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The General's thread - do not respond to other posts!


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Do you pass our concerns onto Randy and how do you do it?

For instance; In my view putting Steve McClaren in charge of Villa would be like putting Benedict Arnold in charge of the Marines.

I know in my bones you guys will make a good choice, has you have seen it's vital, looking forward to renewing my season ticket because I think we are going to have a good year

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I notice that Fulham have managed to appoint their new manager rather quickly, efficiently and without any ridiculous rumours and stray stories like has happened at AVFC.

Perhaps, seeing as we are told the respective owners of AVFC and Fulham are good friends, we could ask Fulham for advice on how they have gone about this.

This is still an opportunity to have somebody who knows about football and it's working on the board. Once a manager has been brought into his place, please ask his opinion in getting someone who can liase with Randy and Paul on football matters with the ball. Houllier was a great opportunity to do this, but it looks like it has been missed.

And a second point, the goodwill from fans can only last so long. You must have seen the response from the overwhelming majority of fans after being linked with Steve McClaren. You may have thought that the reaction from some fans towards the previous manager may have been over the top. I think this has been eclipsed already. Villa fans do not want Steve McClaren as Aston Villa manager, that is clear. It will not just be ticket sales effected. Shirt sales, already poor last season due to the cock-ups, will also dwindle. Who wants to buy a shirt of a club who people are going to laugh at? And that's what will happen - McLaren is a figure of fun, a joke character. Middlesbrough fans were throwing their season tickets at him as they were so fed up of him.

In the past week there only really been two major agreements between fans. The first, that Ancelotti was a great choice but unfortunately it looks like we haven't even contacted him according to his agent. And secondly, that we should not touch Steve McLaren with a barge pole.

We need somebody who might actually be able to persuade our top players to stop leaving. Barry, Milner, now Young, next year it'll be Downing.

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Hi general - how is the manager search coming along?

Can you do anything to ease fans' worries about steve mclaren. Any manager out there could really improve us after last season, with the exception of mclaren! I know you can't comment on who we may get but can you rule out someone who would be a very unpopular choice?

We have faith... UTV!


Obviously, you cannot say who is possible for manager but would you be able and willing to tell us who is not possible ?

As soon as you are able to do so, if Steve McClaren is not in contentention for manager (I and MANY other fans hope he is not), PLEASE would you tell us ?

David Moyes or Carlo Ancelotti (if he ever decides to) would make our dreams come true for a bright future. I emailed PF about DM and CA.

Right now McClaren is a black cloud on the horizon, filling us with dread and nightmare scenarios.


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Hi General, I know that you won't comment on press speculation and good on you.

I'm not SM's biggest fan but he's not even confirmed as being interviewed yet so not sure why people are battering the radio stations and this site with massive protests.

If it is to be McLaren I guess we will have to see how things develop. There's no point abusing the man before he's even given the job.

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Just a little poem I wrote for the general.

See the villains roar

The fans cry out for more

Every man woman and child

Voices going wild

Even doug cracks a smile

Match day down in Aston

Children with painted faces

Loving the multicultural mix of different races

All the bells are ringing

Raucous fans are singing

Everybody is grinning

Now the villa are singing

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Oh God... Steve McClaren... Not now... not ever.....

As previous posters have mentioned... he would damage all credibility that the fans have in the Board.... dont undo the good work and make your 2nd hiring a 2nd failure....

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Hi General, Just so you know, whoever is appointed manager of AVFC I will contiue to support them 100% as I did with GH for his short time.

Not all of us are hounding out potential managers before they've been appointed.


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Take no notice of the last post General...look at his screen name and then look at the colour of McClaren's hair... ;-)

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McClaren would make us a laughing stock. Don't hire the man. You thought villa fans were tough on GH? If this wally gets the job you ain't seen nothing yet gen.

I think it's wise Paul and Randy see the fans reaction to this. Mass exidous? Won't just be players but fans too.

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I'm sure that the board of Aston Villa will deliberate the appointment of the next manager very seriously indeed to ensure the mistakes of last season aren't repeated. I'm also sure that whoever you appoint will be briefed fully on the goals & and direction the board wish to take the club in. Whoever you appoint in my eyes will be an improvement on GH but thats just personal. The appointment you make now will indicate what the realistic goals for the future are. For example:

Ancellotti - serious about pushing on to the level of CL football & attracting top quality players to VP

Moyes - Serious about challenging for a top six position, UEFA cup football & attracting good solid quality proffesionals to VP

Martinez - Serious about maintaining our premiership status and attracting players that want to use Villa as a stepping stone to other clubs & not really challenging for any honours unless we have a lucky cup run.

McLaren - Serious about completely ignoring the feelings of the fans that you covet enough to take the time & effort to trawl through hundreds of emails weekly. If this guy is appointed then unfortunately the board will lose a lot of the trust & credibility, which is rightly deserved, with the fans.

Appointing Maclaren after GH would be akin to replacing Gary Glitter as your baby sitter with Ian Huntley!!!

General - the decision the board take on the next manager will not only send out a message to the fans on the boards ambition but also a message to the players and to the rest of football. Please bear in mind my comments.

I have renewed already so it bears no influence on me personally!!!

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General, I know its all media speculation and most probably nonsense but just in case there is an ounce of truth in the story...


However, I remain confident that Randy would not make such a terrible appointment


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General - If the next Villa manager is Steve McClaren, I'll finally know what Randy has in store for the club's future. Over the past few years I've become increasingly disillusioned with what the game gives me in terms of a true sporting competitive chance. In terms of honours, being a Villan in the current era offers me a chance of a day out at Wembley and very little else. Under Martin O'Neill that was realised. The club, during his tenure, enjoyed relative success and I was content - for me we was at our level.

I don't have a question for you. I just wanted to make it clear that if Steve McClaren is appointed, that it will finally make my mind up for me. It'll be the end of my love for the beautiful game. Yes, I really am that disillusioned.

Thanks for your time.

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Last week you kindly gave me a personal response to a post in which I explained why it would be hard for me to renew my season ticket. When I heard today that Steve McLaren is a possibility for the manager's job I thought: well that will help me make up my mind about that season ticket!


I hate the fact that I have posted this, and I hate that my, and other similar, comments may have an influence on what the board decide. Advice is a dangerous gift, especially from those who are too emotionally involved in the decision to see what would be the best choice for the club as a whole. Furthermore we fans are delusional to think we should be running the club; this is how Newcastle fans got their team relegated two years ago. However this board is about listening to us and I do appreciate that gesture, as I am sure we all do. I just had to state my opinion.

I am Villa Till I Die... I'm just a bit skint these days.

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Given that it will be a week tomorrow since Houllier left and the search officially began for a new manager will the club be giving an update as to how that search is progressing and likely time-scales involved?


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Firstly....Ashley Young. Its good business and if the boy wants to go then it should be with our blessing.

Secondly...Carlo Ancelotti or David Moyes signals ambition by the club and belief by the supporters. You already will be fully aware of WHO the fans don't want to see taking the reins at VP, so I won't reiterate.

I remain confident the board will do right by us.

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whoever the club employ will be the right man at the right time.

The silence is deafening at the moment , with good reason.

I know in my heart the club would not employ a manager nobody wants at any price :winkold:

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