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The General's thread - do not respond to other posts!


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All the fans of our club want to win things. We want the big days out at Wembley and in Europe.

It is a shame that our manager feels this is just an extra hence the need not to put out our strongest/a stronger line up. Waiting until 3-0 down to bring on your best players was beyond a joke. The game was gone from here and we may aswell have rested them for the rest of the match.

I hope you will accept my feedback for your consideration.


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Hi general, after spending mylife putting so much time and money into villa I have decided not to be taken for a mug ever again. The club and football can piss off. All I ever want to see is them try to win things be we never do. We throw it away and a lot of the time in recent years it's been deliberate.

P.s. I won't be recommending villa to any of my international friends and Collegues when they visit in the future either. I think the club deserves it. Goodbye

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By the way General I've been a season ticket holder for 30+ years but tonight was the final straw. I will be renewing next season after tonight's disgrace. The FA Cup means the world to Villa fans and our manager has just treated it as if it was a pre season friendly.

An utter utter disgrace.

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General K

I am raging at what I am watching and the team selected tonight. GH has decided to chuck a chance of winning the Fa cup away by picking the weakest team he could have if the first team available.

Single handledly he has probably lost support of fans and expect fans to be equally apathetic when season ticke sales come around.

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What Houllier did today should be a disciplinary offence. That is the minimum I would expect if I showed such contempt and arrogance in my job and towards my employer.

You won't see me at Villa park again this season.

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General K

I am raging at what I am watching and the team selected tonight. GH has decided to chuck a chance of winning the Fa cup away by picking the weakest team he could have if the first team available.

Single handledly he has probably lost support of fans and expect fans to be equally apathetic when season ticke sales come around.

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It's not being beaten by a team that cost a quarter of a billion pounds to assemble that is the problem, its the fact that we didnt even try to win. The game was over after five minutes, and that is unforgivable.

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What a let down to the thousands of Villa fans who spent good money to watch Villa try and win a crucial FA Cup match.

Do you agree it would have been more honourable to let the fans know that the B team would be playing rather than kid the fans into thinking we were going to have a serious go?

This is beyond a joke. Houllier out.

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This is just an honest question after witnessing that embarrassing performance.

Will the manager be made top explain his decisions tonight to the board tomorrow?

If i made those kind of decisions in business where the majority are struggling to justify what he is trying to do then i would be disciplined. Does this happen in football? Is the running of the club treated like a proper business. Those decisions have cost us tonight. Every report struggles to justify what GH was trying to do tonight. Not once did i see him get up off his seat to try to motivate the players and try to change things. That is a poor manager.

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You have a tough job reading all of these posts and trying to make a response out of them. Sometimes I am embarrassed to be a villa fan whether that be due to the players, the manager or in fact the fans. All three have made up my embarrassment tonight.

Whilst I know you will read this but will be unable to respond directly, which I appreciate, please take on board these comments.

I am still confident we can progress with Houllier. We have had a terrible season so far, Houllier was working with a squad he didnt choose. We are adapting to a new style of play which I think will be better for the club in the long run. Houllier has brought in some very good players in January, clearly you back him.

The team selection tonight was risky it backfired. If we would have won the fans would have been praising him again, if we lost there is an easy thing to blame, we lost and now Houllier is a terrible manager! - that is a portion of villa fans for you unfortunately.

Some of the senior players were a disgrace, Petrov/Heskey/Agbonlahor earning huge amounts of money were poor and uninterested. Houllier needs to show some passion on the sidelines, it's ok being out there when we are winning, he needs to be there when we are losing as well. Watching ITV 1 with the greatest respect he looked like a lost child in a playground.

This line echoes the conversation we have had a few weeks ago when the going was tough "we all need to stick together" there is only so much more we will take and it really will be time for a change again..

There can be no more excuses, he has an excellent squad at his disposal job saving next few games General remember the fans stick by Villa through the thick and thin and only want us to be successful it looks bleak whatever positives we try and magic out the hat.


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Based on your background I'm guessing you will have a fair understanding of psychology, whether you are formally trained or not. having done what you have you must have a good understanding of how men think. This raises a couple of questions.

Bearing in mind Gerrard described our 4-0 hammering in December as "the lowest point in his career", why do you think he seemed so intent on re-enacting that scenario. Dogs go back and eat their own vomit, which isn't the sign of a gentleman and I wish they wouldn't. Why do you suppose he wanted to put himself and us through it again by his team selection? Has he shown signs of masochism or self harm?

Secondly, he stated in the post-match interview that Man City are, at the moment, a better team than us. Now, I must question such a defeatist statement. It suggests his belief was we couldn't win the game even before it was played and that was the vibe he put out before the match. This vibe was then augmented by the team selection. "Well (Gallic shrug) we can't win against this stronger team so we'll play a weak team and hope not to concede too many." Is this really the attitude of a winner?

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I'm furious about throwing away our season tonight General, i can't believe we have just thrown in the towel on our last chance of getting some success out of this season and for what? To concentrate on trying to finish midtable, it was bad enough when it was to concrentrate on trying to finish 6th but now i just do not understand it. I was really warming to Gerard but tonight has totally undone the good work of the last few weeks. Do you think tonight was acceptable and is throwing away cup competitions something we should get used to?

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Firstly my apologies to you for having your next visit to the site reading all of this, i know both you and Randy are doing great things for villa and i thank you for that.

Unfortunatley after having a season ticket for the last 10 years and following villa home and away for stupid amounts of money i rarely attend anymore. I am 22 and trying to save to get on the property ladder is hard enough without the manager of your football team spunking your money up the wall, because after all, that is what GH is doing isn't he ?? He literally is just throwing our money (Which Gen, No dis respect to you, but the majority of this board have to work very hard for an average wage).

This season is the first season i stopped going down(although i have been to 6). Now, i'm no better fan than any on this board, infact i am probably worse than most having give up last season. I stopped because i spent ridiculous amounts of money following villa in europe and MON decided at the last minute to field a weakened team and quit. I was angry and appalled, that the general public of which do not earn yearly what these people earn weekley were spending hundreds/thousands of pounds letting that clown throw it away.

It seems that i was just coming round to returning next year , i have missed football alot, a hell of a lot.

Until yours truely Mr GH decided to do that tonight. 90 Mins away from a quarter final draw against Reading and he has given in, i mean, for **** sake, You are going to face one of the big 4/5/6 teams on your route to the final, and if you don't want to play them, then rest your players at the start, don't just randomly decide you want to quit. We could have give these a game Gen, we really could of. I cannot believe what has happened tonight General, i really can't. What a **** farce !!

Unfortunatley this is not directed at you nor Randy, but i will not be attending as a season ticket holder until this clown is gone. Dis respectful idiot. In the economic crisis people on average wages are paying to watch Aston Villa Football club, only to be let down by Stupid decisions like this.

I apologise for my rant but i mean every word.

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I think there are enough posts here on tonight's game to give the General a good idea of how people are feeling. Let's draw a line under those comments for now and give the General a chance to read them.

Thank you.

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The sooner Randy realises that he has made a massive error in appointing Houllier manager the better, I have never felt so embarrassed to be an AstonVilla fan as i have since he has came to this club, losing ground to the likes of Sha and GH turning this club into a bloody laughing stock is a disgrace.. try polish this up all you like, but for real fans that love this club this whole episode is a joke. i hope Randy has the bottle to do whats right here. just look what happend to Spurs when they did the right thing..

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Hi General,

I've just got back from the game tonight, and I use the word game in the loosest possible term. Anyway, as your aware it was a complete and utter shambles and a disgrace, im not going to go into the finer details as they have already been throughly expressed in other posts and through the media. What I would like to know is how can Aston Villa FC convince me and my mates who spend our hard earned cash, week in week out to support the Villa away from home again while Houllier is in charge? Cash that can otherwise be put towards important things in life? Hopefully you can give me an answer so I can let my disillusioned season ticket holder mates know that we havent just thrown the towel in again for no reason and made a complete pointless journey up north. By the way, I took half a days holiday today as did many other fans, as I thought we had a real chance to progress, it's a shame this wonderful manager of yours didn't think the same.

I'm so angry General.

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