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The General's thread - do not respond to other posts!


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It seems as though there has been a lock down on everyone from the club from speaking at this stage. The General himself hasn't even been on for days now. It seems as though people suit themselves when it comes to talking to the fans, theres one thing they all lack imo, and thats honesty and a real understanding of what the fans of this great club are going through right now, Randy, Faulkner, Houllier and all the coaching staff should be ashamed of themselves for the mess they have created.

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I see that the club have cancelled the first of the planned live music nights in the Holte Pub. Good idea but you just knew it wouldn't get any interest sadly.

Try booking some bands that appeal to people that go to live gigs, get some young bands on etc. Get the students in

Turn it over to some music promoter on certain days. Middle aged folks don't go out to these things anymore. Not when they can listen to cabaret style stuff down their local club.

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I'd like to echo Mark's sentiments, alot of fans on here have had alot to say about club communications but Lee Preece and Nicole Keye are a huge credit to our club.


I would add Sheila Maybury to those mentioned above. Always extremely helpful regarding ticket issues for disabled supporters.

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General, I have a question that you will be answering with great pleasure so please read on!


All Aston Villa fans have listened to AVFC Legends and former players speak this week through the media such as; Brian Little, Stan Collymore, Ugo Ehiogu, Ian Taylor, Paul McGrath etc. All of these famous names have told Aston Villa supporters to do one thing; support Aston Villa! We have taken their advice and we are going to back Aston Villa in style!

For too long now Villa Park has been extremely silent on match days. The atmosphere has been nonexistent, this is purely down to us as supporters and it should not be happening. Aston Villa’s support however is about to change in a dramatic way!

First of all you will be pleased to hear that the away support for the Everton game are encouraging all 2,000+ Villa fans travelling to Goodison Park to bring an Aston Villa scarf with them. These scarves will be waved above our heads throughout the entire game to encourage our players to get Aston Villa 3 points!

Aston Villa fans have united as one! I don't know who has started this campaign off but a campaign has been started to get as many Aston Villa fans as possible down to Villa Park on April 10th for when we play Newcastle. We are encouraging all fans attending this game to bring a flag or a scarf or both! The idea is to get Villa Park sold out! We want the stadium rocking with passion to give our players more than just a 12th man and a huge advantage to win this game!

However, we need your help! We have used Facebook, Twitter, Aston Villa-Views Blog, Heroes & Villains, Vital Villa and on Villa Talk too. We are eager to make this game a sell out and believe it can be done! The problem we have is that Aston Villa V Newcastle United is scheduled on Sky TV. This will mean that a number of Aston Villa fans that have subscribed to Sky will most likely not attend the game because they already have the game to watch. Therefore, we ask you for your support to attract these fans to the stadium and to show the world just how great Aston Villa’s support is!

This game is vital to Aston Villa's survival hopes, it is vital to Gerard Houllier’s future as manager, it is vital to the future’s of some of our players, it is vital to help keep our place in the Premier League for the 2011/2012 season. In just one night we already have attracted hundreds to this campaign but we need 42,788 fans to follow us in order to get Villa Park sold out! To make all of Aston Villa's fans aware of this support campaign please could you speak to the following people?

· Head of Marketing: Russell Jones

· Website Manager: David Willis

With yourself and these two members of staff on board we could promote this campaign started by the fans, for the fans, to the fans on Aston Villa’s Official Website. It would bring Aston Villa, Gerard Houllier and Randy Lerner all of our support for what is a huge game for all of us!

We could also take advantage of Aston Villa’s 100,000+ followers on Aston Villa’s Official Facebook page. Each week the club makes an event page for each Aston Villa match and invites the club’s followers to attend and buy tickets. An event page could quickly be created to promote this campaign and every follower of Aston Villa can be invited at once to attend the event. This is an idea from the heart of us supporters but we need your help to generate enough awareness to make it a success.

Randy Lerner has given us fans so much over the years; free scarves, free travel, free flags, free badges and so much more, we want to give something back to him and Aston Villa to show how grateful we are to have him as Aston Villa Chairman!

We will continue to invite as many Aston Villa supporters as we can but having a Director of Aston Villa on board with us to promote the campaign would significantly boost our chances of reaching our goal. We need your help!

Please could you reply to this and support the fans of Aston Villa Football Club to gain enough awareness to create what would be a historic day, where Villa Park hosts one of the best atmospheres that the stadium has seen for many years?

We need your help Mr Krulak. The links to the campaign pages are listed below. Please could the club get in touch with the fans in charge of these web pages in order to make this a success? Support can never be underestimated and having this take place for our game against Newcastle would go a long way to help us secure 3 vital points for our survival.

Please reply,

From one of many inspired Aston Villa supporters.

Links to the ‘Bring A Flag/Scarf’ campaign:

Facebook Page

Heroes And Villains


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Hi General

I see Paul Faulkner has said "we wouldn't gain anyhing by sacking GH".

Talk about damning with faint paise.

If that is the biggest vote of confidence he can whistle up it is clear he shares our view of GH's suitability.

Would you agree this is less than fulsome backing - and actually sounds like a man who is lost for what to do instead.

Surely the Board can see the most overwhelming condemnation of a Manager in my 40 years of watching Villa has become a broad coalition, even some of those who would give him time are losing hope.

We are not 'sack the Manager' fans - even O'Leary and G Taylor were treated relatively tolerantly. we are not some febrile rabid pack of idiots.

Please listen to us, for all the reasons given, from tactics to player alienation to lack of points to destroyed defence to general air of despair.

We still have a fifth of the season to go, it isn't to late if we act now.

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I think most supporters are feeling a little unsure right now. It hasn't been a good season regardless of the reasons and there are plenty of questions around already for you on the here and now, I have one on the future.

It's about our mid to long term aims and plans, where are we planning to get to in the next few years, how are we looking to get there, what's our ethos, what is it that will get us there, you know, that sort of stuff.

I think that as our immediate progress has stuttered, the bigger picture has been lost - can you blow the dust off it for us, remind us of the plan?

What counts as success for us in the next few years? What's the plan with the ground? With attendances? Where do you want us to be in four years time?

I know that these are questions that are hard to quantify, especially as we're not on the firmest of footings right now, I know it's also stuff you might feel you've told us before - I also understand that it'd be easy for a malicious reader to take a comment on the mid-term future and twist it to make it a judgement on the current situation - I appreciate also that if you want to let us know this stuff, you might chose a more traditional medium than this thread - I know all that, I get it, but I think that right about now, a reminder of what's on the horizon might help us to stop worrying about what we're stepping in and keep us moving on.

In the storm of current concern we're losing all our direction - remind me, where are we going?

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Hi General - As we all know you've been missing recently so can I ask...

Has Mr Houllier banned you from speaking to us again or Is this one of the terms in the new rule book he's re-written ?

Anyway I hope your well and I hope to see you back here soon.

P.S can you settle a bet for me.. A friend of mine swore he seen walking through Chelmsley Wood the other day holding a Big Johns fish 'n' chips box ? I said It can't be and bet him £50. I could do winning General so I can re-coupe some of the money I wasted on going to the FA cup tie against Man City earlier this month.

All the best and UTV.

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In relation to my last post regarding the 'Bring A Flag/Scarf' campaign for the Aston Villa V Newcastle game on April 10th (which I think you said you were attending yourself), we have recieved further support from an Aston Villa player!

Tonight Barry Bannan of Aston Villa (currently on loan at Leeds) has uploaded a picture to his twitter account holding a piece of paper on which he has wrote his username in order to prove that he is in fact the real Barry Bannan. He spoke to all Villa fans following him about many things including his love for the club, his love for the fans and more importantly his backing for Aston Villa's players whilst he's away, management staff and crucially Gerard Houllier.

However I am writing this message to tell you that Barry Bannan re-posted on his own Twitter page a message I sent to him regarding the 'Bring A Flag/Scarf' campaign to the Newcastle match. Barry is fully behind the idea! With the number of Villa fans growing by the hour supporting this campaign to back our club and push us to Premier League safety, please could you help us out! Refer back to my previous post for how we think you can help us but General, both Aston Villa fans and players are supporting this idea! Please help us in anyway way you can to make the club promote our campaign and help us create the best atmosphere Villa Park has seen this season!

Hope all is well, please reply as soon as possible! Time is running out!

All the best,

A Villa Season Ticket Holder

Evidence of Barry Bannan's support - scroll down his messages to see it (Aston Villa's Club Crest is displayed next to the message):

Barry Bannan Twitter Page

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Guest villantoby

General, where are you when fans want you most? Your silence speaks volumes for the clubs denial that we are in a bad situation and that we hired the wrong guy!


Another disgruntled villa fan

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General Krulak here:

1. I am here!!!! I have NOT been blackballed from posting....and those who know me, know that I wouldn't stand for anything like that. My absence from the web sites, all of them, is NOT due to the toughness of the comments or of the current situation. Many of you can "read between the lines" re. my situation. It has NOTHING to do with the Club or, MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Fans. You all should know by now that my allegiance to the Fans and to the Villa is undaunted and untouchable.

2. There is no question that the strong feelings towards what has happened this season thus far is palpable. I recognize that many, many, Fans are pointing their fingers at one person. I also continue to hear the "drum beat" of concern about no "football" people on the Board. I go back to my last post....at the end of the day, the Manager is not on the Pitch...the players are. They are professionals...they know how to play the game...they know when they are giving 110% and when they are not...they know that they are playing for their teammates, their Club (the Badge) and for the Fans...they know how to chase down loose balls and how to mark a man. NOW is the time for the Players, the Fans and the entire organization to quit fuming and tearing into people and decide that for the next critical games, we are going to pour on the steam...we are going to go out and play our guts out and cheer our guts out. I am sorry...I just keep going back to my own life experiences, be it in the Forces or in the Bank. When things got really tough, and they did sometimes, we didn't spend time pointing fingers or moaning, we went out and did something about it....we went out to win. I know that there are many fans who don't see things the way I do but....I owe it to you to say how I feel. As for the "old saw" that there are no football people on the Board...we have so many advisors and folks who know the game that whatever I lack is more than made up by the people who surround the Club.

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I think we all understand the the manager doesn't play the game on the pitch...

Here is my question though, If you were a player, and your manager didn't think that the team you played in had any chance of winning that game, how would you feel? Maybe a little bit de-motivated?

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Really simple question; do you/ the board really think ANY manager at ANY club can ever reverse the kind of hatred shown towards him by his own fans?

I've yet to see it in nearly 30 years of following top flight football.

Do you think Villa fans will come round if we stay up by narrowest margin? How long do you really believe it will be before we're all singing 'Hou's Army?!' Can you GENUINELY see that happening?

That's the key General, if any of above means anything to you then it makes the decision very very easy as regards Mr. Houllier's continued employment. It's now a case of when not IF with Villa fans.

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When we get relegated at the end of the season, will the planned work on the North Stand still go ahead?

Perhaps the money will need to be saved due to how much will be lost through relegation.

Is it too late to be put back in Olympic contention?

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If the stories about another manager being lined up are true why doesn't the board get him in now?

Also another question, read your story online about you working in an America school. What

made you head in that direction?

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