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The General's thread - do not respond to other posts!


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C. I am not going to comment on our Manager....you all know that. Doing so...good, supportive comments or bad ones...all would be immediate fodder for the media.


You do seem overly concerned with how the media report your comments. Is there any chance you could have a word with our manager as he has gone to the opposite extreme and doesn't care what tripe leaves his mouth resulting in negative headlines showing our club in a bad light.


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Hi General,

Hopefully Randy, Paul and your good self will be handing Houllier his P45 tomorrow. Once you've done that, any chance you could take a leaf out of Tottenham Hotspur's book by bringing in a GOOD manager very quickly.

In 2008, Spurs sacked their manager - Sergio Ramos - and replaced him the very next evening with Harry Redknapp (and look how that's turned out for them).

They had to pay a £5M fee to Portsmouth for his services, but I'm sure it was much cheaper than the alternative (i.e. relegation).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading about the good news in the morning papers tomorrow,


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With us now firmly in a dogfight are you going to back his decision or will you, Paul and Randy speak to Houllier and ask why oh why when we are in so much trouble he continues to have top quality Internationals playing for our reserves and 'bombed out.' Where is Stephen Warnock? Habib Beye? Bannan? Delfouneso? Guzan? etc. Stop his mind games, tell him to put his ego to one side and unite the squad again for the run in. We need Stephen Warnock, Richard Dunne and James Collins to walk straight back into our starting line up. The fact that we have players worthy of playing for England in our reserve team is an absolute crime! Get Houllier out! And give us our players back! It's absolutely ridiculous!

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General, in your opinion could a 2 week lay off for a struggling football team (since the arrival of Houllier) possibly have been better spent sorting our the defence that has had one 1 clean sheet in 5 calendar months rather than players going paintballing and getting drunk and dragging the name of the club through the gutter?

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Just so you can see some of what this is doing to us ... http://www.facebook.com/pages/In-Gerard-Houllier-we-trust-KRO/178724068826443

This makes me absolutely sick! We're a laughing stock to our local rivals and the rest of the League. No other words for it. Nice to hear Stewart Downing be honest though on AVTV and say "The manager has to hold his hands up."

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I just came off the phone to my Grandad asking me a question. He said his friend from Church has just phoned him to say that he had watched the news and they announced Houllier had been sacked. I find this bizzare and to be fair to his friend, he is old so obviously miss heard what was reported, but they are both so loyal and have followed the Villa all their lives. They love this club! It was horrible to have to tell my Grandad (who is incapable of searching on the Internet for the latest news due to his age) that Houllier has not been sacked. Even I didn't think he would want him gone as a family man so old and wise, but there you go. It saddens me more than yesterday because I didn't think I would just have to have that conversation with my Grandad, it actually hurt to have to tell him Houllier was still our manager.

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Hello General,

I usually take a pass on this thread, because I know it must be difficult reading all the posts that pile on about the same thing, but I feel like I need to chirp in. I was 100% behind the appointment of GH, but it didn't take long at all for me to start doubting the merits of the appointment.

From his month long dithering about in Paris while keeping us in limbo early on, to his Anfield atrocity, to his diabolical tactics on the pitch, his poor man management and player relations, his apparent lack of urgency, his capitulation to Man City and subsequent slagging off of his own team, his decision to LEAVE the team "bonding" session to go watch Spurs, and most importantly, the RESULTS......this manager is not only grinding the whole operation into the ground, he's embarrassed and disgraced the club in the process.

Have the players quit on GH?

If so, we're going down.

Unless we can bring in someone to get the players to rally round and finish out the season with a little pride.

I think it's beyond crisis stage.

Thanks for reading, and your contributions to this site.

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Can you come over from the states and sort this out? We need a motivator in the camp, you are the voice for the fans, let not only Randy know but the players and management, they will still go home to their Ferrari's whereas we're left to contemplate our great club being relegated. GH if you believe he is the man then he needs to do something drastic to get us back on side because at the moment their is a large proportion of fan base who are against him. General their was no desire, no fight and no passion, if we at least see that in the coming games then us fans will get behind them. Our coaching staff glued to their chairs, Houllier if he is to remain needs to get VP behind him maybe get him on the microphone pleading for the Villa fans to help him. We all have one aim which is the survival of AVFC, if he makes an apology to Villa fans and admits he has made mistakes Villa will lift the place.

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2 words General.

John Gregory.

He's as close to MON as you're going to get quickly; a Villa man, a fighter, a motivator and he'd give the players the kick up the arse they need. Lets face it we've got nothing to lose. All I do know is that when it's backs to the wall time, don't back the French.

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Simple question,

Will it take Villa being relegated before Randy acts? Because that's the impression i'm getting.

Either action needs to be taken now, or I assume that the board are happy to accept the inevitable.

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there are a lot of emotions running high in this thread. No-one likes to lose a derby.

Personally, I think it would be a mistake to part company with GH now, as we're still not actually particularly likely to go down. The only worrying aspect is that to stay on the path to recovery it looked like we were on, we all need to pull together, and there will be a lot of fan dissent from now on.

Even with that in mind, a few wins will get a lot back on side, and getting someone else in now would only have a disrupting effect. See Newcastle two seasons ago.

I realise everyone has their own views of course.

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Which is why he has to go now so Kevin MacDonald can motivate the team for Everton in 2 weeks - Houllier isn't getting the job done, and move for a new gaffer in the summer when its the best time. Paul Lambert would be a good choice, but Ill take anyone over Houllier right now (bar Fat Sam)

So thats why its best to act now before its too late, General.

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General, As posted above it's nothing to do with loosing a derby.. In fact I don't class Wolves as a derby and couldn't give a **** about them unlike the scum down the rd whom I loath like most others. It's killing me getting the sh1te ripped out of me week in week out by them knuckle draggers and honestly have my phone switched off at weekends now as we are a laughing stock !!

I completely agree with shambles - John Gregory is our man. As you've posted many times.. YOU BLEED CLARET & BLUE !! Well I can assure you John Gregory does too - He Is Villa through & through. He's the answer as a short term replacement and to save us from relegation he'll get our squad of over paid tossers motivated and ready for the fight ahead.

General I have faith in you and Randy to do what is right to save our club.

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Aston Villa Football Club are on the very realistic brink of becoming the biggest and most high profile relegation casualty since the formation of the Premier League. A club which has never played outside of the Premier League since its formation. Do you really want to be part of a board responsible for this catastrophic outcome?

If you don't take swift and decisive action to sack Gerard Houllier then this is what will happen. Either take these words of advice on board or don't, but believe me and many others when we say, stay with Houllier and we are as good as down.


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Hopefully this a question you are able to answer. As Randy, yourself and the rest of the board are all relatively new to the game do you take advice of those who have vast experience in the game and specifically Aston Villa. I'm talking about the likes of Sir Graham Taylor and Ron Atkinson two examples of men who understood the ethos of Aston Villa and what we are all about.


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General we have a two week break now before our next game. I hope the board uses that time wisely as I think these two weeks are about as crucial a fortnight as I can remember us having with no fixtures. Do you agree?

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General Krulak here:

All comments are fed to Randy. We are very open and transparent with each other. He knows exactly what are on the posts. I am certainly aware of the position we are in. Believe me, we do NOT want to suffer relegation...for the Fans, the Club, and for other obvious reasons. Everyone is concentrating on making sure that doesn't happen. I am not happy about where we are and can assure you that Randy and the Board want success as much as the fans. I can assure you that Fans are NOT ignored at AVFC and have not been since Randy arrived.

Hi General,

I would like to say that I am not in any way against Randy, yourself and the other board members. Randy has been brilliant for us since taking over, nobody can argue against that. With that being said, the appointment of Houllier was an awful decision and this has now proved to be the case. All of the hard work that Randy has done for us is about to be thrown away because there is no doubt about it we WILL be relegated if Houllier isn't removed immediately. He lost alot of the fans a while ago but as you are aware he has tipped even more fans over the edge now. Enough is enough!!! We are a club in crisis at the moment and there are absolutely no signs of us improving over the next 8 league games. There is no passion or desire on the pitch because the players clearly don't want to play for him. There is no passion from the bench from Houllier and Gary Mac. They both sit there all game like the clowns that they are. There are clearly major problems on the training pitch aswell with what sort of work is being done. Defending is obviously not worked on because this season we have defended like a bunch of 9 year olds on the school playground!

If Randy really does get to see comments or hear about comments then he needs to do the right thing. He needs to admit to himself that he made a huge mistake by hiring Houllier and he needs to rectify the situation by sacking him. Put Kevin MacDonald in charge for the remainder of the season and then sort things out properly in the summer. At least Kevin loves the club and the players seem to love him. I have no doubt that under Kevin MacDonald we would do ALOT better in the remaining games than we would if that French clown was still here. Act NOW before it is too late.

As you will be aware we don't play again until April 2nd. If Randy does the right thing and gets rid of Houllier then Kevin MacDonald has two weeks to try and sort a few things out before we play Everton.

I have been going to watch the Villa play for 20 years home and away. If we get relegated then I will be heartbroken and I will find it VERY hard to stomach watching us play Championship football next season.

Keep Houllier and we get relegated. It's as simple as that! He has won 6 league games out of his 25 in charge. As I said at the start I'm still behind Randy and the board but... WAKE UP RANDY!!!

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