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The Nintendo 3DS


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You can get a 3DS on Amazon now for £119.99 which is very tempting.

Torn between this, the Vita, or waiting for a new 3DS model.

My take, were I in the market for a handheld

If I wanted a 3DS, I'd wait. The Circle Pad Pro came out this week (with Resident Evil Revelations), and it's a nice addition to the 3DS that is also a ludicrous one. It's an eyesore that undermines the portable aspect of the console. And it's £20. It effectively says, in big bold neon letters, that Nintendo **** up.

Now bear in mind that Nintendo has a history of revamps. And that the 3DS has other issues - battery life, some aesthetic issues, a couple of design flaws that lead to stuff like marks on the top screen. The next iteration of the 3DS I would bet a considerable amount will be better than the one we see now, indeed I reckon it could have that second circle pad it desperately needs if it wants the capability to do high end 1st and 3rd person titles, built in.

The bottom line with the 3DS for me is Wait. Even in the 10 months since release it's made itself a far smarter purchase, and I think that's a trend that will continue, especially if a revamp appears and even if that revamp costs a little more than it does now.

The Vita is a lovely machine. It's not perfect, I think it makes some odd decisions and the touchscreen/pad feels a bit taked on straight away. And it's eye-wateringly priced. And will maintain to be if the games prices don't settle lower. The launch lineup is decent and the opening release window looks good too - if padded out with lots of console ports (a testament to the console's capability).

But the price kills it. As does the gamble you take as an early adopter. I don't think you'll be making a mistake to wait with the Vita as well. Give it time to find a market, give it time to settle in it's price, and let it have some time to give some indication as to where it's going to head. Think of it like this - the price ain't going to go up. In 6 months you could be considering buying a quality console with a nice catalogue of games (that will have dropped in price, and also have a preowned market to dip into), that isn't £230 anymore. Or, if you bought it now, you could be looking at having paid over the odds for a machine that flopped.

In both cases, waiting won't hurt. I actually think the 3DS is now a decent bet as it's catalogue has got better (though could still improve), but the knowledge that it could be improved, and Nintendo almost certainly will, possibly with a significant addition, would prevent me taking the plunge. And the Vita is too expensive and too much of a gamble (more so than most early adopter gambles imo - I reckon that a price drop will arrive in the manner of the 3DS, but not to the same degree).

I definitely recommend going into a store and having a play with a Vita - Game and Gamestation stores will have gotten theirs this week, so go in and have a play. Just don't go for one just yet ;)

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Cheers for that advice Chindie and I was beginning to think that holding off for a while longer may be the better option. Now I certainly think that's the case due to what you have said.

Although at some point I am going to have to choose between the 3DS or the Vita, which will be tough...

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  • 4 months later...

You might remember that it was getting rumoured very very heavily, right before Nintendo's E3 conference, that they would reveal a new 3DS, a 3DS XL maybe. And then they didn't.

Well, they could have.


Much larger machine, bigger battery (which it needed, badly), bigger screens... I can't quite escape the feeling, though, that if I didn't want a 3DS because of flaws it has, I'm not going to want this.

There's also loads of talk they're not shipping a power adapter with it. I can't believe they'd be that stupid, but lets see. Sell a console that requires charging... without a charger... **** that, Nintendo.

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More 3DS Xl news...

You know how Nintendo dropped a bollock when they were making the 3DS and neglected to add a second stick, so when games that could do with it started coming, they released a pug ugly add on that made the thing twice as ugly and twice as fat? And then decided that, rather than do a serious remodel on the machine and launch a new version with built in stick, they release an XL edition instead?

It seems to have dawned on them that that needs a the Circle Pad add on too.


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  • 2 years later...


I bought Ocarina of Time today, never really played Zelda games, I know that is a crime!

Also got the new Smash Bros :)

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Ocarina of Time is best experienced on an N64 in 1998.


In the event you do not have a time machine to hand, the Gamecube version with Master Quest that came with some copies of Windwaker (Windwaker AND OoT for the price of one game? That's just too cool Nintendo, thanks) is personally my favourite. The Gamecube controller is much better to use than the old N64 pad and the visuals and framerate are improved.


The 3DS version is good but it's on a small screen. I also freaking hate the damn thumbstick on the 3DS, it's so awkward and uncomfortable.

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Is yours A Link to the Past by any chance, P3te? Are you mid-late thirties?

I just think a lot of it has to do with nostalgia. I think me and Stevo are around the same sort of age (late-twenties, Stevo?) (Sorry D-man) which means that we were just getting into our teens when OoT came out. For me it was just a good time in my life and I remember getting it for Christmas and playing it Christmas morning and being blown away by it.

I assume people who were a similar age when ALttP came out share a similar experience. Ocarina was just unlike anything I had ever played before and came at a time that for me seemed like a golden age of gaming on my N64 and just as I was really getting into games. It coincided with a time where I was growing up a little and late night sessions on Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario 64, F Zero X with my best friends were very memorable and enjoyable times for me.

I just mean to say that sure, OoT is a fantastic game, but there's more to it than that as to why I love it so much as it represents a lot of different memories.

Edited by Ginko
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Is yours A Link to the Past by any chance, P3te? Are you mid-late thirties?

I just think a lot of it has to do with nostalgia. I think me and Stevo are around the same sort of age (late-twenties, Stevo?) (Sorry D-man) which means that we were just getting into our teens when OoT came out. For me it was just a good time in my life and I remember getting it for Christmas and playing it Christmas morning and being blown away by it.

I assume people who were a similar age when ALttP came out share a similar experience. Ocarina was just unlike anything I had ever played before and came at a time that for me seemed like a golden age of gaming on my N64 and just as I was really getting into games. It coincided with a time where I was growing up a little and late night sessions on Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario 64, F Zero X with my best friends were very memorable and enjoyable times for me.

I just mean to say that sure, OoT is a fantastic game, but there's more to it than that as to why I love it so much as it represents a lot of different memories.


Yup, A Link to the Past for me (I'm 31). Got it when I was 11, I think, and since then it's easily been my most played game ever. I play through a minimum of once a year and still love it.


You're dead right about why certain people prefer one over the other in terms of nostalgia, but I genuinely believe that ALttP was a better game all round. It's aged better too

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Said in another thread somewhere

Link to the past > ocarina of time

Super metroid > metroid prime

Super mario world > just about any platformer ever

I cannot shake the old 2D Nintendo games, I think other than f zero I prefer all of them in 2D, often consider getting a wii for £25 just to play the old games

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Mario 64 was the best of the Marios.


And this is coming from somebody who played Mario Bros 3 so much that I've owned 3 copies of it because I wore the first 2 out.


LttP is probably my second favourite Zelda, but OoT is miles out in front.

Honourable mention to Windwaker and Twilight princess (TP is underrated)


Anyone gone back and played the original Zelda lately?

That shit is hard as ****. Got myself to the last dungeon and couldn't do it. Like, ended up downloading a walkthrough and everything because I was so frustrated, still couldn't do it. Rock solid.


Zelda 2? **** off.

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Super Mario World is the best of the Mario's IMO, with Mario 64 close second.


Try as I might I could never get into any Zelda games older that LttP, though the GBA and DS had some absolute belters themselves

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Anyone gone back and played the original Zelda lately?

That shit is hard as ****. Got myself to the last dungeon and couldn't do it. Like, ended up downloading a walkthrough and everything because I was so frustrated, still couldn't do it. Rock solid.


Zelda 2? **** off.

Had this exact problem with so many games from when I was 8-11ish. Coming back to them later thinking they'll be easier now. No. Not even a little bit. Games were much, much harder 15 years ago.

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Perfect Dark was quality.


Went back and tried to play it on the hardest difficulty last year. It's rock solid but really fun.


I got stuck on that mission in the fancy house with the snipers at the beginning though. End of that mission is impossible on the hardest setting!

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