 'potential' death of 40'000 given that one has happened and the other may or may not happen.


But personally I think both events are being widely reported in the media, if you are referring to this thread then there is more talk about Israel due to the participation of someone living through the events.


Please elaborate who is it you feel has an agenda and what agenda is it you think they have?

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Omar - pardon me for not seeing the UN as an objective body. There is an automatic majority to the Arab countries and with all due respect - I have failed to see the UN dealing with proven mass killers such as Bashar el Asaad or any of the Iranian leadership, who smashed the green uprising with brute force. We had enough of the UN here, starting in 1967, when the UN peace keeping forces fled the area when asked by Gamal Nacer. Also, in regard to the children - reports show that more than 160 children died during the digging of the tunnels. I patiently await the objective report of the UN in that matter. 


Second - in regard to the faeces - surely you don't expect the soldier to look for a proper toilet at that time? If so - can you please ask the Hamas to supply toilet paper for this?


I'm guessing the family's home had a toilet unless that was thrown out the window with everything else they own.


Even if there was a toilet - these are war times! A soldier needs to keep under cover, even when he needs to shi*t. You weren't there, neither was I, but to think that at such a time a soldier should think of a toilet, washing his hands afterwards and drying it all with a nice soft towel?!



So they are under more cover shitting on a chair on the living room floor than in the bathroom? As for the rest of your post it is just daft and a deflection away from the actual topic which is the conduct of Israeli soliders. I find it interesting you only comment on the toilet aspect and not that rest of the content of the article.


You are right, neither of us were there. Yet you seem to see fit to dismiss the actions as being necessary and conclude they had no choice while completely ignoring their other alleged actions which seem to indicate that their motives were far from simply the call of nature.

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Agreed.  I think most if not all agree that the region would be better off without Hamas.  Just like it would be better off without the Israeli government!


On the point of an agenda and the killing of 2,000 against 40,000.  It's a silly argument you just have to look at the coverage of 9/11 vs other atrocities.  It's a big issue that has been going on for a long time, even then it doesn't get the media coverage it deserves.  BBC only started reporting on the conflict about a week and a half after it began. 


Tbh I wish issues such as IS(IS) and the killing of 250,000 people in Syria got more coverage so people were aware of what a sorry place the middle east is at the moment.  Fact of the matter is people are more interested in what Tulisa had for breakfast.

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Agreed.  I think most if not all agree that the region would be better off without Hamas.  Just like it would be better off without the Israeli government!


On the point of an agenda and the killing of 2,000 against 40,000.  It's a silly argument you just have to look at the coverage of 9/11 vs other atrocities.  It's a big issue that has been going on for a long time, even then it doesn't get the media coverage it deserves.  BBC only started reporting on the conflict about a week and a half after it began. 


Tbh I wish issues such as IS(IS) and the killing of 250,000 people in Syria got more coverage so people were aware of what a sorry place the middle east is at the moment.  Fact of the matter is people are more interested in what Tulisa had for breakfast.


Quite. The BBC's coverage has at times been utterly shameful in recent weeks.


As for Tulisa, that video was recorded at breakfast time? Dirty bitch :)

Reports coming in that the US have successfully bombed an ISIS artillery convoy.


Reports to follow that it was in fact a Iraqi army buss carrying reinforcements. :)

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I think a good chunk of ISIS is, in fact, former Iraqi Army members...


Cuz, you know, Paul Bremer thought it was a good idea to disassemble the Iraqi Army in 2003 and put 500,000 armed men out of a job. 

Edited by maqroll
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Reports coming in that the US have successfully bombed an ISIS artillery convoy.


They were shelling Erbil apparently, which puts them under the conditions Obama set to protect US assets.

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I can't believe Blair came out and said "Er, ISIS is not our fault"


Firstly, you felt the need to blab to everyone that it is specifically not your fault. Guilty conscience?


Secondly, of course it's your bloody fault, you created them defacto by creating AQI in 2003.


Blair's lying is as consistent as the Israeli government's insistence that wiping out Gaza is for their own protection.


What a state it's all in. Syria and Iraq are in such a mess now that I can't even keep up with who is fighting who and on what "side" they're on

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Agreed.  I think most if not all agree that the region would be better off without Hamas.  Just like it would be better off without the Israeli government!


On the point of an agenda and the killing of 2,000 against 40,000.  It's a silly argument you just have to look at the coverage of 9/11 vs other atrocities.  It's a big issue that has been going on for a long time, even then it doesn't get the media coverage it deserves.  BBC only started reporting on the conflict about a week and a half after it began. 


Tbh I wish issues such as IS(IS) and the killing of 250,000 people in Syria got more coverage so people were aware of what a sorry place the middle east is at the moment.  Fact of the matter is people are more interested in what Tulisa had for breakfast.


When you look at the TV news, the running-order is determined by the quality of the media available - no pictures no story.


It is one of the many reasons news people are contemptible; every day they grade tragedies on how good they will make their programmes look, while the presenters turn on and off their compassion and outrage to order.


Thousands are dying and the WHO has declared the Ebola outbreak a global emergency, and yet they still insist on devoting minutes to the Oscar Pistorius trial; its complete and utter contemptible bollox. 

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There is a difference in creating a vacuum and being responsible for what fills it compared to actively radicalising, funding and arming individuals to go and fight your proxy war against the Shia as the Saudi's and Qataris have.

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How much killing of innocents needs to happen before Turkey stop playing isolationism in a region they should be a stablising power in. They need to act militarily, they need a change to their current policy.  


They have the largest most powerful military of all the islamic states. They also have astoundingly brave soldiers - peerless even. For the future of the region they need to end this all. Crush ISIS from the north, intervene in Syria Civil war. They are the only country who can do it and achieve the right outcome.

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A country whose government wants to ban women from laughing in public can hardly be relied upon to do much of anything useful.



What on earth has the daft comments from Deputy PM about women laughing in Turkey got to do with stopping the Genocide in Northern Iraq? Seriously what was the point of your reply?


“We hear through the media there is American help, but there is nothing on the ground,” he told Reuters in Baghdad. “Please save us! SOS! save us!” he said several times. “Our people are in the desert. They are exposed to a genocide.”




But Turkey shouldn't help the Yazidis because the deputy PM wants women to stop laughing in public....

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Middle east governments have as much to blame as the so called free governements of the UK and US.  Then again most of the middle east governements have been put in place by the UK and US.

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