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The Nintendo 3DS


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Most unsurprising price cut ever. The thing has sold horrendously and was always too expensive.

Whether we actually see the difference here is another story though - retailers haven't had the 3DS anywhere near RRP for months... It still hasn't sold. This official price cut will likely only bring official rrp in line with current prices anyway. And theres still no software for it, besides OoT and SSFIV.

EDIT - And what software there is still too expensive. Even discounted they're steep, especially in the current market.

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I'd really, really, really think about it before making the plunge.

Especially since it's quite likely that in UK retailers, you're not going to see much of a price drop - they've already slashed profits to just shift the things. Which hasn't worked.

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The price verges on obscene, especially when you consider that given Nintendos current business strategy is to make money on consoles, I'd be very keen to see how much profit is in there.

I think it's safe to say that the answer to this thought I had was - 'A **** shitload'.

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It won't flop completely though , surely?

I did once have a DSi and want to get one back so I can relax with it when travelling (way too much of that and whilst the Iphone is ok, I have to save battery for calls) do I just go for a DSi again then? They won't stop producing games for it, will they?

Cheers mate.

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It won't flop, it's not like Nintendo will do what they did with the Virtual Boy, i.e. leave it to die and quietly pretend it didn't happen. They'll still be games for it. It may just suffer a little that publishers give up on it so to speak, and don't put in so much effort to release innovative games or, in some cases, games at all.

It's safe to assume that this price cut is Nintendo bricking it that the 3DS hasn't sold as well they might like however, no matter what they try to dress it up as. In fact you don't need to assume anything, in 3 months they've sold about 700k. For comparison, the standard DS iterations available sold double that in the same period, and everyone and their dog already has a DS.

If you were going to buy one, you need to consider a couple of things. The catalogue of games on the 3DS is currently grim, and the release schedule, while better, isn't superb. Theres a new Mario which looks very good, if a little clunky and slow (a problem of the 3D, I guarentee - speedy gameplay + 3D = headaches, nausea...), a new Mario Kart, Metal Gear Solid 3, Kid Icarus... It's an Ok end of year-ish line up. And they'll all be £35. At the moment the games about are pretty slim on the ground and pretty crap, asides from 3 or 4 titles. On the plus side theres a massive back catalogue of DS games the 3DS will play, though some look a little rough scaled up on the bigger screen.

Secondly, the 3DS has awful battery life. If you use the 3D, it'll last about 3 hours continuous play. You can get to double figures if you leave the 3d alone (a good idea, it's very awkward to use whilst moving and doesn't add anything to gameplay really), but still it's not really a patch on what the old consoles could do. You can buy a bigger battery from other manufacturers, but that makes the machine bulkier and it's more cost.

The price drop as I said also might not affect the actual price here - the system is already selling for way, way, way below the RRP of circa £230. It's been sub £200 even in games retailers (not always the cheapest) for a couple of months. Nintendo dropping the RRP here, which will likely only go to around what they're already selling for, probably isn't going to make it much, if any, cheaper here.

I'd buy a 3DS now if I wasn't bothered about the battery, was really keen on the new titles being released and wanted to see what else would be coming soon to take advantage of the power available, had the money to spend and wasn't bothered about the cost of the new titles.

If the power of the machine, the future prospects, the 3D etc didn't bother me at all, but I still wanted a dedicated handheld, I'd buy an older model, there are some decent deals about and there are a lot of great DS games out there and they're still being released.

The 3DS becomes an easier choice to make if the price drop does further significantly affect retailers prices in this country. I'm not sure it will given the discount it's already running at. If it does, it's easier to recommend, because even at the price it's at now (£180 with a launch title IIRC was/is available in some retailers) it's still a little too flawed for a little too much money imo.

However, thats just me. If £180 for the console and a launch title sounds decent to you, and the battery won't worry you and you love 3D and really want a powerful handheld and that Nintendo je ne sais quoi, i daresay you'll be happy with the purchase and will still be able to play all the old DS classics. Plus it seems that, if we are given the same deal as the US, you'll get a lot of freebies too for buying before the price drop.

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Awesome information there. I have a lot to think about and the main thing I am questioning (myself) is whether I would play any of the 3D games, I suffer motion sickness so it does concern me. Where-as there are plenty of DSi games I like the look of and would love to go through the FF games again.

Really not sure what to do as I wouldn't mind the 3DS but at the same time do have a few worries and then I would get a DSi but don't want the games to stop for that.

Great information mate. given me a lot to mull over.

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  • 3 months later...

So does anyone have one of these and do they have anything good to say?

I'm thinking of getting one but suffice to say there are probably only 3 games that interest me at the moment - the new Mario, Mario Kart 7 and of course, the Ocarina of Time remake.

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Hold off, there will be a redesign soon enough that should iron out some flaws, a decent bet it may be a significant update with an added extra circle pad given the (utterly stupid looking) extra pad add-on they're releasing because some games, Japan favourite Monster Hunter in particular, really benefit from twin sticks.

I had a crack at the new Mario the other day. 2 things jumped out. Firstly, its the first 3DS game I've encountered that makes the 3d much more necessary, its been designed to make use of it and at points its actually harder to play with it turned off. Second, as the videos suggested, its the slowest Mario game I've encountered, again one expects because of the 3d.

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Well bearing in mind a redesign hasn't been announced yet (:)) I'd have to guess. My bet would be mid-2012, and I'd expect at the very least it would be a cosmetic go over with better battery life. I would not be surprised if the extra stick featured however, since that add-on will get developers behind it and as an add-on alone its utterly absurd. If thats added I expect the whole machine to get a little bigger which'll help with the battery too.

All guesswork, but based on Ninty's track record I'll be surprised if next year doesn't see a revamp.

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Will probably hold off for now then, see how things are in the crappy months when nobody in retail makes any money (Feb-March), I imagine any announcement would be around then, I guess... just have to make do with Skyward Sword on Wii and SW:TOR on PC :)

Bit too expensive to buy on a whim anyway I think!

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I would absolutely hold off. I might buy one when they release the inevitable redesigned version. They were **** insane not to put a second analogue stick on it from day one and it seems they might be paying for it now. The circle pad addon is daft, and if they incorporate a second stick into the 3DSi (or whatever they plan to call it) will developers support it when there are so many 3DS units out there which cant take advantage? A splintered market is never good on consoles, and something as dramatic as a second analogue stick is definitely going to splinter the market.

The other thing I would want to see on a new 3DS is a battery which lasts longer than five minutes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chindle, my girlfriend went into Gamestation to buy a DSI XL for her mom for Xmas, they told her she would be better off with a 3DS as they are no longer getting DSI's of any sort sent to them as they are now no longer being made by Nintendo and thus are not being sold 'as new'. I thought it was bollocks and desperation to sell a 3DS but wanted to check with you.

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As far as I'm aware the DSi and XL are still in production. Only the original DS and the Lite have gone completely out of production to my knowledge.

Certainly we still receive new DSis and XLs at our place. We are receiving less than we have had before, especially XLsand we also get less varieties of them (which might suggest, though I've no idea if it's the case, that they've scaled back production and are putting out less colours, which might make sense). I've no idea whats meant by 'not being sold 'as new'' - we sure sell new DSIs, and XLs.

If I was approached by your missus all I can think I might have said is that the DSi XL doesn't represent great value any longer - we actually sell it at higher price than a 3DS I think now, in which case for a number of people if they just wanted a DS the 3DS might represent a better buy for some people. People buying for older relatives, particularly female, I tend to point in the direction of a DSi XL simply because the thing basically was designed for an older market, it's a larger item, more sombre in style and more easily usable for the older person.

The strange thing with this is I can't really think why they'd try to push a 3DS at you. It's well stocked now and with the offers and new releases has started to be a steady seller. If anything they'd probably be more desperate to sell DSI XLs as it's become a lower seller and would be taking up vital stock space (and is probably a bigger margin item now I guess too).

Did whoever she spoke to seem like a 'proper' staff member or a temp? I can only think she might have spoken to a temp a bit eager to do well and not terribly clued up.

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