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The General's thread - do not respond to other posts!


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This is from somebody who didn't get a season ticket this year, as quite frankly I could see was was going to happen and didn't like it.

Ever since the Newcastle game, it was pretty obvious this was a team in a relegation struggle. I understand your very nature is to think positive and say that things will work out. But it won't. It won't because our poor timing of managerial change, followed by a poor choice of manager. I think it may have worked out - but our players were not suited to his play, and changing that halfway through a season is suicidal.

Our players are made up of mainly kids from the youth system who clearly aren't good enough, and sadly, players on lots of money who can't be arsed. They are getting pissed on club 'bonding sessions' (WHY THE HELL ARE THEY DRINKINGDURING THE SEASON ANYWAY?!) and abusing their bosses.

When we are relegated in May, can I beg of you this. Please, please do not adopt a strategy of trying to put out a team using mainly our youth. They aren't good enough. This season has shown that.

Where is our owner in all this? This club needs a leader. We don't have it on the pitch. We dont have it in the management. It's a nothing club, on it's way to a nothing league.

I'm not angry. I'm just upset.

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Guest villantoby


How many more chances is Houllier going to get? As a 21 year old Villa fan this is the lowest moment as a fan I have had. I hope you realise that the board are fully responsible for this. We have not seen an improvement under Houllier yet you keep giving him chances, even with the blunders at Liverpool and Man City where he belittled our great club. Far more bad has come from his time in charge. The team don't look like they want to play for him and it was evidently clear today despite a team bonding session which was designed to overcome any team disparity. That failed too.

Our relegation rivals have all showed fight. Wolves today and against spurs

Blackburn today came back from 2 down, West brom showed the courage to attack arsenal. Wigan came from a goal behind to win at the death. West ham battled to win a point. When did we last show these qualities? How long have the fans known this and you keep ignoring it. All I would like to say is that if Houllier sends us down, the board will be known for taking us down despite having the time and almost certaintly the funds to have changed this in time. Anyway, thanks for reading. Thanks for screwing up the most amazing 4 years I had as a villa fan into the absolute mess that we see today. The embarrassing thing is I EXPECT us to lose under Houllier and more often than not..we do..including today. I've had it, through thick and thin yes, but there comes a time when the board cannot continue to ignore it...that time is now..

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If Houllier is'nt gone by the next game I'm boycotting Villa until the end of the season, if he's in charge next season I still will stay away. Never has one manager filled me with so much contempt. He will get us relegated, and the board will look like total fools for not acting quicker to sack the dinosaur. The fans will also hate you if we go down! Its a very important time to act now, I hope you can act quickly.

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We had the better players today but we lacked what Wolves had - fight, desire, passion, heart and the reason for that lies firmly at the managers door.

I'm not sure if Randy, yourself and the rest of the board are like Mr Houllier and in denial but we are in a massive relegation fight and as with any battle ( and you'll know better than any of us ) you need to show heart and fight. We have neither due to the gutless, uninspiring manager we have.

You have stated it would be suicide to have 3 managers in one season. That may or may not be so. What I know is that it is suicide keeping the manager we have who as shown he cannot motivate or inspire what is on paper a very good group of players. The fans sang for Kev Mac today and I can guarantee one thing under him we would at least have the major ingredient we lack and the major ingredient we need now - plenty of fight.

The manager lost some of the fans a long time ago.Today he lost far more and it appears, as many have suspected for a while, he has lost the players.


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add up every bit of good randy has ever done, some of them range from increasing the involvement of every single fan to individual little touches, 4 years of brilliance, hardly any questions, and those that there were randy answered emphatically IMO

when this french **** clown takes us down i hope you can get your head round ni matter what randy achieved previous, 4 years hard work, gone instantly

today we got played off the park by a relegation rival, our team as expensive as it was, got played off the park by **** wolves, why can they string 5 passes together but we cant? its a disgrace, its going nowhere but down

we are shit

im just hoping randy sees it before its too late

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We are in relegation war. Those who have players that will sacrifice blood, sweat and tears for their leader will win.

Are you confident Houllier is that leader that the players will stand behind and sacrifice everything for?

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I think the Board are in denial because Mr Houllier still has a job.

I have never know a manager this disliked. I have never known a Villa team with so little spirit.

I know what you will say, your disappointed as us all bla bla bla, you can't say anything because it will be on the front page of a newspaper bla bla bla. And will probably disappear for a few weeks until we win again.

I like Randy, i really do. He's investment in this club has been extraordinary. But if he does not have the balls to sack his first managerial appointment , and his first major mistake, he is as much to blame as anyone. The investment will mean nothing, because it took a stupid amount of time to hire this guy and he's done about as bad a job as i can remember a Villa manager, and its taking a stupid amount of time to get rid.

Yours hurtfully


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General, I know it's not your bag to answer questions with regards to what goes on on the pitch. But today my friend bought his 7 year old son to the game and TBH he's knows very little about football like most 7 year olds I suppose.

When we were loosing with 30mins to go his son turned around and said "Daddy why is Bent alone up the front when Villa are loosing" he was then informed that the manager will probably bring Gabby on shortly and revert to a 2 man attack ( he did make it sound alot simpler for him to understand) When that change was made General my friends son then ask the question... "Daddy I thought Gabby was a striker and scored goals, why is he playing on the wing then?" My friend then informed his son that our manager was completely clueless and doesn't know what he's doing.

My question to you General is this... How can a 7 year old at only his 3rd football match know we need to play strikers when were loosing,yet our vastly experienced manager doesn't ?? I really think General Mr Houllier has lost the plot and will take my beloved club down either this season or next. I honestly beg you to reconsider making Mr Houllier part of the long term AVFC plan because If we were to go down I fear we will end up like the once great Leeds United.

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Prey tell what is going on at our football club?

We have continous sqabbles with the players and management, we have players going out on loan after being told no one will be going anywhere, we are told there is complete unity in the club after two senior players are fined for speaking out to the training staff....

all the messages coming out of VP are mixed...something is not right...

the manager and the board (you) are saying one thing and the players are saying another...who is right?

if you believe the players then they are showing it on the pitch...they are not doing it for the manager...

Please tell me and countless others WHAT IS GOING ON...

You dont have to be a rocket scientist to realise all is not right within the club...

...this is not like the Cleveland Browns and the NFL where you finish bottom and it does not matter... and you just have another go next season......

finish in the bottom three of the prem and you are DOWN, and then its a long, long way back....ask Cov, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed, Leeds to name but a few...it a long, long way back....if ever you get there...

It takes a brave man to realise they have made a mistake....wake up and smell the coffee....this is not right....rectify it for the good of our club....this is ground hog day with O'Leary...

yet again my week end is spoilt.....

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I wasn't thrilled when Gerard Houllier was appointed but felt that having taken the job he could make a positive impact on the playing squad once he was able to get his players in and gradually introduce a slightly different style of football to his predecessor. I kept the faith and continued to back him during numerous episodes throughout this interminable season when he has variously disappointed, embarrassed and let down supporters until the Manchester City FA Cup tie when he squandered what little good will he had left by conning fans out of their hard-earned wages who had paid to watch a senior side try to get into the quarter-finals of the world's most revered club football competition.

He lost my support that day but what I have seen this afternoon against Wolves is an abject demonstration of total and utter incompetence. Whether it be the tactics, team selection, formation, the substitutions, we were all subjected to a clueless performance devoid of anything resembling organisation. It was, in short, a grossly unprofessional excuse of an effort by all concerned. The players should not be immune from criticism as there was very little fight out there on the pitch but it is not hard to see where this attitude stems from.

The reaction of the supporters at Villa Park was the most vitriolic I have ever heard in over twenty years of attending matches, through good times and bad. I implore you, Randy and the board to acknowledge the fact that Mr. Houllier's position has become untenable at the club. Short of a miracle, he will never win back the favour of those he has spurned by the continuing laundry list of basic errors on the pitch and feckless behaviour off it, including his own.

I've been left hurt by the Villa before, but usually by way of the perennial hard-luck stories that seem to have blighted us through many a trophy-less season. I don't think I've ever felt as disillusioned as this though because right now I feel humiliated by the shambles I have witnessed - not only today, but on countless occasions over the course of this season. We look ill-prepared for both individual matches and the battle to survive in this division. We are being made to look small-time by the comical mismanagement of events that are finding the most public forums for scrutinisation. And we look like we don't know how to make it all stop.

Mr. Houllier's malignant reign is spreading throughout the club like a cancer and it is eating everyone alive. This would be the worst possible time to attempt to appoint a new manager - even worse than the circumstances we found ourselves in at the beginning of the season upon Martin O'Neill's departure. There are, however, options - and, right now, it's hard to imagine any of them could be worse than the prospect of Mr. Houllier remaining in charge.

The fans will forgive Randy Lerner for what has proven to be a grave mistake in appointing Mr. Houllier. Football is not a exact science and he is certainly not the first chairman to make such an error of judgement. The supporters will be a lot less forgiving if such things are allowed to continue though because with games running out, things could quickly spiral out of control. Action needs to be taken and preferably now. If not, and by some stroke of fortune we can muster together enough points to keep us in the Premier League, Mr. Houllier must not, under any circumstances, still be here next season. If for no other reason, there will be severe financial consequences when season ticket sales and attendances continue to dwindle.

Thank you for reading sir.

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See the great post above. I share a lot of his thoughts, but I don't think it would be a mistake to sack him now and seek a replacement, if the club act quickly. We have 2 long weeks til the next game. I can't see anyone doing worse than Houllier, with him in charge we are as good as down, regardless of whether there are 3 or so worse tams than us (teams who are used to relegation battles).

We are the new Newcastle otherwise. A big club who thought they were too big to go down and sleepwalked into the trap door.

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A couple of questions:

1.) have any of the senior and respected players in the squad ever been asked by Randy, Faulkner or yourself to give their view as to what is going on as I'm sure it would be beneficial to get the players perspective and not just that of the manager. I'm thinking of the likes of our club captain Petrov or Brad Friedel.

2.) I believe you said after the Manchester Utd defeat that we now had some winnable games coming up. How do you feel then that from games against Fulham, Blackpool, Blackburn, Bolton and Wolves we have taken just 5 points and during this run also thrown a very important FA Cup game against Manchester City? We have taken 5 points from 18 in our last 6 league games.

Many thanks


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Can you please phone Ashley Young up on Monday and ask him if he is going to sign a new contract? If he can't answer he should be dropped for the rest of the season, as he is clearly seeking a move away at the end of the season. His woeful form, despite being in an important position, and his lack of leadership, despite being the bloody captain, will not get us out of this mess.

The fans deserve a captain who is COMMITTED to the club. I don't think Ashley is committed.

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I'm afraid today proved that there is something drastically wrong within the squad as the display was an utter disgrace. I don't hold Mr Houllier entirely responsible, MON is culpable, but today proved that not only has he lost the players he has also lost the fans. At no time in all the years I've followed Villa never have I lacked faith in The management team as I do with Mr Houiller.

You have said various times that we the fans should keep the faith, well I am afraid I can't when my club is being distroyed. I hope Randy was there today and takes the decisive decision the end the farce that is the Houllier rain!


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Surely Randy MUST act now before it's too late. We have a 2 week break until we play Everton - the perfect oppurtunity to arrange a new manager until the summer. I fear without it, we WILL go down. We are not too big to go down!

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