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The General's thread - do not respond to other posts!


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I won't post the link on here General as I have been told not to, but their is now a video on Youtube from the end of the Wolves defeat and the fans reaction. It does not include the louder reaction from Albrighton being bizzarely taken off but it should show you just exactly what it feels like to sit down at Villa Park lately. I would hope you show the video to Randy Lerner considering he wasn't at the game or yourself and couldn't hear just how big of a reaction Houllier has sparked from us! Please do something about this! I'm going to sleep now and hope to wake up tomorrow to a club statement that Gerard Houllier has resigned/got the sack! I'm a season ticket holder and cannot believe I've payed so much money for this absolute rubbish! Good night!

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Good Evening Sir. Should we stay up (a tough ask under the idiot we have at the

helm) how many season tickets have you projected for sale? If we stop up i

assume GH will be given a full 2nd season in which case I can see a dramatic declinr

in season tickets sale this summer. Myself and the 5 people i go with renew under that clown and that is the general consensus in the aston social club pre game, i can see max 15k season tickets

sold. Get of this incompetent clown tomorrow, he sits on the bench like an old man waiting for the bus. No passion, no heart, no tactics, no tact, no players behind him, no f**king idea. I was also one of the poor souls who took half a day from

work, spent the money on petrol and ticket for me and my son to watch villa reserves in the cup. Im

so upset, he is ruining my beloves club, ruining it, do you realise what this clubs means

to me? generations of my family have walked down trinity road

to watch my team, that guy is a cancer destroying everything my club has stood for. Get him out!!!!!!!

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If whats being reported in the media, is true and Randy is ignoring us General - I will no longer attend a Villa game under Houllier's reign. Kidderminster Harriers seem to have more of a backbone after all they've been through this season.

The fact we can't express our views at the club anymore bothers me and that was something we did under Doug Ellis quite often negative or positive.

Call this silly or what you will, but I can't be the only one since attendances are down.

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General, I've just read what has been printed in the press. Aston Villa has ignored the 35,000 fans that screamed for him to go! You ignore us? We'll ignore you! How do I sell the remaining games of my season ticket? When it comes to the day to day running of a football club, to quote the fans "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" I appreciate Randy's time, effort and millions put in to AVFC but today you relegated this club. Awful decision, season over. Fans lost, wrong move, absolute disgrace!

If you think the fans will back this decision then you are dreaming of a fairytale living in a big bubble! Wake up and smell the coffee! He's won us 6 games since he came in and we need 3 wins and a draw from 8 games according to this 'genius.' What a mess we are, Aston Villa FC, the joke of the Premier League!!!

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If we go down will randy put money in to ensure we come straight back up?

I have to say general, if the papers are true and we go down I think yourself and randy will be surprised by the reactions of the fans. I think a lot will put blame on to randy. Even useless old doug kept us in the division.

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If the reports are true I have to say is I am upset with the board deciding to stick with GH. 6 wins in 25 games in the PL says it all.

We will be relegated.

Attendance will drop.

Players will leave.

I hope the board a ready for what will happen.

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How the hell can you back a manager that REFUSES to work on defending set plays in training? He refused to work on it and that is what lost us the game against Wolves! It cost us losing 3 points at Bolton, he had 2 weeks off to correct it and he refused to us through the press that he would train the players to defend. Instead they played paintball, got drunk, had a bust up and we got in a huge mess. Came back to play in front of a big crowd and the exact same outcome happened Saturday that unfolded at the Reebok.

Aston Villa, the team that has incredible attacking ability but keep losing points because our manager won't teach the players to defend set-pieces. I'm a centre back General, can I come into BMH tomorrow and teach everybody how to head the ball? It will take 10 minutes, max! This really is basic stuff! How can you back him? It's crazy!

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A lot of newspapers are reporting this quote from within Villa Park:

"Saturday was a bitterly disappointing day. But nothing's changed. We remain committed to the same long-term strategy. It's important we show unity from the boardroom to the management, from the terraces to the players."

I think it would be immensely helpful if you could explain what that strategy is. In particular, would you be prepared to see us relegated in the short term if that was a consequence of sticking rigidly to the longer term strategy?

Many thanks.

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‘Nothing’s changed. We remain committed to the long-term strategy. It’s important we show unity. We don’t see why people would react so extremely and expect anything different. We believe we will stay up. We don’t see how changing things would have any positive impact on the team anyway.’


The above quote is being reported across a lot of national newspapers as coming from a senior board member. Would you please either endorse the quote or rubbish it.

If it is indeed true then why so secretive and why hasn't this senior board member put his name to these quotes? seems a little gutless to me. The least we deserve is a little honesty and straight talking.

By the way if this is the clubs stance then God help us.


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General Krulak here:

1. I am going to say something as a Fan, not as a member of the Board...of course the media cannot seem to tell the difference. I spent 35+ years in the Marine Corps and went to war three times. Now I know the Forces are not football so please bear with me. When my Marines put on their uniforms and the emblem of the Corps and went into battle and things got tough, the did not fight for their Commander, they fought for their brothers-in-arms...the men wearing their uniform and emblem. When a player puts on a kit and wears the Club badge, I would expect the same. We have VERY good lads who know how to play with passion. We have all seen them do it and have cheered them on. They are professionals who have given 110% in many games. What we need now is to quit pointing fingers and everyone look at the Claret and Blue of our kit and the badge they are wearing and go out and kick the crap out of the next teams we play until the end of the season!!! That may seem simplistic but that is how I have been raised. At the end of the day, they are on the Pitch and they can do it....do it for the uniform on their backs and the badge on their breast and the Fans in the stands! That is how I feel in my heart. I believe they can do it! YOU all can help by cheering them on...let them know that they represent a great and glorious Club. UP THE VILLA.

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Nice words General, we have great ability what we lack under Houllier is fight,heart, desire and passion all the thing you describe. He can't inspire or motivate he has shown that. Your words are clearly aimed at the players and suggest you know the manager is incapable of doing what is needed and he has now become irrelevant. Get rid for the good of this great and proud club before any more damage is done.


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If only it was that simple General. If only! Any chance you can fly over to give them a good kick up the backside and a motivational speech ahead of the Everton game? Someone's got to do it! If you don't then let me!!!

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General, can I make a suggestion please? Allow 5 passionate Aston Villa season ticket holders into the dressing room for the team talk against Everton and Newcastle? Never have I seen a team lack so much heart compared to Saturday! If you gave me the opportunity to speak to them myself for just 1 minute it would mean the world and we could get their arses in gear!! Please can the club get a handful of fans in that dressing room? Or even famous fans like Ian Taylor, Martin Laursen, Tony Morley, Paul Merson and Ron Atkinson? Please! Bring some motivation into the club!!!!

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General I have no doubt of the passion you or Randy have for the Villa but those words are not in Houllier's body - the players have yet to back Houllier in public, look at the love they showed Kevin MacDonald they fought tooth and nail (despite one freak result) for him - As said I refuse to attend anymore games under Houllier - I've tried the benefit of the doubt so many times, but the Wolves game was the last straw, call me silly or fickle I know I have done.

26 points out of 25 games is completely unacceptable - I'm sorry but its not working under Houllier, the 38,000 in attendance summed up my feelings - We've been in relegation battles before with Taylor and DOL, but this time I feel we won't survive - unless they show some balls like they did with Kevin MacDonald, can't see that happening under Houllier with what has gone on off the pitch.

If you or Randy (rather not Faulkner since it's pretty obvious it was him that was the 'Villa source' in the media) are really listening to us...

Houllier OUT.

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I'm sorry General, but what world are you living in? If you have watched any of our recent games you will see a group of players with no passion, no desire, no direction and no belief. We could have C.Ronaldo in our team - but without those four key attributes we have nothing. Nothing, I repeat. This is not war - this is football. In football confidence and the character of a team is very often translated down from the manager. We look lifeless and lost on the pitch, much like Gerard Houllier.

What you have just posted is all very well and good - I could type the same hyperbole but it doesn't change anything when the man in charge doesn't promote the same feeling in his players. Ashley Young & Co will not see your post - nor would it do any good anyway because, with all due respect, you are a board member and not the manager.

I feel like screaming I really do. Please, please, please will one - just one - of the directors wake up tomorrow and realise this club is in CRISIS. We have NO unity, no togetherness, and NONE of the qualities needed to survive a relegation battle. PLEASE see this. If you don't sack Houllier we are relegated - it's as simple as that. If we get relegated all hell will break lose and we will descend into the footballing abyss like Leeds United, Sheffield Wednesday and Nottingham Forest before us.

As a long-standing fan I implore you to ACTUALLY listen to what the majority is now saying. It's as clear as day:

To avoid the drop we need unity;

To get unity we need a change of management.

Please, as a fan, listen to the fans.


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General Krulak here:

1. I am going to say something as a Fan, not as a member of the Board...of course the media cannot seem to tell the difference. I spent 35+ years in the Marine Corps and went to war three times. Now I know the Forces are not football so please bear with me. When my Marines put on their uniforms and the emblem of the Corps and went into battle and things got tough, the did not fight for their Commander, they fought for their brothers-in-arms...the men wearing their uniform and emblem. When a player puts on a kit and wears the Club badge, I would expect the same. We have VERY good lads who know how to play with passion. We have all seen them do it and have cheered them on. They are professionals who have given 110% in many games. What we need now is to quit pointing fingers and everyone look at the Claret and Blue of our kit and the badge they are wearing and go out and kick the crap out of the next teams we play until the end of the season!!! That may seem simplistic but that is how I have been raised. At the end of the day, they are on the Pitch and they can do it....do it for the uniform on their backs and the badge on their breast and the Fans in the stands! That is how I feel in my heart. I believe they can do it! YOU all can help by cheering them on...let them know that they represent a great and glorious Club. UP THE VILLA.

General, great words and well pointed out

It has really pointed out a big problem

What if some of the soldiers dont believe in what they are fighting for? What if some are just stuck fighting for you because of a contract and not because of the love or desire? They know they can jump ship to another army if we lose the battle!

And that is exactly what they will do

Some of the soldiers arent fighting for us because of love but to get paid at the end of the month

The fans cant jump ship nor would they want to, we, have the desire and love for the club but we cant get us out of this, only the players and manager can.

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General it's simple. Let a few of AVFC's fans into the dressing room to motivate the players and tell them what we want to see or please do the honourable thing and give us back our money! It's well documented that students are struggling for cash so I could really do with the £550 I've wasted on Aston Villa this year back. It would pay for my books next year, my travel, a few good nights out and the rest would go to my student fees.

There is more to life than Aston Villa and until AVFC stated tonight that Houllier isn't going I was never going to leave. But as long as Houllier is here, not just me but the majority of your fans will leave! We turned up for Wolves just like every week with phenominal support we give, however it was not a football game, more like a French retreat!


EDIT: To prove just how much I care about this awful decision, I'm in England, it's 2:50am and I'm posting messages to you despite the fact I have to be up at 6:00am to go to a lecture.

Be warned, if we have to protest in the car park, the training ground, the club shop or Villa Park itself, we will not rest until Houllier is gone!

You may find it acceptable to sit back and let this unfold but the Aston Villa faithful that have claret and blue in their blood will not see us go down without a fight! If we have to fight you then so be it because right now the board has made an absolutely awful decision!!!

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General it's simple. Let a few of AVFC's fans into the dressing room to motivate the players and tell them what we want to see or please do the honourable thing and give us back our money! It's well documented that students are struggling for cash so I could really do with the £550 I've wasted on Aston Villa this year back. It would pay for my books next year, my travel, a few good nights out and the rest would go to my student fees.

There is more to life than Aston Villa and until AVFC stated tonight that Houllier isn't going I was never going to leave. But as long as Houllier is here, not just me but the majority of your fans will leave! We turned up for Wolves just like every week with phenominal support we give, however it was not a football game, more like a French retreat!


Agreed with this, General, 100%.

I paid £200 for a half-season ticket as I couldn't afford a full one at the time (I still attended the West Ham, Rapid Vienna, Everton and Birmingham games...), yet as soon as I could afford it, I bought a Season Ticket.

I was under the impression the board wanted the best for the club, if this is not the case, I'd like my money back, or at least the money for the remaining games back, please.

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