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It's apparently going to be called the Playstation Vita, or perhaps just Vita.

...What a shit name for something.

Oh... I disagree (though I have no idea about her music. which may be pretty poor based on some titles I saw in google)


Vita Chambers

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  • 6 months later...

I'm seriously considering getting the wi-fi only version.

Does anyone know if these will be sold in a bundle? I am considering putting in a pre-order just for the system, yet I would prefer a bundle . I will hold off if there will be better offers upon its release in shops. Anyone have any idea if there will be? It is currently around £220-230 without anything else, yet I would prefer a game and/or memory card to be included for around £240-250.

I've also got an issue that I am a little concerned about. Does anyone know if you will need to use the touch-screen (plus the back thing) on games? I would prefer not to if I have the choice. I'm just worried that games may require you to use the touch devices in order to progress, which wouldn't be ideal...

Anyway, it looks like a good piece of kit. The last handheld I had was the Game Gear.

I have been looking and the 3DS is around £150 now, so I'm not sure if that would be better to purchase. Although the Vita does look great and the specs are impressive to say the least. It really is a sexy looking thing and I'm hoping there will be a good amount of games for it. The fact that it is region free also seems very good as I can import games from the States that would otherwise not be available here in the UK.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Late to reply but some vague answers for you...

I'm sure there will be bundles made up by stores but quite what they are gonna be I dunno. I've heard that one company is doing a bundle that, at least, includes a 16gb memory card IIRC. Shopto have bundles for the Wifi one with one of 3 games that go for between £240 - £250 dependant on the game you want.

The back pad is definitely being used by some games, whether it's a necessity that can't be altered I dunno. But it's definitely being used for gameplay, some games using it for series gameplay elements. Even stuff like Uncharted does. It does appear to be unwieldy, and dumb, but hey, 2 touchpads > 1, therefore Vita > DS, right?!

The 3DS represents better value but the thing with the 3DS is you could bet your house on Nintendo making a better version soon enough. Whereas while the Vita will get a redesign the difference won't be too massive, if the PSP is anything to go by.

What can be said is that the Vita is an absurd price. It's a great bit of kit, but you could seriously buy a PS3, a top end one, probably with a game if you shop around, for less than just the Wi-Fi Vita. For the 3g enabled one, you could get a pretty good PS3 package for that. Bearing in mind that you also need to invest in memory cards (which I suspect will not be cheap), and the games are going to be comparatively expensive, some coming in at comparable prices to home console releases.

I think this thing is going to follow the same path the 3DS did... but without the 3DS' resurgence. It's a nice bit of kit, but they can't expect it to fly off the shelves, it's too expensive, and I can't see it dropping markedly. I'm also yet to see how good the battery is, but if the 3DS is anything to go by, it'll have laughable life.

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We got our demo Vita yesterday and after an afternoon at the boss' place, had it all set up today. Messed about with the front end stuff and also got some time with Wipeout and Uncharted.

Wipeout is... er... Wipeout. It's smooth and pretty and appropriately fast - I can't say more than that since I've never been a fan of the series.

Uncharted... well, I don't like Uncharted, admittedly... but it blew me away. It looks absurdly good. Taking into account the smaller screen it's almost as impressive as the full scale title. It plays pretty much identically in the few minutes I had with it, bar a few usages of the touch screen - the main one I encountered being basically using the touch screen to 'trace' the path you use while climbing. You literally drag your finger across the pieces of terrain you want to head along and Drake follows. I'm not sure how much I like this, but the system 'works'.

As for the machine itself, the thing that first hits you is the size, it's a bit of a beast, chunky with a big foot print. But then you hold it and feel it and it feels so good, it's well made, and feels quality. Everything has a slight premium feel to it. The screen is very big and quality too.

It's not faultless though. I struggled to get comfortable holding it. I've got fairly big hands and never quite settled into a comfortable position holding it, it almost felt like I was holding it right on the edge of the machine. The back has slight indentations to settle your fingers in to, but to me they felt awkwardly placed and that didn't help the trouble with holding it. The buttons also felt a little small and I never felt confident hoping my right thumb from the right stick to the face buttons. I dunno if this would come with acclimatisation to the machine or not, and I'm sure not everyone would have the hand issues, so I'm loathe to overly criticise it for that.

It's a very nice thing.

It needs to be at that price.

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We got our demo Vita yesterday and after an afternoon at the boss' place, had it all set up today. Messed about with the front end stuff and also got some time with Wipeout and Uncharted.

Wipeout is... er... Wipeout. It's smooth and pretty and appropriately fast - I can't say more than that since I've never been a fan of the series.

Uncharted... well, I don't like Uncharted, admittedly... but it blew me away. It looks absurdly good. Taking into account the smaller screen it's almost as impressive as the full scale title. It plays pretty much identically in the few minutes I had with it, bar a few usages of the touch screen - the main one I encountered being basically using the touch screen to 'trace' the path you use while climbing. You literally drag your finger across the pieces of terrain you want to head along and Drake follows. I'm not sure how much I like this, but the system 'works'.

As for the machine itself, the thing that first hits you is the size, it's a bit of a beast, chunky with a big foot print. But then you hold it and feel it and it feels so good, it's well made, and feels quality. Everything has a slight premium feel to it. The screen is very big and quality too.

It's not faultless though. I struggled to get comfortable holding it. I've got fairly big hands and never quite settled into a comfortable position holding it, it almost felt like I was holding it right on the edge of the machine. The back has slight indentations to settle your fingers in to, but to me they felt awkwardly placed and that didn't help the trouble with holding it. The buttons also felt a little small and I never felt confident hoping my right thumb from the right stick to the face buttons. I dunno if this would come with acclimatisation to the machine or not, and I'm sure not everyone would have the hand issues, so I'm loathe to overly criticise it for that.

It's a very nice thing.

It needs to be at that price.

Which is why its a stupid idea to release it at all in the first place. It seems to have been produced only to say 'look what we can do' without actually thinking through important things like actually being able to sell the damn thing. Then you factor in the price of the games, the necessity for an expensive memory card etc... and it just screams of stupidness.

It will only ever be a luxury item until the price drops by a very hefty amount.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else getting one of these later this month?

Never had a handheld console before, but think i might get one of these having looked at the games line up. (Another Killzone :) )

I'll go for the wifi only model, and there are some good deals on Amazon and Shopto, although leaning towards Shopto for the reward points.

Shout up if you see any good deals between now and 22 Feb :D

Edit: Some games require a memory card, does this come as standard, or is it separate purchase?

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  • 2 weeks later...

well the success of the system will be in the games themselves. no point buying it if theyre not up to scratch, only starting now to get into reviewing the pile of them that has accumulated on my desk in the last 10 days

think ill start with uncharted

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Uncharted is fairly disappointing once you clock proper time into it... Impressive on a 5min long demo though, ;)

There's potential in the system but in the launch games I've played so far nothing blows my socks off in the long run, despite it's clearly strong launch lineup.

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Well I decided about a week ago I fancied one, mainly due to the fact family stops me playing regularly at home.

I have about an hour each way into work so the chance to play near console quality games on the move is appealing. The best example is I traded Rayman Origins at the weekend as I have managed to play it for about an hour in the 2 months Ive owned it and on Vita I will get the time to actually play it.

Other than probably Rayman and a couple of PSN games, others look okay rather than great, but when has that ever been different for a launch of a console. There is definately potential for top games and that is enough for me.

Im interested to see reviews of Ninja Gaiden and Unit 13.....

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whats the remote play feature thats mentioned but IMO not that well explained

i know that some games have PS3 features but is it a case of the gf is watching eastenders whilst i sit playing my ps3 through the vita screen? if so im sold

or is it mainly just a case of the other way round where i can plug the vita in to my ps3 and play the games on my tv? because if its that then im not

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